Transcribe Hazzard, C. W. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-10-03)

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nwh Oct. 3.

       Prof. Ward's Natural History
                Est?: ?:- a very

considerable interest has been awaken I hear by your exhibit at the Pby Exposition.

      I thought you might like to

advertise specimens of minerals, students' sets, & sets for Academics, schools etc etc and if so I will you say half a column 2 or 3 times, and take pay in a small box of specimens. These I could use for teaching my boys - and to start them in the collection of a cabinet.

       Dr. Foote made quite a 

number of sales by advertising with me just after the Centennial. If you have

anything to offer in this line I will be

glad to be liberal, as I am interested in having our young folks engage in the study of Natural history, especially dynamical Geology. Yours Very Truly. C. W. Hazzard, Editor