Browse Items
- (Shetland)
- *
- A History of Fossils
- A Relation Concerning Barnacles
- A. S. Barnes & Co.
- aard wolf
- aardvark
- Abbott, Charles Conrad
- aborigines
- Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
- Abyssinia trip
- Academy and Normal School Collection
- Academy Collection
- Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
- Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Sciences at Philadelphia
- Academy Series
- Academy Series of Casts
- Acalephs
- Acanthion javanicum
- Acanthisitta chloris
- Acanthoglossus bruynii
- Acanthopterygii
- accident
- Acclimatization Society (Australia)
- Achatina reticulata
- Achatina zebra
- Achilles
- acid pickle
- acorn shell barnacle
- Acranthus viridis
- Acrobata
- Acrobata pygmaea
- Actinias
- actinolite
- adamite
- Adams, Captain
- Adams, Charles Francis, 1857-1893
- Adams, Mr.
- Aden, Arabia
- Adiantites hibernicus
- Aegoceros koba
- Aepyornis
- aerolite
- aerosiderolite
- aeschynite
- Africa
- Africa--Lake Tanganyika
- Africa--Nubia
- Africa--Settite (Tekeze) River
- African elephant
- agalmatolite
- Agassiz Memorial Fund
- Agassiz Museum
- Agassiz, Alexander
- Agassiz, Louis
- agate
- Age of Fishes
- Age of Ice
- Age of Reptiles
- Ah Kee
- Ainu
- Aix sponsa
- Akeley, Carl
- Alabama
- Alabama--Coosa County
- alabandite
- Alaska
- Alaska Commercial Company
- Alaska--North Pole
- Alaska--Pribilof Islands
- Alaska--Seal Islands
- Alaskan birds
- Alaskan seal
- Alaskan three-toed woodpecker
- albatross
- Alberta--Athabasca
- Alberta--Athabasca River
- Alberta--Edmonton
- Alberta--Lake Athabasca
- Alberta--Lesser Slave Lake
- albinism
- albite
- Alces malchis
- Alcorn University
- Aldrich, P. W.
- Alecto
- Alethopteris
- Aleut Indians
- alexandrite
- Alflanello, Italy
- Alfred University
- algae
- Algeria
- Algonyum digitatum
- allanite
- Allegheny College
- Allen, Joel Asaph
- Allentown Academy of Natural Sciences
- alligator
- alligator gar
- Alligator mississippinensis
- alligator turtle
- almandine
- Alps
- altaite
- Aluco flammeus
- alumen plumosum
- aluminum
- alunite
- Alveopora daedalea
- amalgam
- Amaurornis mollucensis
- amber
- ambergrise
- Ambystoma
- Ambystoma mexicana
- Ambystoma movoritum
- American archaeology collection
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Beaver
- American Express
- American Journal of Science
- American Journal of Science and Arts
- American Minerals and Fossils
- American Monthly Microscopical Journal
- American Museum at New York
- American Museum of Natural History
- American Museums
- American Naturalist
- American Ornithologists Union
- Ames Shovel Company
- amethyst
- Amherst College
- Amia
- Amia calva
- amianthus
- amidocresols
- Amity Point, Australia
- ammonite
- Ammonites oxynotus
- Amoeba
- Amotia serpyllofolia
- Amphibia
- amphibole
- Amphiuma
- Amphiuma means
- Amphiuma tridactyla
- Amsterdam
- Anagollis arvensis
- analcite
- Ananchytes
- Anarhynchus frontalis
- Anas boschas
- Anas obscura
- Ancient Society
- andalusite
- Anderson School
- Andrias scheuchzeri
- anemone
- Anestrodon
- Angiosperm
- Anguis fragilis
- Anhinga
- anhydrite
- animal mounds, Wisconsin
- Anne of Geierstein
- Anoura
- ant
- Antarctica
- anteater
- Antechinus
- Antedon
- antelope
- Anthornis melanura
- Anthozoa
- anthropoid ape
- Anthropology
- Antilocapra
- Antilocapra americana
- antimony
- Antioch College
- Antiochus
- antiquity
- Antirrhinum majus
- antler
- Anu
- apatite
- ape
- aphid
- Apis
- Aplacental mammals
- Aploceros
- Aploceros americanus
- Aploceros montanus
- apophyllite
- Aptenodytes
- Apteryx
- Apteryx australis
- Apteryx haasti
- Apteryx mantelli
- Apteryx maxima
- Apteryx oweni
- aquamarine
- Aquila chrysaetus
- Ara macao
- Arabia
- Arachnology
- aragonite
- Ararauna ararauna
- Archaeology
- Archaeopteryx
- Archegosaurus
- Archeology
- Archibuteo sancti johannis
- Archimedes
- Arctic
- Arctic Ocean
- Arctocephalus cuculliger
- Arctomys
- Arctomys monax
- Arctopithecus cuculliger
- Arctopithecus flaccidus
- Ardea flavicollis
- Ardea sacra
- arfvedsonite
- Argentina
- argentite
- Argillite
- argus pheasant
- Arisoema triphyllum
- Arizona
- Arizona--Clifton
- Arizona--Cochise County
- Arizona--Grand Canyon
- Arizona--Phoenix
- Arizona--Salt River
- Arizona--Tucson
- Arizona--Yuma County
- Arkansas
- Arkansas--Fayetteville
- Arkansas--Hot Springs
- Arkansas--Magnet Cove
- armadillo
- armlet
- Armour, J. A.
- arquerite
- arrow point
- Arsenal Building
- Arsenal Collection
- arsenic
- art school
- Arthropoda
- Articulata
- artifact
- Arvicola rufescens
- Arvicola xanthigenosus
- asbestos
- Ascaris
- Ascidiaceae
- Ashtar-Chemosh
- Asia
- Asia--Aral Sea
- Asia--East Indies
- Asia--Straits Settlements
- Asinus burchelli
- Asinus vulgaris
- Asinus zebra
- aspasiolite
- Aspergillum javanicum
- Aspergillum vaginiferum
- Aspidonectes ferox
- Assyrian figures
- Assyrian Kings
- Astar
- Astarte
- Asteria
- Astraea
- Astronomical Observatory
- Astronomy
- Astrophyton
- Astur atricapillus
- Astur atricapillus henshawi
- Astur sylvestris
- atacamite
- Atagen sp.
- Ateles hybridus
- Ateles paniscus
- Atherura fasciculata
- Athyris
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantosaurus
- Atlantosaurus montanus
- Atrio del Cavallo, Mount Vesuvius, Italy
- Atrypa
- Auchenia guanaco
- Auckland
- Auckland Acclimatization Society
- Auckland Museum
- Audubon collection
- Audubon, John J.
- Audubon, Maria R.
- augite
- auk
- Auk: A Quarterley Journal of Ornithology
- Ausland
- Australasia
- Australia
- Australia--Gulf of Carpentaria
- Australia--Norfolk Island
- Australia--Snowy River
- Australia--Tyrol
- Australia--Williams River
- australian animals
- Australian coralline
- Australian Museum, Sydney
- Austria
- Austria--Braunau
- Austria--Carinthia
- Austria--Huttenburg
- Austria--Loling (extinct city)
- Austria--Vienna
- Austria--Werfen
- Austro-Hungary
- autumnal tree duck
- Auzoux
- Auzoux model
- Averani, Giuseppe
- Aves
- avocet
- awahto
- award
- axe
- Axis maculatus
- axolotl
- Aythya americana
- Aythya vallysneria
- Azoic age
- azurite
- Azygograptus
- B., L. W.
- B., S. B.
- Baal-meon
- Babcock
- Babirussa alfurus
- baboon
- Babylonia
- Bachelder, Charles F.
- Bacon, Theodore
- bactrian camel
- badger
- Badlands, South Dakota
- Baffin Bay
- Bahama Islands
- Bahamas--Nassau
- Bailly
- Baily, Jules F. D.
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887
- Baker, A. B.
- Balaenoptera musculus
- Balanus psittacus
- bald eagle
- baldpate
- baleen
- Balfour, Van Vleck
- Ballou, W. H., 1857-1937
- banded seal
- bandicoot
- Bantlin, Julius J., -1898
- Barbados
- barbary ape
- barbary deer
- barcenite
- barium
- barking frog
- barn owl
- barnacle
- barnacle tree
- Barnard, William Stebbins
- Barnett, Sidney
- Barnum and London Combined Shows
- Barnum, Phineas Taylor
- barred owl
- Barrows, W. B., 1855-1923
- Barrows, Walter Bradford, 1855-1923
- Bascanion constrictor
- Bascom, John, 1827-1911
- Bassaris astuta
- Bastian, H. C.
- bat
- Batrachia
- bead
- bead work
- bean goose
- bear
- Beard, Daniel C.
- Beard, James C.
