Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-12-25)

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He had pictures taken of the flamingo's, my monkey which took the prize & Webster's tern (Frank Ward's); An owl of Percy Aldrich's; Lucas' group of hawks; a deer head, an antelope head, and dog head buy the undersigned, and also my ibis & alligator; Webster's peacock screen, two owls, golden eagle, Lagothrix, (from U. S. N. M.) two medallions, my </u Balistes. > & Wobblygang. Fraine's woodcock & young, & plovers ditto, same of Bailley's frogs & 3 grotesque groups of C. W. Graham's. The article is </u certain > to appear, for the Century people have already ordered it. It will be a bif boon for the S. A. T. & no mistake, and if I have any hand in it the </u friends > of the Society will not be forgotten. I intend that in it a handsome acknowledgement shall be made of all the valuable & costly assistance you have rendered us. Beard is a good fellow & business to the back bone; a Jolly good fellow & </u deeply > interested in our Society and work. I wish he was more interested in that exhibition than any other exhibition he ever saw of </u any > kind, He stayed five days in Boston & all he would take for his expenses was $20. ! He lives in New York you know. He gave us no end of encouragement, enough to fully counterbalance our dreadful $25 loss. He says that "if we only </u stick to it > & keep right on as we have begun in two or three years our fine work will command fancy prices, the same as pictures & statues." He says he knows rich turf men who would quickly give $500 to have a favorite horse mounted as nearly perfect any dog is, with all the muscles showing. </u but > before they offer it they want to </u know > that they will get what they want. He says we ought to put up a horse in trotting action for the next Exhibition, and make all his muscles show right out. I told him we are all (individually) too poor to stand the expense, which would be heavy. He says our prices are all too low, that such prices,