Transcribe Ramsay, G. P. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-05-03)

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^on me^ at the Museum here we may be able to effect some exchanges, as we have many interesting Austra- lian fossils, </s here > of which I have recently had </u moulds > prepared. Your Photos will receive every care while with us. The specimens I am desirous of obtaining are Nu </u Glyptodon >, the </u Deinotherium >, & the Mastodon which I trust you will be able to let us have at a reduced price, </u say 50 pounds with Cases > I shall be glad to see you in Sydney soon

                     yours very truly
                         G.P. Ramsay

[another hand - Curator will allow cost of labor in packing. No other reduction If his attendants will pack the skeletons he may have at 1/2 cash and 1/2 ex- change at satisfactory prices for same.] [ybg]