Transcribe Jackson, J. A. Letter to Hornaday, William Temple (1879-09-09)

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one ray of hope and it is all founded on you own enthusiasm.

    Your goal is f the kind that generally

succeeds - In addition while almost with- out hope of State aid, we will promise to do all we can. One member of our Academy Mr. J A. Harvey, will doubt- less be a member of the next legisla- ture, and will give the movement his vote and influence. We can count on the assistance of others in that body but when it comes to a majority? I tell you it seems impossible to me. The legislature will be ex- pected to make an appropriation of a quarter of a million for our Capitol building and the grangers from other parts of the State will argue that, that is enough for Desilloines.

    Desilloines raised over ten thousand

dollars this summer by private subscrip- tion to secure the location of the State fair here, but our people care a good deal more for horse flesh and fine stock