Transcribe Stafford, Cyril. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-05-14)
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as soon as possible, what you would give for such a skeleton in a few supposed stages of preservation. I may however as well state that I can have nothing to do with the affair unless I am allowed to send the bones to Melbourne without delay, to yourself or an accredited Agent. Sincerely yours Cyril Stafford
- I mean that I would much
prefer to be quit of them as soon as possible. Any directions will of course be strictly attended to. I think it is a great pity I knew nothing about this until after you left. C.S. [in Ward's handwriting: Fresh and entire were worth 8 pounds. Coloured by soil and wanting [sternal?] cartilages 6 pounds. After that less for all defects or lackings. Skull with jaw 25/-.