Transcribe Draper, Paul. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-01-04)

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                                              OFFICE OF
                                  ARCADE FILE WORKS
                      CLARKE & DRAPER, PROPRIETORS                               
                                                    SING SING, N.Y. Jan 4th   1883

Mr Ward, Dear Sir, I here send you a list of some eggs that I collected this spring, and having others in my collection, they are useless to me. They are all side flown, and are all in sets just as they were found. And if they are worth $5 I will send them to you. They are as follows. ___________________________________ Blue Bird 4 sets of 5 ^eggs^ each Black Billed Cuckoo ' " "' 2 Brown Thrush ' " " 5 Cedar Bird ' " " 4 Cat Bird 5 " " 4 Cow Black Bird 9 eggs____ Common Crow 1 set " 5 English Sparrow 5 " " 5 Golden Winged Woodpecker set of 13 eggs House Wren 3 sets of 5 eggs each Least Flycatcher ' " " 5 " Orchard Oriole ' " " 5 " Pewit Fly Catcher ' " " 5 " Song Sparrow ' " " 5 " Wood Robin ' " " 4 " Yellow Breasted Chat 5 sets of 4 eggs each---total 152 eggs Adress Paul Draper Sing Sing N.Y. P.O. box 335 (</u over >) Dear Mr Baker Had 9 Cutter take these? Answer to Rochester. H.A.W.