- Beauchene
- Beaux Arts, France
- beaver
- Beaver Indians
- Becquerel, Henri
- bee
- bee orchis
- bee-eaters
- behavioral notes
- Bel
- Belemnites
- Belgium
- Belgium--Antwerp
- Belgravia
- Belideus ariel
- Belideus bidens
- Belideus sciureus
- bell bird
- Bellonius
- Beltis
- Beluga catadon
- Bement, C. S.
- bengal tiger
- Benin
- Berea Grit
- Berlin Museum
- Bernicla nigricans
- beryl
- berzelianite
- Beth-baal-meon
- Beth-Bamoth
- Beth-Diblathaim
- Beth-Gamul
- Betongii rufescens
- Bettengia
- Bezer
- Bible
- Bibos gaurus
- Bickmore, Albert Smith
- Bierstadt, Albert
- Big Horn Expedition
- bighorn sheep
- Bikram
- Biledeus
- Bilin
- bill of lading
- bill of sale
- Billings, John S. (John Shaw), 1838-1913
- Biogenesis
- Biogeography
- bird
- Bird of Minerva
- bird of paradise
- birds
- birds (Australian)
- Birds of America
- Birds of Eastern North America
- Birds of India
- Birds of North America
- Birgus latro
- Bischoff, Dr.
- biscobra
- Bishop of Melbourne
- bismuth
- bismuthenite
- bison
- Bison americanus
- bittern
- bivalve
- black bear
- black brant
- black duck
- Black foot Indian
- black guillemot
- black leopard
- black macaque
- Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser
- black swan
- black vulture
- black walnut block
- black walnut case
- black walnut pedestal
- black walnut perch
- black walnut roller
- black walnut shield
- black-tailed deer
- black-throated diver
- blackfish
- Bland, Thomas
- Blaschka model
- Blaschka, Leopold
- blende
- blesbock
- Blobose pyriplacis
- blow pipes
- blue jay
- blue-winged teal
- bluebird
- boa
- boar
- bobolink
- Bogota, Colombia
- Bohemia, Czech Republic
- bole
- Bolivia--Atacama
- Bolivia--Meyellones
- Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903
- Bombinator igneus
- bonds
- bone
- bone carving
- bones (human)
- Bontius, Mr.
- boomerang
- Booth, B. S.
- boracite
- borage
- borax
- boric acid
- Boricky, Emanuel
- Bornean frog
- Borneo
- Borneo--Sadong River
- Bos
- bos americanus
- Bos gaurus
- Bos indicus
- Bos taurus
- Boston Society of Natural History
- Boston Transcript
- botanical
- Botany
- bottlestein
- bournonite
- Bowdoin College
- bower bird
- Box 14
- Box 16
- Box 17
- Box 18
- Box 2
- Box 23
- Box 3
- box terrapin
- Boyle, Dr.
- Boyle's Law
- Bracey, Sophia F.
- Brachiopoda
- Brachycephalus ephippium
- Brachyotus palustris
- Brachyrhamphus marmoratus
- brain coral
- Branchocela jubata
- brant goose
- brass mounts
- brass standards
- Brazil
- Brazil--Minas Geras
- Brazil--Rio de Janeiro
- bream
- breech cloth
- Brehm, Alfred Edmund
- Brevoort Place Hotel
- Brewer, William Henry
- brewsterite
- Brisbane, Australia
- Brissus
- Britain
- British America
- British Association
- British Columbia
- British Columbia--Vital Creek
- British crown
- British Guiana (Guyana)
- British Museum
- British North America
- broadaxes
- Broadway, Milwaukee
- bromyrite
- Brontosaurus
- Brontotheridae
- Brontozoa
- bronze
- bronze curlew
- bronzed standard
- bronzite
- brookite
- Brooklyn Society of Natural history
- Brooks Hall
- Brooks, Lewis
- Brooks, W. K.
- brown bat
- brown bear
- brown pelican
- brown thrasher
- Brown University
- Brucciani, Domenico
- brucite
- Brules
- brush turkey
- Bryozoa
- bubale
- Bubalus buffalus
- Bubalus caffer
- Bubo maximus
- Bucephala albeola
- Bucephala islandica
- Buceros bicornis
- Buceros ruficollis
- Buchtel College
- buck
- Buckland, Frank
- Buckland, William
- budorcas
- Budytes flaxus
- buffalo
- Buffalo Academy of Natural Sciences
- Buffalo Bill
- Buffalo Society
- Buffon, Comte de
- Bufo agua
- Bufo americana
- Bufo saeber
- Bufo variabilis
- bull
- Bull, C. L., 1874-1932
- Buller, Mr.
- Bulletin
- Bulletin of Geological Survey
- Bulletin of the British Museum
- Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club
- Burchell's Zebra
- Bureau of Ethnology
- Burma (Myanmar)
- Burma (Myanmar)--Tenasserim Division
- Burnham, S. M.
- burnt moth
- Burroughs, John
- burrowing owl
- Bushman
- Business inventory
- bust
- bustard
- Butastur
- Butcher, Dr.
- Buteo swainsoni
- Butler, William
- butterfly
- Buzue-sadi-rabi
- Byritrichiphylum
- cabinet
- Cabinet of Invertebrates
- Cabinet of Minerals
- Cabinet of Vertebrates
- Cabinets of Museums of America
- Cabot's tern
- Cacatua molluccensis
- cacomixle
- cactus
- cadmium
- Caffer
- Caius College
- calamine
- calaverite
- Calceola
- calciferous
- calcite
- calcium
- Caldwell, Mr.
- caledonite
- calf
- California
- California Academy of Sciences
- California Condor
- California sea lion
- california woodpecker
- California--Borax Lake
- California--Farallon Islands
- California--Golden Gate
- California--Nevada County
- California--Point Reyes
- California--San Francisco
- California--San Jose
- California--San Miguel Island
- California--Santa Barbara
- California--Santa Barbara Island
- California--Santa Clara Valley
- Callithrix cuprea
- Callocephalus vitulinus
- Callorhinus
- Callorhinus ursinus
- Calornis metallica
- Calotes mystacinus
- Calotes ophiomacus
- Cambrian
- cambric tunic
- Cambridge elephant
- Cambridge Museum
- camel
- Camellius, Mr.
- Camelopardalis giraffa
- Camelus arabicus
- Camelus bactrianus
- Camp, N.H.
- Campephilus pileatus
- Camper, Pierre
- Canada
- Canada--British Columbia
- Canada--Coppermine River
- Canada--Curran Island
- Canada--Great Bear Lake
- Canada--Labrador
- Canada--Lady Franklin Bay
- Canada--Pitt River
- Canada--Slave River
- canary bird
- Canary Islands--Isle of Palma
- cancranite
- Canis azarae
- Canis dingo
- Canis familiaris
- Canis latrus
- canis vulpes
- cannel coal
- cannibalism
- canoe
- canoe carvings
- Canon Diablo meteorite
- canterbury bell
- Canterbury Museum
- canvasback duck
- Cape Barren goose
- cape buffalo
- Cape of Good Hope
- Cape Verde--Harbor of Port Grande (Porto Grande)
- Capen, E. A.
- Capen, E. H.
- capped macaque
- Capra ibex
- Capra nubicana
- Capra thebiaca
- Capreolus caprea
- Capromys
- Capromys piloroides
- Caprovis montana
- capybara
- caracal
- Caranx hippos
- carbonates
- Carboniferous
- carbuncle
- Carcinology
- caribbean seal
- caribou
- Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
- Carnivora
- carnivore
- carolina parrakeet
- Carolina parrot
- carp
- Carpinski, Mr.
