Transcribe Davidson, H. M. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-11-15)

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(2) Bird Skins for myself and others in 1872 & have devoted my leisure time to a study of the subject I have also prepared & mounted several animals. Deers Heads etc Now what I wish to ask is as follows viz: 1st What do you preserve Skins of Animals. Deers heads & those of and similar species.? 2nd What do ^you^ stuff such heads with? 3rd If you use Straw ? or Excelsior can the specimens be made to dry as smooth and slick as when Saw dust is used? Which of the above do you like best? Do you tie or wind anything to keep Hair smooth 4th On preserving a Deers head or entire skin when there is consid- erable blood do you soak it in water before proceeding to preserve? 5th Do ever make a poisonous Liquor</U. or <u>pickle for placing