Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-02-11)

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to pay. I shall call on Mr Gilbert Clements in San Francisco for letters and advices as to any- thing you may want me to do on the Pacific Coast. Will also send a telegram when I arrive (i.e. a telegram to Rochester. Do you think I ought to show myself to the right parties as I go through Iowa and be </u Interviewed > perhaps, for the sake of the H. collection? If so, tell me just what you want me to do, and </u all about it >. Major Studer will give me hearty letters to a number of people in Des Moines. Clarkson of the </u State Register > for one, and it might be as well for me to see him, and also to run up to Ames to see Prof. Bessey (I shall count </u much > on him), and the Pres't of the I. S. A. C. Let me know as soon as you possibly can about it. Sorry we did not think of this con- tingency long ago, but going home like this hardly entered my mind until the last fortnight.

    I will stop a week in Iowa (or

ten days at most) and a week in Battle Creek - or </s return > ^longer^ if necessary. and will probably fetch up in Rochester about May 1st ready