- Carpophaga rubricera
- Carpophaga van wycki
- Carr, Lucien
- Carribean Sea
- carrion
- carson footprints
- Cartography
- carved image
- cases
- Caspian Sea
- cassiterite
- cassowary
- cast
- cast (whale)
- Castor canadensis
- Casts
- Casts of Celebrated Fossils
- Casts of Fossils
- Casuarius
- Casuarius bennetti
- Caswell, George
- cat
- cat gut
- cat monkey
- cat's eye
- catalog
- catalog numbers
- Catalog of casts
- catalogue
- Catalogue of Comparative Osteology
- Catalogue of Foreign Birds' Eggs
- Catalogue of Foreign Eggs
- Catalogue of Geology and Lithology
- Catalogue of Glass Models
- Catalogue of Human Skeletons
- Catalogue of Human Skeletons and Anatomical Preparations
- Catalogue of Invertebrates
- Catalogue of Mineralogy
- Catalogue of Minerals
- Catalogue of North American Birds' Eggs
- Catalogue of Osteological Preparations
- Catalogue of Paleontology
- Catalogue of Shells
- Catalogue of Skins and Mounted Specimens
- Catalogue of Specimens in Comparative Osteology
- Caucasus Mountains
- cave bear
- Cave towns
- cavolinite
- celestine
- celestite
- Centennial Exposition
- Centetes ecaudatus
- Central America
- Central College
- Central Park Museum
- Centre College
- Centropus ateralbus
- Centropus philipensis
- Centropus senegalensis
- Centropus violaceus
- Century
- Cephalaspis
- Cephalopoda
- Cephalotes peroni
- cerargyrite
- Ceratites nodosus
- Ceratodus
- Ceratodus fosteri
- Ceratorhina monocerata
- Cercaria
- Cercocebus collaris
- Cercocebus fuliginosus
- Cercoleptes caudivolvulus
- Cercopithecus
- Cercopithecus ruber
- Cercopithecus rufoviridis
- Cercopithecus saboeus
- Cereopsis novaehollandiae
- Cerithium giganteum
- Cerithium telescopium
- cerium
- cerussite
- cervantite
- Cervulus aureus
- Cervus aristotelis
- Cervus axis
- cervus campestris
- Cervus canadensis
- Cervus columbianus
- Cervus elaphus
- Cervus leucurus
- Cervus macrotis
- Cervus marinus
- Cervus virginianus
- Ceryle alcyon
- Cestracion phillipsi
- Cetacea
- Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
- chacma baboon
- Chaetopoda
- chalcanthite
- chalcedony
- chalcocite
- Chalcophaps stephani
- chalcopyrite
- chalcotrichite
- Chaldean
- chalk
- chalk fossils
- Chalybes (Roxbury Station), Massachusetts
- Chamberlain, Montague
- Chameleo dilepis
- chamois
- Chance, Mr.
- Characteristic Fossils
- chart
- Chart of Geological Time
- Charybidis
- Chas. Scribner's Sons Publishers
- Chaulelasmus streperus
- Chautauqua Sunday School Assembly
- Cheeseman, T. F. (Thomas Frederick), 1845-1923
- cheetah
- Cheirotherium tracks
- Chelonia mydas
- Chemistry
- Chemniscus cirrhata
- Chemosh
- chemung group
- Chenendopora
- Chenopis atrata
- Cherrie, G. K., 1865-1946
- Cheyenne Indian
- chiastolite
- Chicago Academy of Sciences
- Chicago Exposition
- Chichester, Charles D. (Darwin), 1860-1941
- chicken
- Chickering, John White
- childrenite
- Chile
- Chile--Cape Horn
- chilenite
- chimpanzee
- China
- China--Hong Kong
- China--Lake Lob (Lop Nur)
- chinchilla
- chipmunk
- Chiroptera
- chisel
- Chlamydochen jubatus
- Chlamydosaurus kingii
- Chloephaga canagica
- chloride
- chlorite
- chlorophane
- Choanopoma
- chocolate tip moth
- cholera
- Choloepus didactylus
- Chondropoma
- Christ
- Chroicocephalus philadelphia
- chromite
- chromium
- chrysoberyl
- chrysolite
- Chrysophelea ornata
- Chrysothrix entomophagus
- cicada
- Ciconia alba
- Ciconia boyciana
- Cincinnati Exposition
- Cincinnati University
- Cincinnati Zoological Gardens
- cinnabar
- cinnamon bear
- Cistula
- citrine
- City of David--Jerusalem
- Civil War
- Claiborne beds
- Clark, Prof.
- Clarkia alba
- clausthalite
- clay
- Clay, Henry
- Claypole, E. W., 1835-1901
- Clements, Gilbert
- Clermont-Ganneau, M.
- cliff dwellings
- Clione
- clothing
- club
- Clupeiformes
- Clypeaster
- Clypeaster gizehensis
- coaita
- coal measure
- coatimundi
- cobalt
- Cobaltiferous Wad.
- cobaltite
- Cobbold, Dr.
- Cobra de Capello
- Cochrane, R. C.
- cockatoo
- Coculus Indicus
- cod fish
- Coelenterata
- Coelogenys paca
- Coelopeltis insignitus
- Coeloptychium
- coffer-dams
- coffin
- Colaptes
- Colaptes auratus
- Colenso, Rev. W.
- coleoptera
- Colgate, Robert
- collection
- Collection for Union Schools
- Collection of Casts and Original Fossils
- Collection of New York State Rocks
- Collections of Typical Rocks
- College Collection
- College Collections
- College of Concepcion del Uruguay, Argentine Republic
- College Series
- College Series of Casts
- College Series of Fossils
- Collet, John
- Collomia
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Colorado Canon (Grand Canyon)
- Colorado--El Paso County
- Colorado--Leadville
- Colorado--Pike's Peak
- Colorado--Salida
- coloradoite
- colt's foot
- colugo
- Columba livia
- Columbia College
- columbite
- Colymbus adamsi
- Colymbus arcticus
- Comatula
- Commission of Fish and Fisheries
- Committee on Protection of Birds
- Company
- Comparative anatomy
- Comstock, John Henry
- Conchology
- concretion
- condor
- Cone, Dr.
- Conepatus mapurito
- Confederacy
- Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Conklin, Mr.
- Connecticut
- Connecticut--Middletown
- Conrad, Mr.
- Conservation
- conservation status
- Conuropsis carolinensis
- Conurus carolinensis
- Cook, (Captain)
- Cook, Rev. Joseph
- Cooper's hawk
- coot
- Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897
- Cope, Edward Drinker
- copper
- copperhead
- coprolite
- copy of letter
- coquimbite
- coral
- coral reef
- Corallium
- Corallium rubrum
- Coregonus
- Corliss, George H.
- cormorant
- Cornell University
- Cornhill Magazine
- Cornwall Road, London, England
- Coronella sayi
- corongite
- Coronula balaenaris
- corundum
- Corvus caurinus
- Corvus americanus
- Corvus corax
- Corvus enca
- Coryphaena
- Coryphophylax maximiliarus
- Cosmos Hall
- Cossack
- Costa Rica
- Cotton Centennial Exposition
- cotton worm
- cottontail rabbit
- Coue's Birds of America
- Coues Field Ornithology
- Coues, Elliott Ladd
- Coues' Check List
- cougar
- cow
- Cowan, Frank
- Cowles
- coyote
- crab
- crane
- crayfish
- Creadion carunculata
- Cree Indians
- creeper
- Cressy, N. (Noah), 1839-1902
- crested auk
- Cretaceous
- crevalle jack
- Crinoidea
- Critchley, J. William
- Critchley, W. J.
- crocidolite
- Crocker, Charles
- crocodile
- Crocodilia
- Crocodilus bombifrons
- Crocodilus palustris
- Crocodilus porosus
- crocoite
- Crocuta
- crook-billed plover
- Cross eyed Indians
- Crossorhinus
- crow
- crow shrikes
- Crowley, Mr.
- Crown Imperial
- crowned pigeon
- Crustacea
- cryolite
- Cryptobranchus
- cryptogam
- Cryptogamous batrachians
- crystal
- crystal model
- Crystal Palace, London
- crystalized sulfur
- Crystallography
- Ctenopoma
- cub
- Cuba
- Cuba--Harbor of Bahia (Havana Harbor)
- cuckoo
- Cucullaea concamerata
- Culbertson, Alexander
- Cullocephatus vitulinus
- cup corals
- cuprite
- cupro-descloisite
- Curator
- curlew
- currant
- Cuscus orientalis
- cuttle bone
- cuttlefish
- Cuvier, Georges
- Cuy.
- Cyclodus boddeertii
- Cyclodus nigroluteus
- Cyclophis aestivus
- Cyclostomidae
- Cyclothurus dorsalis
- Cygnus musicus
- Cygnus olor
- Cynictis
- Cynocephalus papio
- Cynocephalus porcarius
- Cynomys
- Cynomys columbianus
- Cynomys ludovicianus
- Cynopithecus niger
- Cypraea capensis
- Cypraea edentula
- Cypraea umbilicata
- Cyrtoceras
- Cystophora cristata
- Czar of Russia
- Czech Republic--Prague
- D'Orbigny, Alcide
- D'Orbigny's Parisien
- Dai Niphon
- Dakota
- Dakota badlands
- Dakota formation
- Dakota group
- Damalis albifrons
- Dana's species number
- Dana's system of mineralogy
- Dandapur meteorite
- dandelion
- Dartmouth College
- Darwin, Charles
- Dasqurus (Sacrophilus) winnus
- Dasyprocta variegata
- Dasypus encoubert
- Dasyurus
- Dasyurus maculatus
- Dasyurus ursinus
- Dasyurus viverrinus
- daubreelite
- Davidson, George
- Davis, J. Z.
- Davison, William
- Dawson, George M.
- Dawson, J. W.
- Dawson, Principal
- dawsonite
- De Kempeneer, Charles
- de Stael, Mme.
- Dean of the Grotesque Group
- deer
- Del'Isle
- Delaware Indians
- Delaware, O.
