Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-08-10)

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both of us same service - as well as his paper. Now </u would it do >to have Brooks come up next Friday by himself to see the group.</s but > write out his account. let me correct it, </u but > not publish it until the appointed day? Could a newspaper man be </u trusted > to keep back such a Jolly good item to please somebody else? I </u fear > not, yet Brooks has always been very square upon such matters, & I think </u always > keeps his word. Brooks is one of my </u best > friends here, & I want him to see the group </u anyhow >. So please tell me that I may ask him up Next Friday (for he goes Saturday) provided he keep his pen still.

    I sent </s the > an abstract of my

Orang paper, title, &e. last Wednesday., and asked that it be put on the program for the 8th day. I had not intended to be there the 1st day. unless it should be otherwise necessary, but Mr Lucas tells me you want the paper to come on the </u first > day. Very well, but hadn't </u you > better write a line to Prof. Putnam about it, as you are better acquainted? Or if you think best, I will do so myself.