Transcribe Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus). Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-04-10)

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a permanency. Almost the last thing De Kempeneer said to me was to get him a place if possible. I will write him and in the mean time will you kindly advise me and I will confer with Dr. Garrow and Prof. Baird. I am in a quandry as to just what to do but it is extremely aggravating to lose a half more salary. The S. A. T. </u moved > and I will write you soon about painting the screen etc. I wish to heaven you </u could > get some positive benefit out of the show and hope after it is over we shall be able to explain your great kindness to the Society. We number 461 entries this year against 222 last year and that two after putting in many cases two kids under one number. I think that if the S. A. T. is <'u ever > to have a grand show it is now and if it is a success it will as much your show as Carnegie's. The U. S. N. M. is a good friend to the Society and Prof. Goode sends H. and I on Museum business in that we lose no time. Moreover - this is mere possibility - he told us to keep track of our expenses and he </u might > - with a big ? - pay those. I hope we shall meet in New York and that you may look upon your work and say it is good. Meantime please advise me and if I can get the $1,800. I shall rejoice. Could you at a pinch lend Gueret for two or three months to hold a place until De K . gets around!

                         Sincerely yours
                                                Fred. A. Lucas.

[another hand in the left margin - </u Lucas> Apr, '83] [YBG]