Transcribe Gueret, Edmond. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-11-28)

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have enough funds my expenses are since the last accout of $39.85 Breakfast .25 Dinner .50 Washing .40 Supper [lode'g] & breakfast 1.25 Wages 7.50


You say in your of the 21th that my wages from the time of my reaching Crawfordsville will be 17 1/2 [cts] per hour when you paid me in Boston that is paid my time up to Saterday of that Week. you said that my wages from </u next week > or </u from that time > would be at the rate of $10.50 per </u week > ten hours I hope that you will keep your word I have marked down my wages </u from that time > at the agreed rate

Yours Respectfully

Edmond Gueret [ybg]