Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-02-23)

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I went to see Mr Z Dedrick, 18 Maiden Lane, who is Sec of the Board of Trustees, & has the thing in charge. He asked $25. per night for a six days show, seats down. I offered $250. if they would take up the seats. This, mind you, for six days, </u plus > 3 days before & 3 days after for work. Mr Dederick regarded. my offer </u favourably >, & after I left laid it before the Trustees. He now writes the Trustees are not willing to take up the seats ! and therefore cannot let us have it.

    Now, every man has his price, and the

Trustees have theirs. I have written to ask them what it is. I have offered to guarantee that the seats can be taken up & put back without injury to anything. Look at them and you will see it is a matter of men & money. In my offer I allowed $100. extra for that, above the $150. asked. The Sunday worshipers in the Hall we propose to </u buy out > for 2 Sundays. I learned from the Janitor of th Temple,