Transcribe Nelson, E. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-10-06)

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[page 2] Besides the cast sales - $20^00^ worth have been marked sold & will be taken this week. The O. W. U. took one spec (in most cases the largest & most costly) of about 30 species. Including Favia

? ?, I find

but few shells not already in our collections. Our Cabinet of shells is the best part of our museum. You may expect at least $100 think it will go beyond that figure - This will be perhaps 3/4 of corals & 1/2 of shells sent. We close without fail on the 10th. Shall hope to get unsold goods off on the 13th. Have sent in two orders for hearts, etc since you left. "Our Country Cousins" seem to take them. Yours E. T. Nelson Hand change Nelson Oct '79