Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Dewey, Chester (1857-03-21)

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                                                     (9)           [another hand- Mar 21, 1857]

I received one letter from you at </u Trieste > & found 3 more awaiting me at Paris - each of which was full of interest & very gratyfying to me. I should like, Sir, to speak about many things in them, but neither my time nor your patience will allow me to add any more to this letter save a word in relation to an article which I proposed to you last fall to offer to the Am. Journal of Science upon the Paris Basin, My long journey & a series of headaches which have hindered all study since my return, have entirely prevented my thinking upon the subject again until wthin a few days past. Thee encouragement which your remarks upon the subject contained has induced me to commence reading & studying up upon the matter with the view of writing the article </s which > before leaving Paris. As to its length I can not now say exactly but hardly think that I could limit it to less than 20 or 25 pages. Would it be necessary to "divide" a memoir of this length , & to avoid such a thing had not I better be even a little more concise? You asked me, before having read the sheets which I sent you with my map (& of which I kept a copy) if they" were in whole or in part the article proposed. "They were not so at all, although of course much of their matter would be used in another form. I think that I have about an idea of what would present the most interest to the readers of the journal.