Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-01-22)

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ybg Singapore, Jan. 22nd 1879. My dear Prof. Ward:

    I have nothing whatever to

write unless it be to remark that I ^have^ not ^received^ your hundred pounds and am in debt to everybody it seems. Have not even had a letter from you for three mails now, and the last told me nothing atall about money matters. I have got down now to the "eating sleeping and waiting", and so far as enjoying it is concerned I think I would -other things being equal - rather be living. Am not collecting a </u thing >, not the least thing, and don't spend a cent because - well, </u because. >Would you like to know where my watch is just now? I'll tell you if you'll get it and bring it to me. Why don't I borrow of M. D. & Co? Well I have borrowed of them - $50. - and I'll be hanged rather than go to them again.

    This makes the eleventh time I have

run clean out of money since leaving home. You keep telling me to "save 30 or 40. pounds to </u wait > on". Refinement of sarcasm. I wish God I could get enough money ahead once to pay all my debts and leave me that much to "wait on."

    Well, I'm getting tired of this thing;

how is it with you? I never felt