Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-11-24)

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am concerned, but nothing has been done to the pedestal. Have been writing steadily ever since completing the orang groups and once again i find myself down to hard ?. Could you allow Mr Baker to spare me about $20, when he pays the men next Saturday? If so please write him to do so when he comes up from the Office with the bag. I hope to make another raise soon, but meanwhile we must live. Would be glad to work in the shops at my old wages if I could afford to do it and let my writing go by the board. You see Mr Bliss and I am planning to flood Iowa with "H. circulars, pamphlets, etc" - about lecturing of course, and I hope that I may be able to get out there and try to get that bill through even