Transcribe Woodcock, W. H. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-11-22)

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nwh Fort Wrangel Nov 22, 1880

Henry A. Ward Esq

       Dear Sir
                Your letter was res'd per

this mail. If possible I will obtain the Meteorite this season of the year, there is but little haul up the Coast, and I will have to wait for an opportunity. I will endeavor to procure you a skeleton of Sea otter, as I have spoken to an indian Sea otter hunter, Skins sell here at very high prices owing to Competition. Last Summer Sea otter brot from $80.00 - to $125.00 - in barter. Silver fox as high as $80.00 and other furs in proportion. If I had the cash I could procure them at less price. As to procuring specimens etc this coming Summer it would entail a considerable outlay of money, and if business would not permit me to attend to it I could procure ? men to attend to it. As you know nothing of me or my status - I would refer you without permission, to the American