Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-11-10)

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him for a long time. If he is harassed more on account of his debt & dunned constantly for a year or so it may teach him the value of a dollar, which will be a most valuable lesson to him.

    Alice is becoming quite a sedate little maiden, and I judge

that to her Mother her most trying period has passed. She will soon be old enough to be reasonable, which is all she lacks. Our baby is to her a "great living curiosity- "and her conversation about it </s an > ^is^ enough to make a horse laugh. She credits it with understanding all that is said to it !!

    Mrs Ward has not been at all well lately, and last week

came near having a serious time. Henry I budding a heal- thy little mustache of which he is more proud than all his other attainments. As yet I cannot see that he resembles his father in anything except his stomach. I suppose you have been told by everybody that poor Joe (Schollick) has lost his right eye - and I hear also that Mrs S. is again enciente. Too bad all round.

    The Rev. Wendall Brine was here two weeks ago, came apparently

on purpose to see the Estab. and write it up for his "Observer". He took copious notes (Mr Stuebuer showed him around be- cause Lucas was away.) and bought $10. worth of eggs. We will have some copies of the paper when article is published.

    Critchley & Forrest are new installed in the Large Museum with Webster

& I, & I think all hands work better on account of it. Lee Ward got a fine $30. stove for the centre of the room, which is a </u good investment >, economical of coal & efficient.

    I have lately heard that the Hon L. H. Morgan is not expected 

to live, - dropsy.

    The Exhibition of the S. A. T. will be held in Horticultural Hall

Boston Dec 15th to 21st We have engaged the hall 10 days for $400. & intend to make a big strike. The Establishment boys will fill </u half > the hall, or nearly so. The skins from Theobald are in N. Y., delayed there fearfully.

    If you have time, will you please invest about $2. to $3.

in a nice tortoise shell brooch for Mrs Chamberlain, an </u elderly > lady you know.

    Yours eternally, Wm T. Hornaday.