Transcribe Howell, Edwin Eugene. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-10-29)

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Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Minerals, Rocks, Fossils, Geological Relief Maps, Models and Diagrams, and Archaological Specimens WARD & HOWELL.

 Casts of Fossils, Skins and Skeletons of Animals,  Invertebrates 

(Crustaceans, Shells, Corals, etc)

 Glass Models of ditto, Anatomical Models,  Glass Models of ditto,
 Anatomical Models, Human Skeletons, etc

H. A. Ward, A. M.

No. 2 College Avenue, (opposite University) </s Rochester, N. Y. > Oct. 29., 1879.

                                   Nov. 4

Dear Prof.

    Please answer the inclosed letter.  The

Piper he wants is "The All Devanine Grd." I will write Stocton about it, and the other things that are to go to him, and tell him all about shipping them. I will not write him however until tomorrow. So as to join your time to coun- termand the order to ship at once, if there be any reason for us doing, but I do not see why there should be. Generet and I are nicely located at 21 North Ave. good rooms and good board at $13. per week for both! Everything is going on well with the Megatherium Pedeclot is ready. I was all in, and the Peloris has gotten into place and fastened this P.M. I think now that the work of mounting this one will be less, instead of more, then mounting a frechons. but am not quite certain yet. Shall expect to hear from you in a day or two. How did you make out with Knowlton? We shall probably get a turn from