Transcribe Lechevallier, A. Letter to Director of the Society of Natural History of Boston (1883-02-10)

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Have no use for this and send it to you H.W. [annotation by H. Ward, in pencil]

Key west. Fla. 10th Feb 1883. To the Director of the Society of Natural History of Boston Mass.

Dear Sir:- I have the pleasure to inform you that I am in Fla: since four months and that I have already a pretty good collection of birds from this country and shall remain in Florida till the first of July. and by the time I hope to have a beautiful collection of birds & skins & eggs etc{illeg.] and if you wish any- thing from this country please me and have your order and I shall try to fulfill it to your satisfaction. I have at the present time on hand. Audubonia occidentalis [Great blue heron]; male female adult & young in down & the eggs. Pandion carolinensis [osprey]; male female adult & young in down & eggs Platalea ajuja [roseate spoonbill]; male female adult & young in down & eggs And some other good specimens. I hope to find soon, the eggs & young in down of the Tachypetes Aquila [great frigate bird] & the Tantalus Loculator [wood stork] and I hope a good deal to find also the eggs of the Pernicoptera [sic] Ruber [American flamingo]-Flam- mingo & the Nauclerus furcatus [American swallow-tailed kite]. I leave tomorrow for the Everglades where I shall remain about two months I hope to hear from you soon Yours truly, A. Lechevallier Miami (Dade County) P. off. via Key west Fla.

P.S. To facilitate communication with my corre spondents of the United States & to have them trouble of Custom House duty; I have established a depot in New York Please forward my collec- ion and where you shall find at any time a good assortment of the birds & eggs already named. address yourself to Mr. Lucas[?]- Montreciel[illeg.]-338 West 37th Street-New York- A. LeC