- Delesse, Achille
- Delphinus
- Delphinus tursio
- deluge
- deluge tablet
- demantoid
- Demarara, South America
- Demidoff, Count
- Demidov, Anatoly Nikolaievich
- Democrat and Chronicle
- Dendrochelidon mystacae
- Dendrocygna autumnalis
- Dendrocygna fulva
- Dendrocygna viduata
- Dendrohyrax arboreus
- Dendroica maculosa
- Dendrophyllia
- Dendrophyllia nigrescens
- Denmark
- Department of Agriculture
- Depository--current
- Depository--historic
- Derby, Lord
- Derby's kangaroo
- descloisite
- Descriptive Catalog of the Rocks of the New York System
- Desiderata
- Desideratum
- Detroit Scientific Association
- devilfish
- Devonian
- diagram
- diamond
- diamond bird
- diaphorite
- diaries and journals
- diatomaceous earth
- Dibon
- Dicotyles labiatus
- Dicotyles torquatus
- Dicranostreptus megarhynchus
- Dicrurus laemo-stictus
- Dictyophyton
- Dictyophyton nodosum
- Dictyophyton tuberosum
- Didelphys
- Didelphys azarae
- Didelphys dorsigera
- Didymium
- Dieffenboch, Mr.
- Difflugia
- Digger Indians
- Dillingham, Charles T.
- Dindings
- dingo dog
- Dinornis
- Dinornis maximus
- Dinornithidae
- Dinosauria
- Dinotherium
- Diomedea exulans
- Diomedea fuliginosa
- dioptase
- diorite
- Dioscorides, Pedanius
- Diploglossae
- Dipodomys phillipsi ordi
- Diprotodon
- Dipsas septentrionalis
- Director
- Disarticulated foot (human)
- Disarticulated hand (human)
- disease
- Distichipora nitida
- Doctor of Medicine
- dodo
- Doerflinger, Carl
- dog
- Dog Rib Indian
- dog-faced babboon
- dogfish
- Dolichonyx oryzivorus
- Dolichos frurisno
- Dolichotis patagonica
- dolomite
- dolphin
- domeykite
- Donacicola spectabilis
- donkey
- Douglas, O.
- dove
- Draco daudinii
- Draco lineutus
- Draco viridis
- draft
- dragonfly
- drawing
- dress
- Dromaius
- Dromaius novae
- Dromaius novae hollandiae
- dromedary
- Dromicia
- dry plate
- dry specimen
- Dryophylax viridissimus
- Du Chaillu, Mr.
- duck
- duck-billed platypus
- Dugong
- Dulcissimis noctibus
- Durango--San Gregorio
- dusky grouse
- Dutch Guiana, South America
- dwarf cowbird
- dwarf palmetto
- Dwiuish Bay
- Dyak
- dynamical and structural geology
- Dynamical geology
- dyscrasite
- dyspeptic
- E. M. Museum
- Ea
- eagle
- Eakins, Thomas, 1844-1916
- ear
- earthquake
- Eburna japonica
- Echidna
- Echidna hystrix
- Echinanthus
- Echinodermata
- Echinometra
- Echinus
- Echinus esculentus
- Eclectus polychlorus
- Ecology
- Ecuador
- edentate
- Edom
- education
- Edward's fruit bat
- eel
- eft tadpole
- egg
- egg (bird)
- egg (ostrich)
- eggs (birds)
- egret
- Egypt
- Egypt--Cairo--Mokattam
- Egypt--Gizeh
- Egypt--Memphis (extinct city)
- Egypt--Rosetta
- Egypt--Thebes
- eider duck
- eland
- Elaphis aesculapii
- Elaphis guadrivirgatus
- Elaphis guttatus
- Elasmognathus biardii
- electric eel
- elephant
- elephant foot
- elephant rats
- elephant tippoo saib
- Elephas
- Elephas indicus
- elk
- Ellaryowan
- Elliott, Henry Wood
- embolite
- embryo
- Embryology
- emerald
- Emmons, S. F.
- emperor goose
- emu
- emu-wren
- En-nugi
- Encyclopedia of North American Natural History
- endangered
- Endynamis picatus
- Enerinus
- Engelmann Museum
- Engelmann, P.
- England
- England--Birmingham
- England--Bristol
- England--Cambridge
- England--Charlton
- England--Cheshire
- England--Cornwall
- England--Cumberland
- England--Derbyshire
- England--Eastbourne
- England--Foulder's
- England--Kent
- England--Lancashire
- England--Liskeard
- England--Liverpool
- England--London
- England--Lyme Regis
- England--Maidstone
- England--Scarborough
- England--Sussex
- England--Whitby
- England--York
- English Colonies
- English language
- English sparrow
- Enhydra
- Enhydra marina
- Enoch
- enstatite
- entellus monkey
- entomologist
- Entomology
- Eocene
- Eocene beds
- Eos cardinalis
- Eozoic
- Eozoon canadense
- epidote
- epiphyte
- Equus burchelli
- Equus caballus
- erbium
- Eremias variabilis
- Erethizon dorsatum
- Eretmochelys imbricata
- Erinaceus europaeus
- Eritrea--Massowa
- ermine
- Eryomys chinchilla
- Erythrolamprus venustissimus
- Eskimo
- eskimo curlew
- Esox lucius
- Esox reticulata
- Estes & Lauriat
- Estherville meteorite
- Ethiopia
- Ethnography
- Ethnology
- etruscan vase
- Etymology
- Eucalyptus
- euchorite
- euchroite
- euclase
- eudialyte
- eudyalite
- Eudyptes
- Eudyptula
- Euglypha
- Eumetopias
- Eumetopias stelleri
- Euomphalus
- Euplectella
- Euprepes arenarius
- Eurinorhynchus pygmaeus
- Europe
- Europe--Mont Blanc
- Europe--Pyrenees
- Euryapteryx
- Eurypterus
- Eurypterus lacustris
- Eurypterus remipes
- euxenite
- Evans, Mary, 1821-1911
- evening primrose
- Everett, A. H.
- evolution
- Explorer
- exposition
- Extermination of Animals (article)
- eye
- eye (llama)
- fable
- Fahy, John
- Falco islandicus
- Falco sacer
- Fallowbuck
- family
- famine
- Farallon Islands
- Farallones
- Farancia abacurum
- Favre, Deville
- Fayrer, Joseph
- feather
- fedoa
- feet
- feldspar
- Felis concolor
- Felis domestica
- Felis leo
- Felis leopardus
- Felis onca
- Felis pardalis
- Felis tigris
- female
- Fenestella
- fetal (porpoise)
- fetal (whale)
- fever
- fiber
- Fiber zibethicus
- fiddler crab
- field pea
- fig
- Fiji
- finback whale
- finch
- Fink, W. W.
- Finsch and H.
- Finucane
- fir
- fire
- fire alarm
- fire opal
- fire-backed pheasant
- fish
- fisher
- Fisheries Exposition, Berlin
- Fisheries Exposition, London
- Fitzroy, Charles Augustus
- flamingo
- Flat Rock Mine
- Flathead Indians
- flicker
- flints
- float stone
- flood
- Florida
- Florida--Tampa Bay
- flos ferri
- flounder
- Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre
- flours
- Flower, W. H.
- fluellite
- fluid chalcedony
- fluoride
- fluorite
- fly catchers
- flying fox
- flying phalanger
- flying squirrel
- Fodientia
- foot (bear)
- Foote, A. E.
- Foraminifera
- Forbes, Edward
- Foreign Birds' Eggs
- fork-tailed petrel
- Formica sanguinea
- Formosa
- Fort McPherson
- fossil
- Fossil (impression)
- fossil (plant)
- fossil (track)
- Fossil Plan of the Tertiary
- fossils
- Foster, George
- Foster, L. S.
- fox
- fox (Arctic)
- Fraine, Thomas W.
- France
- France--Ariege
- France--Auvergne
- France--Bougival
- France--Chessy
- France--Corsica
- France--Dordogne
- France--L'Aigle
- France--Manzat
- France--Paris
- France--Paris Basin
- Francis, Duke of Lorraine
- francolite
- Franklin, Benjamin
- franklinite
- French
- French Canadian Voyageurs
- French Caves
- French Caves in Dordogne
- French language-transcribe
- French troglodyte caves
- friar bird
- frilled lizard
- frog
- fruit bat
- fui
- Fulix marila
- Fulmarus giganteus
- fulvous tree duck
- fumarole
- Fungia
- Fungia repanda
- fur seal
- Fusus
- Fusus proboscidialis
- Fusus proboscidiferus
- Gabon
- Gabon--Gabon (Ogooue) River
- Gaboon
- gadolinite
- Gadus morrhua
- Gage, Simon H.
