Transcribe Clinton, G. W. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-12-02)
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Buffalo, Dec. 2, 1870
My dear Professor:
Please don't blame
me in the matter of your bill.
Upon the receipt of your letter months
ago I called attention to it & have
rested happy in the belief that it
was paid. I had before called
attention to it repeatedly.
My personal position is simply
this: At the time of the [contraction?]
of the bill I said I would see it
paid. It is not paid & I am in
honor bound to pay it. I have
been all along and and very poor.
My [saying?] referred only to a
sale of about $100. If you will
send a receipted bill (receipted
thus "Rec'd [of G] payt of GW Clinton")
And the amount in only from
$100-$105 & no interest is
charged, by Express. I
will pay it to the Express
and [look?] to the Society.