- Galago senegalensis
- Galapagos Islands
- Galatea concamerata
- Galaxea
- galena
- galenite
- Galeopithecus colans
- Galeopithecus philippinensis
- galerite
- Galerites
- Galileo
- Galleopithecus
- gallinaceous bird
- Game Birds of India
- gangetic crocodile
- gannet
- Garfield, James Abram
- Garman, Samuel
- garnerite
- garnet
- garnierite
- Garparunda
- Garrick
- Gasteropoda
- gaur ox
- Gavaeus gaurus
- gavial
- Gavialus gangeticus
- Gavit, W. E.
- gaylussite
- Gazella arabica
- Gazette of India
- gecko
- geese
- gelatine dry plate
- gemstone
- General Catalog of Geology & Lithology
- General Catalogue of Geology
- General Stratigraphical Collection
- Genesis
- Gentrococcyx
- geocronite
- geode
- Geodia
- Geographical Distribution of Mammals
- Geological and Zoological Charts and Pictures
- geological hall
- geological landscape
- Geological Society
- Geology
- Geomys bursarius
- George, T. C.
- Georgia
- Georgia--Whitfield County
- Gerard
- German
- German and English academy
- German army
- German language-transcribe
- Germany
- Germany--Bavaria
- Germany--Berlin
- Germany--Boll (Bad Boll)
- Germany--Bonn
- Germany--Dresden
- Germany--Eiderstadt
- Germany--Erlangen
- Germany--Freiberg
- Germany--Hamburg
- Germany--Hartz Mountains
- Germany--Hausenberg
- Germany--Idar
- Germany--Idar (Nahe) River
- Germany--Ilmenau
- Germany--Luneberg
- Germany--Oberstein
- Germany--Oeningen
- Germany--Raschan
- Germany--Rittersgrun
- Germany--Saxony
- Germany--Schneeberg
- Germany--Siebengebirge Mountains
- Germany--Solenhofen (Solnhofen)
- Germany--Sulzbachthal (Sulbachtal)
- Germany--Thuringia
- Germany--Wurtemberg
- Gessner, Conrad
- geyser
- geyserite
- gibbon
- gila monster
- GIlbert,
- Gilbert, Grove Karl
- Gilman, Miss
- giraffe
- Giraffe cameleopardalis
- Gisdhubar
- glacier
- Glasgow Chemical Company
- glass (cabinets)
- glass model
- Glass Models of Invertebrates
- glass rope sponge
- glass snake
- glass sponge
- Glaucidium
- glauconite
- glaucus
- Globiocephalus svineval
- glucinum
- glutton
- Glyptodon
- gneiss
- gnu
- goat
- goat antelope
- goat moth
- goat sucker
- gold
- Goldbeck, Theodore
- golden eagle
- golden howler monkey
- golden pheasant
- golden-winged woodpecker
- goldfinch
- goldfish
- Goniaster
- Goniattites
- goniometer
- Gonodotes mauritanicus
- Goode, George Brown
- goose
- gopher
- gopher tortoise
- Gorgonia
- Gorgonia succinea
- Gorilla
- Gorilla mayema
- Gorilla savageii
- Goura
- Graculus kreffti
- Graculus penicillatus
- Graculus sinensis
- Graculus violaceus
- Graham Collection
- Graham, C. W.
- Grammatophora muricata
- grampus
- Granard, Lord
- Grand Duke of Tuscany
- granite
- Grant, Ulysses S.
- graphite
- Graptolites
- Graptolites clintonensis
- grass parakeet
- grasshopper
- grave
- Gray, Asa
- Gray, J. E.
- Gray's Hand List
- great auk
- Great Basin Survey
- great black-headed gull
- great blue heron
- Great Britain
- Great Britain--Isle of Man
- great bustard
- great fossil ground sloth
- great horned owl
- Great Mogul
- Great Northern Basin
- great penguin
- Great Pyramid (Egypt)
- great scaly anteater
- Greece
- Greece--Laurium
- Greely, Adolphus
- green heron
- green monkey
- Green River shale
- green-winged teal
- Green, A. H.
- Greenland
- Greenland--Baffin Bay
- Greenland--Ovifak
- greenockite
- greensand
- greenstone
- greenwood tree
- Gregory, John Milton, 1822-1898
- grey hound
- grey rabbit
- grey squirrel
- greyhound
- Grinnell, George Bird
- Grinnell, Iowa
- grizzly bear
- grossularite
- grouse
- Grus fraterculus
- Grymmysia
- guacharo bird
- Guadeloupe
- Guadeloupe man
- guanajuatite
- Guatemala--Antigua
- Guiana
- Guilfordia triumphvans
- Guinea
- guinea fowl
- Gulf of Mexico
- gull
- Gulo luscus
- gum tree
- gummite
- guns
- Gunther, Dr.
- Guthe, Dr.
- Guyot, Arnold Henry
- Guzanian
- Gymnolepas cuvieri
- Gyppsland, Victoria, Australia
- gypsum
- gyrfalcon
- Haast, Dr
- Haeckel, Ernst
- Hahn, Dr.
- Hahnia meteoritics
- hair seal
- hairless mexican terrier
- Haldeman, Samuel Stehman
- Haliaetus leucocephalus
- Halicore
- Halicore australis
- Halifax
- Haliotis
- halite
- Hall of Mammals
- Hall, James
- Halmaturus
- Halmaturus fetidis
- Halmaturus lugens
- Halmaturus ruficollis
- Halmaturus thetidis
- Halmatus ualabatus
- Halomitra pileus
- Halomitre
- Halycon albicilla
- Hamburg Museum
- Hamilton and Corniferous
- Hamilton, J. W.
- hamster
- hand
- Hand Book of Entomology
- Hand Book of Invertebrate Zoology
- Hanks, H. G.
- Hannah, W.
- Hannay
- Hanno
- Haplodontia
- Haplodontia leporina
- harbor seal
- Hardwicke's Polyplectron
- hare
- Harelda glacialis
- Harkness, Prof.
- harlequin duck
- harmotome
- harp seal
- Harper's Monthly
- harpoon
- Harporhynchus rufus
- Harpyia major
- Harris
- Hartshorn, Orville Nelson
- Harvard College
- Harvard herbarium
- Harvard Medical School
- Harvard University
- Harvey, William Henry
- hatchet
- Hatmaturus
- Hatter, William
- Hatteria
- Hatteria punctata
- Hatton, (Captain)
- Hauy
- Havana, Cuba
- Hawes, (Prof.)
- hawk
- Hawkins, B. Waterhouse
- Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer
- Hayden's Corps
- Hayes, Rutherford B.
- haze koi
- Hea
- heath
- Hector, Dr.
- hedgehog
- Hedley, G. H.
- Hedley, G. H. (Mrs.)
- Heidelberg, Germany
- Heim, M. M.
- Helarctus malayanus
- Helicina
- Helicindae
- Helicops angulatus
- Helix
- hellbender
- helmet bird
- Heloderma
- Heloderma horridum
- Heloderma suspectum
- Helodermidae
- helvite
- hematite
- hemolite
- hen
- Hendley, (Mr.)
- Henry Clay
- Henry, Joseph
- Henry, Prof.
- Henshaw, A. N.
- Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee
- Henshaw's hen hawk
- Hepialus virescens
- Her Majesty the Queen
- Herball
- herbarium
- hermit crab
- Hernandez, Mr.
- heron
- Herpestes ichneumon
- Herpetolitha foliosa
- Herpetology
- herring
- herschelite
- Hervey, William Henry
- hessian fly
- hessite
- Heteralocha acutirostris
- Heterocentrotus
- Heterocentrotus mammillatus
- Heterodon catesbyi
- Heterolocha gouldii
- heulandite
- Hezekiah
- hiddenite
- hieroglyphics
- Hill, Franklin C.
- Hill, H. H.
- Hill, John
- Himalaya Mountains
- Himulea elegans
- Hinckley, Thomas H.
- Hincks, Dr.
- Hindustan
- Hinemoa
- Hippocampus
- Hippopotamus
- Hippopotamus amphibius
- Hirundina
- Historia Animalium
- History and Uses of Limestones and Marbles
- History of Fossils
- Histriophoca equestris
- Histronicus torquatus
- Hitchcock
- Hitchcock, Dr.
- Hitchcock, Dr. Edward
- Hitchcock, Romyn
- Hittites
- Hobart College
- hog
- Holder, Joseph B.
- Holland
- Hollister
- Holmes, William Henry
- Holoptychius
- Holoptychus nobilissimus
- Holothuria
- Holothuroidea
- Homo diluvii testis Theoscopus
- Homo neanderthalensis
- Homo sapiens
- Honduras
- honey eaters
- hooded merganser
- hooded seal
- hooded sloth
- Hooker, Joseph Dalton
- hoopoe
- Hope diamond
- Hopkins, Mrs. Mark
- horde
- Horn
- Hornaday, W. T., 1854-1937
- Hornaday, William T.
- hornbill
- hornblende
- horns (deer)
- horns (elk)
- horns (moose)
- Horonaim
- horse
- Horse in Motion
- horseshoe crab
- Horsf.
- Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893
- Horticultural Hall, Boston
- hot spring
- hotete
- Hottentot
- Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
- Howell
- Howell, Edwin Eugene
- howling monkey
- Huay
- Hubbard, George
- Hubbard, L. B.
- Hudson Bay Company
- Hudsonian curlew
- Hugo, Victor
- huia
- Human Skeletons and Anatomical Preparations
- Humboldt, Alexander von
- Hume, Allan Octavium
- humite
- hummingbird
- Humphrey, Andrew Atkinson
- Hungary
- Hungary--Arva
- Hungary--Dobschau
- Hungary--Dognacska
- Hungary--Herrengrund
- Hungary--Kausenburg
- Hungary--Knyahinya
- Hungary--Kohlbach
- Hungary--Kolazsvar (Cluj-Napoca)
- Hunt, Sterry
- hunter
- Huron Indians
- Hutton, Mr.
- Huxley, Thomas Henry
- Hyaena maculata
- Hyaena striata
- Hyalosphenia
- hybridization
- Hydnoceras
- hydrocarbons
- hydrodolomite
- hydroid
- Hydromys
- Hydrophis melanurus
- Hydrosaurus variegatus
- hydrozoid
- Hylobates
- Hylobates lar
- Hylobates leuciscus
- Hyperoodon
- Hyperoodon butzkopf
- Hypsiboas crepitans
- Hypsiprymnus
- Hypsiprymnus murinus
- Hyrax
- Hyrax (skull)
- Hyrax capensis
- Hystrix cristata
- ibis
- Iceland
- Ichneumon
- Ichnites
- ichnofossil
- Ichthyology
- Ichthyosaurus
- Ichthyosaurus campylodon
- Ichthyosaurus multiscissus
- Ichthyosaurus platydon
- idocrase
- idols
- Igneous rock
- iguana
- Iguanodon
- Illinois
- Illinois State Industrial University
- Illinois--Galena
- Illinois-Evanston
- Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of School Series of Skeletons
- illustration
- ilmenite
- imperial eagle
- implement (bronze)
- implement (stone)
- Inarticulata
- indenture
- India
- India--Anaimalai Hills
- India--Andaman Islands
- India--Bay of Bengal
- India--Bengal
- India--Jhang
- India--Kot-Diwan
- India--Malabar Coast
- India--Oudh
- India--Punjab
- Indian
- Indian elephant
- indian fruit bat
- Indian Ocean
- Indian relic
- Indian River
- Indian turnip
- Indian wild hog
- Indiana
- Indiana State University
- Indiana--Crawfordsville
- Indiana--Fort Wayne
- Indiana--Indianapolis
- Indiana--Kokomo
- Indianapolis Exposition
- indium
- Indonesia--Java
- Indonesia--Sumatra
- Industrial Exposition at Melbourne
- Infusorial earth
- injury
- insect pins
- Insecta
- Insectivora
- Insessores
- installation
- institution
- International Exhibition of Fish and Fisheries
- International Exposition
- International Fisheries Exhibition
- International Fishery Exhibition
- International Geological Congress
- Inuus ecuadatus
- inventory
- invertebrate
- Invertebrates
- Invoice
- Invoice (due)
- iodyrite
- iolite
- Iowa
- Iowa College
- Iowa State Agricultural College
- Iowa--Burlington
- Iowa--Cedar Rapids
- Iowa--Emmett County
- Iowa--Estherville
- Iowa--Grinnell
- Iowa--Iowa County
- Iowa--Linn County
- Iraq--Assur
- Iraq--Nimroud (Nimrud)
- Iraq--Nineveh
- Ireland
- Ireland--Bray Head
- Ireland--Dogs Bay
- Ireland--Dublin
- Ireland--Great Man's Bay (extinct city)
- Ireland--Limerick
- iridium
- Irish elk
- irish moss
- iron
- iron metorite
- iron ore
- Iroquois Indians
- Irwin, Dr.
- Isis
- island
- island fox
- Island of East
- Islands
- Israel
- Istar
- itacolumite
- Italy
- Italy--Accadia
- Italy--Aeolian Islends
- Italy--Alicudi Island
- Italy--Bologna
- Italy--Cagliari
- Italy--Calabria
- Italy--Cave of the Dogs (Grotta del Cane)
- Italy--Elba
- Italy--Fassa Valley
- Italy--Florence
- Italy--Grotta del Cane
- Italy--Lipari Islands
- Italy--Messina
- Italy--Monte Somma
- Italy--Mount Vesuvius
- Italy--Naples
- Italy--Rome
- Italy--Salina Island
- Italy--Sardinia
- Italy--Sicily
- Italy--Solfatara Volcano
- Italy--Stromboli
- Italy--Turin
- Italy--Venice
- Italy--Vesuvius
- Italy--Vulcano Island
- ivory-billed woodpecker
- J. Van Voorst & Co.
- Jabiru
- jack-in-the-pulpit
- jackdaw
- jackrabbit
- Jackson, C. E.
- Jackson, P. V.
- Jacob H. Studer & Co.
- jade
- jaguar
- Jahaz
- Jameson
- Japan
- Japan goat
- Japan--Kanonosaki
- Japan--Kioto (Kyoto)
- Japan--Lake Beba (Biwa)
- Japan--Yesso (Hokkaido)
- Japan--Yokohama
- Japanese Murex
- Japanese otter
- Japanese Pug
- Japanese wild boar
- Jardin des Plantes
- jarra tree
- Jasper
- Jasper, Theodore
- Java
- Jeddah
- Jehu of Israel
- Jenks
- Jenks, Elisha T.
- Jenks, J. W. P.
- jerfalcon
- Jerusalem--Spring of the Virgin (Gihon)
- Jesup, Morris K.
- job-seeker
- John Jay mine, Colorado
- Johnson, Samuel
- Johnson, Sylvanus, 1791-1872
- Johnson's Cyclopedia
- Johnston, Preston
- Jordan--Arnon River
- Jordan--Aroer
- Jordan--Dhiban
- Jordan--Mount Lebanon
- journal
- Joyner, J. W.
- Judah
- Julien, A. A.
- Julius J. Bantlin Co.
- Jumbo
- Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm
- jungle cock
- Jupiter
- Jupiter lighthouse
- Jurassic
- Justice of the Peace
- Kaempper, Engelbert
- Kaitatsu-maru
- kaka
- kakapo
- kangaroo
- kangaroo rat
- Kanouse, H. A.
- Kansas
- Kansas--Waconda
- kaolinite
- kea
- Keenan cache
- Keller, Dr. Ferdinand
- kelp
- Kemeys, Edward
- Kentucky
- Key West
- keys
- Khan, Genghis
- Kharkhara
- Khedive
- kidney (sheep)
- kidney ore
- killdeer
- King Elder
- king parrot
- King, Clarence
- kingbird
- kingfisher
- kinglet
- Kingsley, J. S.
- kink-tail bornean cat
- kinkajou
- Kiriathaim
- Kirkha
- kittiwake gull
- Kittredge, Rev. Dr.
- kiwi
- Klappenbach, Louis
- Klein, Dr.
- knife
- Knox College
- Knyahinya meteorite
- koala
- Kodiak Indian
- Kohinoor
- Kohinoor diamond
- koodoo
- Koong-Foo-Tse
- Koppenfels, Hugo Von
- Korea
- korimako
- Krakatoa
- L. M. W. (Lewis Morris Wilkins), 1801-1885
- labels
- Labrador duck
- labradorite
- Labyrinthodon
- Labyrinthodontia
- Lacerta viridis
- Lacertilia
- Lafayette College
- Lagopus albus
- Lagopus rupestris
- Lagostomus trichodactylus
- Lake Huron
- Lake Superior
- Lamarck, Jean-Bauptiste
- Lamellibranchiata
- lamprey
- Lampronetta fischeri
- land otter
- Landoz, Georges
- Landy, L. C.
- lantern slides
- Lapham Cabinet
- lapis
- lapis lazuli
- large fruit pigeon
- lark
- Larkin model
- Larus brachyrhychus
- Larus canus var. brachyrhynchus
- Larus glaucescens
- Larus marinus
- larynx
- Las Animas, Colorado
- Lattimore, Samuel Adam
- laughing jackass
- laumonite
- Laurentian
- lava
- Lawrence, George N.
- Laws, S. S.
- Lawyer
- Layard, Mr.
- lazulite
- lead
- League of the Iriquois
- Lear
- least tern
- Lecquereusia
- Lee & Shepard
- Lee, Robert E.
- leg (deer)
- leg (horse)
- leg (pig)
- leg (tapir)
- Leidy, J., 1823-1891
- Lelenka, Emil
- Lemur
- Lemur albifrons
- Lemur catta
- Lemur varius
- Lemur xanthomystax
- Lemuroidea
- Leontopithecus rosalia
- leopard
- leopard skin rug
- Leow, Oscar
- Lepas anatifera
- Lepidodendron
- Lepidoptera
- Lepidosteus
- Lepidosteus osseus
- Lepidosteus platystomus
- Lepidosteus productus
- Lepis trowbridgei
- Leptoena
- Lepus
- Lepus callotis
- Lepus sylvaticus
- Lepus timidis
- LeRache, M.
- lerbachite
- Lesquereaux, Charles Léo
- Lesquereux, Leo, 1806-1889
- letter of introduction
- Letters of Indian Travel
- leuchtenbergite
- leucite
- Leuckart & Nitsche
- Leuckart, Rudolph
- Levant (Middle East)
- Lewis, Edmund
- Lexington (horse)
- Lias group
- Libya--Tripoli
- lilliformis
- lilly encrinite
- limestone
- limonite
- Limosa foeda
- Limosa uropygialis
- linarite
- Lingula anatina
- Lingulella cuneata
- Lingulella prima
- Linnaean Society
- Linnaeus, Carl von
- Linnean Society of Sydney, Australia
- lion
- lion monkey
- Liophis cobella
- Lipari--Campo Bianco
- Lipari--Canneto
- liparite
- Liquidambar
- lithium
- lithodytes latrans
- lithographic picture
- Lithographic Pictures of Ideal Geological Landscapes
- lithographic plate
- lithographic slate
- Lithology
- Lithology and Geology
- Lithos pernium
- Lithothrya rhodipus
- little bustard
- little grebe
- little tern
- Liversidge, Prof.
- Livingston, David
- livingstonite
- lixiviate
- lizard
- llama
- llama (skeleton)
- Llama pacos
- Llama vicugna
- Lobocarcinus
- Lobocarcinus paulo-wurtemburgensis
- lobster
- Lockport Union, Lockport, New York
- locust
- lodestone
- loggerhead
- logronite
- lolingite
- London and Edinburgh Journal
- long-tailed skunk
- loon
- Lophodytes cuculatus
- Lophoseris
- Lophoseris frondifera
- Lophoseris knorri
- Lophoseris praetoria
- Lord Rosehill
- lories
- Loris gracilis
- Lorius hypoenochrous
- Louisiana Southern Exposition
- Louisiana--Baton Rouge
- Louisiana--New Orleans
- Louisville Southern Exposition
- Louvre Museum
- love bird
- Lucas, Frederic Augustus
- Lucioperca americana
- Lugar, Otto
- Lutronectes whitleyi
- Lycaon pictus
- Lygosoma australis
- Lygosoma smaragdina
- lynx
- Lynx Canadensis
- Lynx rufus
- lyre bird
- lyre turtle
- Lyric Hall, New York
- Maandrina
- Maasen, Albert
- Macacus assanensis
- Macacus cynomulgus
- Macacus nemestrinus
- Macacus pileatus
- Macacus rhesus
- Macacus senicus
- Macacus speciosus
- macaw
- Machetes pugnax
- mackerel fishery
- Mackerelman
- Macpherson, Mr.
- MacPherson, W. P.
- Macroglossus minimus
- Macropus
- Macropus giganteus
- Macropus gigas
- Macropus rufus
- Macropygia browni
- Macroscelides
- Madagascar
- Madame Verreaux
- Madrepora
- Madrepora hystrix
- Madrepora spicifera
- Magendie, Francois
- maggot
- magnesite
- magnesium
- magnetite
- Magnolia warbler
- Magnus, Albertus
- Magoon
- Maillard, Mr.
- Maine
- Maine--Waterford
- Malacca
- malachite
- Malacodemys palustris
- malacologist
- Malacology
- Malacopterygii
- malacopterygious
- Malay cat
- Malayan tapir
- Malaysia
- Malaysia--Amboyna Island
- Malaysia--Malacca
- Malaysia--Sarawak
- Maldon, Victoria
- male
- Malherbe, Alfred, 1804-1865
- mallard duck
- Mallet, J. W.
- Mallett, Robert
- Mallicollan
- Mallory, James Patrick
- Malmgren
- Malta
- Mammalia
- Mammalogy
- mammoth
- manatee
- manatee (African)
- Manatus
- Manatus americanus
- manganese
- mangrove swamp
- Manhattan Square, New York
- Manigault, Gabriel E. (Gabriel Edward), 1833-1899
- manikin
- Manilla
- Mantell, Walter
- Manton, Walter P.
- Manual of Taxidermy for Beginners
- Maori
- map
- marble
- marcasite
- Mareca americana
- margyrite
- marialite
- markina
- marle
- marmoset monkey
- Marsden Mine
- Marsh, Othniel Charles
- Marshall Islands
- Marsupial
- marten
- Martens, John
- Martin, John
- Martinique
- martite
- Marvine, Archibald Robertson
- mask
- Masks of faces of races of men (1888)
- Masonic Hall
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts--Boston
- Massachusetts--Cambridge
- Massachusetts--Cape Cod
- Massachusetts--Plymouth County
- Mastodon
- Mastodon giganteus
- Mathematics
- matlockite
- matting
- Mauritius
- Maximillian, Prince
- Maxwell, Sara B.
- Maynard, C. J. (Charles Johnson), 1845-1929
- McCormick, L. M.
- McCosh, Dr.
- McCoy
- McCoy, Frederick, 1817-1899
- McFarlane
- McGill University
- McGill, James
- meadow lark
- Medeba
- Medical College, Chicago
- Medicine
- Mediterranean Sea
- Mediterranean Sea--Adriatic Sea
- Medusae
- Meek, Fielding Bradford
- Megaceras hibernicus
- Megalosaurus
- megapode
- Megapodius eremita
- Megapodius tumulus
- Megatherium
- Megatherium cuvieri
- meionite
- Meionornis
- Meionornis casuarinus
- Meionornis didiformis
- Melanerpes
- Melbourne Exhibition
- Melbourne Museum, Australia
- Melbourne, Australia
- Meliphagidae
- Melocrinus decadactylus
- Melonites
- Melonornis casuarinus
- Melonycteris melanops
- Menobranchus
- Menobranchus lateralis
- Menopoma
- Menopoma alleghanensis
- Menura superba
- Mephitis macroura
- Mephitis mephitica
- Mephitis putorius
- Mercantile Library Hall
- mermaid
- Merodach
- Meroe excavata
- Merops ornatus
- Merriam, C. Hart
- Merrick
- Merriman, Corydon Charles, 1827-1908
- Merula migratoria
- Merulina ampliata
- Mesha
- Mesozoic
- Metalia
- Metallurgy
- metamorphic rock
- meteoric iron
- meteorite
- meteoritic iron
- Meteorology
- Meunier, M.
- Mexico
- Mexico--Coahuila
- Mexico--Durango
- Mexico--Mexico City
- Mexico--Sonora
- Mexico--Toluca
- Mexico--Zacatecas
- miasmata
- mica
- mica schist
- mice
- Michigan
- Michigan--Ann Arbor
- Michigan--Branch County
- Michigan--Marquette
- Michigan--St. Clair Flats
- Micraster
- Microglossum aterrimum
- microlite
- Micropterus pallidus
- Microscopy
- Midas Mine
- midden
- Middle East--Euphrates River
- Middle East--Jerusalem
- Middle East--Palestine
- Middleborough, Massachusetts
- Miller, Hugh
- Miller, Margaret Carnegie, 1897 -1990
- millerite
- Milton
- Milton, Massachusetts
- Milwaukee Exposition
- Milwaukee Female College
- Milwaukee Public Museum
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Mimetes troglodytes
- mimetite
- mineral
- Mineral Cabinet
- mineralogical apparatus
- Mineralogy
- Minerals
- minerological apparatus
- Mining Bureau
- mink
- Minnesota
- Miocene
- Miocene deposits
- Mirguet, Edmund C. (Charles E.), 1860-1929
- Miscellaneous Publications of the US Geological Survey
- misidentified specimen
- missel thrush
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi River Valley
- Missouri
- Missouri--Bates County
- Missouri--St. Louis
- Missouri--Warren County
- Mivart, St. George Jackson
- Mnevis
- moa
- Moab
- Moabite Stone
- Mochrath
- mockingbird
- Mocs meteorite
- model
- model (anatomical)
- model (busts)
- model (crystal)
- model (glass)
- model (gorilla)
- model (meteorite)
- model (paper mache)
- model (plaster)
- model (skull)
- model (wood)
- models (wax)
- Mohr
- mokuroa
- Molasse of Switzerland
- moldavite
- mole
- Moller, Otto
- Mollusca
- Moloasia wine
- Moloch horridus
- molybdenite
- molybdium
- monazite
- money
- mongoose
- monkey
- Monodon monoceros
- Monograph of North American Pinnipeds
- Monograph of North American Rodentia
- Monotremata
- Montana
- Montreuil
- moonstone
- moose
- Moqui
- Moray, Robert
- Morelia variegata
- Morgan, Lewis Henry
- Morris Express
- Morse, Edward S.
- mosandrite
- Mosely, Prof.
- Moses
- mosquito
- moss agate
- moth
- mouflon
- Mound builders
- Mount Nizir (Nisir)
- mountain goat
- mountain lion
- mountain mockingbird
- mountain sheep
- mouse
- Mr. Henshaw
- Mt. Holyoke Seminary
- Mt. Union College
- Mu-seri ina-namari, The Water of Dawn at Daylight
- mud turtle
- mudfish
- mudpuppy
- mule
- multivalve shell
- mummy
- mummy (animal)
- mummy (human)
- mummy coffin
- Murchisonia
- Murex
- Murex senegalensis calcar
- Murie, Dr.
- Murray, Andrew
- Murray's Distribution of Mammals
- Murrison, D. W.
- Musca domestica
- muscovite
- museum
- Museum Godeffroy
- Museum of Comparative Zoology
- Museum of Practical Geology
- musk deer
- musk oxen
- muskrat
- Mussa multilobata
- Mustela pennanti
- Muzri
- Mya esculenta
- Mycetes palliatus
- Mycetes seniculus
- Mycetopus soleniformis
- Myrmecobius
- Myrmecophaga jubata
- Mystacina
- mythological legend
- Myzomela rubrata
- N
- Naj-Samp
- Naja haje
- nantokite
- Napoleon
- Napoleon III
- Narsalis larvatus
- narwhal
- Nashville Centennial Exposition
- Nasiterna pusio
- Nasua rufa
- Natal
- National Academy of Philadelphia
- National Deaf Mute College
- National Education Convention
- National Ornithological Club
- National Society of Taxidermists
- native Australians
- Native people
- natrolite
- Natural History Establishment
- Natural History Society of Wisconsin
- Natural Science Bulletin
- Natural Science Society
- Naturalist
- Naturalist's Guide
- nautili
- Nautilus
- Nautilus elegans
- Nebo
- Nebraska
- necklace
- Nectarinea aspasia
- neilgherry langur
- Nelson, Prof.
- nemalite
- Nemorhedus crispa
- Neofiber alleni
- Neotoma
- Neotoma floridana
- nephelite
- Neptune
- neptune's cup
- Neptune's Garden
- Nereites
- Nergal
- nest
- Nestor meridionalis
- Nestor notabilis
- Nestor productus
- Netherlands
- Nettion carolinensis
- Neuropteris
- Nevada
- Nevada--Carson Lake
- Nevada--Eureka
- Nevada--Pyramid Lake
- Nevada--Walker Lake
- Nevada--Winnemucca Lake
- New Caledonia
- New England Bird Life
- New England Journal of Education
- New Guinea
- New Hampshire
- New Hebrides (Vanuatu)
- New Holland (Australia)
- New Jersey
- New Jersey--Bergen Hil
- New Jersey--Hoboken
- New Jersey--Princeton
- New Mexico
- New Mexico--Santa Fe
- New South Wales
- New South Wales--Clarence Town
- New South Wales--Sydney
- New South Wales--Vakandale (extinct city)
- New Spain (Mexico)
- New York
- New York Academy of Medicine
- New York Academy of Sciences
- New York Aquarium
- New York Assembly
- New York Central Railroad
- New York Exhibition
- New York Geological Cabinet
- New York Independent
- New York Lyceum of Natural History
- New York Senate
- New York State Cabinet
- New York Times
- New York Tribune
- New York--Albany
- New York--Antwerp
- New York--Aurora
- New York--Broadway
- New York--Buffalo
- New York--Bullhead
- New York--Central Park
- New York--Chautauqua
- New York--Chenango County
- New York--DeWitt
- New York--Geneseo
- New York--Grafton
- New York--Hudson River
- New York--Ithaca
- New York--Keeseville
- New York--Lewis County
- New York--Lewiston (Lewiston)
- New York--Little Falls
- New York--Locust Grove (Leyden)
- New York--Medina
- New York--New York City
- New York--Newburgh
- New York--Potsdam
- New York--Rochester
- New York--Saratoga
- New York--St. Lawrence County
- New York--Steuben County
- New York--Troy
- New Zealand
- New Zealand Geological Survey
- New Zealand Institute
- New Zealand--Auckland
- New Zealand--Bay of Plenty
- New Zealand--Christchurch
- New Zealand--Cook Strait
- New Zealand--Corrio (Aoraki) Mountains
- New Zealand--Earnscleugh Cave
- New Zealand--East Cape
- New Zealand--Foveaux Strait
- New Zealand--Hamilton
- New Zealand--Hikurangi
- New Zealand--Knobby Range
- New Zealand--Lake Wakatipu (Wakatipu)
- New Zealand--Launceston
- New Zealand--Ljdtleton (Lyttelton) Harbor
- New Zealand--Maniototo
- New Zealand--Mayor Island
- New Zealand--Middle Island
- New Zealand--Moa Bone Point Cave
- New Zealand--Nelson
- New Zealand--North Island
- New Zealand--Otago
- New Zealand--Port Nicholson
- New Zealand--Poverty Bay
- New Zealand--Queenstown
- New Zealand--South Island
- New Zealand--Tangariro Mountain
- New Zealand--Tauranga
- New Zealand--Waiapu
- New Zealand--Wellington
- New Zealand--Wellington Harbour
- New Zealand--Whaikare River
- New Zealand--Whakapunaki Mountain
- New Zealand--Whale Island
- New Zealand--White Island
- Newberry, John Strong
- Newberry's Coal Survey
- Newfoundland
- newt
- Newton
- nickel
- Niger River
- nightingale
- Nile River
- Nile Valley
- niobium
- Niphon
- Nitsche, Hinrich
- Noah
- North America
- North America--Rio Grande River
- North American Birds
- North American Birds' Eggs
- North American Indian
- North American Review
- North Carolina
- North Carolina--Alexander County
- North Carolina--Tredell County
- North Dakota
- North Platte, Nebraska
- Northern Ireland--Giant's Causeway
- Northern Ireland--Moira
- Northern Territory--Darwin
- Northwest Territories
- Northwest Territories--Fort Resolution
- Northwest Territories--Fort Simpson
- Northwest Territories--Great Slave Lake
- Northwest Territories--Mackenzie River
- Northwestern University
- Norway
- Norway--Bamble
- Norway--Snarum
- Norway--Spitzbergen Island
- Norwich Crag
- Notice of Megatherium cuvieri
- Notornis
- Notornis mantelli
- Nova Scotia
- Nshiego Mbouve
- Nueropteris
- Numenius borealis
- Numenius hudsonicus
- Numenius uropygialis
- Nummulites
- Nummulites gizehensis
- Nummulitic Eocene of Egypt
- nwh
- Nyctea nivea
- Nyctereutes procyonoides
- Nycticebus tardigradis
- Nycticorax caledonicus
- nyighau
- Oahu College
- Oakman, J. C.
- obsidian
- Oceanodroma furcata
- Ocellated turkey
- ocelot
- ochre
- octopus
- Oculina
- Ocydromus
- Odobaenus obesus
- Odobaenus rosmarus
- Oedipus titi
- Oedirhinus insolitus
- Oeningen beds
- Ohio
- Ohio Geological Survey
- Ohio River
- Ohio State Agricultural College
- Ohio Statistical Bureau
- Ohio--Cincinnati
- Ohio--Columbus
- Ohio--Dayton
- Ohio--Delaware
- Ohio--Guernsey County
- Ohio--New Concord
- Oidemia americana
- Oidemia perspicillata
- oilbird
- Ojibwa Indians
- Oken, Lorenz
- Oldhamia
- Oldhamia antiqua
- Oldhamia radiata
- oligoclase
- oliva porphyria
- Olivet College
- olivine
- Omri, King of Israel
- onofrite
- Ontario
- Ontario--St. Thomas
- oolite
- Oology
- opal
- Ophidia
- Ophiocoma
- Ophisaurus ventralis
- Opisthocomus
- opposum
- orangutan
- orca
- Orca gladiator
- order
- Oreaster
- Oregon
- Oregon meteorite
- Oregon towhee
- Oreodon
- Orinoco
- oriole
- Ornithologist and Oologist
- Ornithology
- Ornithorhynchus
- Ornithorhynchus anatinus
- Orthis
- orthoceras
- Orthoceratites
- orthoclase
- Orthoepy
- Orthography
- orthoptera
- Orton, J., 1830-1877
- Orycteropus aethiopicus
- Orycteropus capensis
- Oryx beisa
- Osborn
- Osis
- osmium
- Osphranter
- osprey
- Osteologist
- Osteology
- ostrich
- otter
- Ouicita
- Overland Telegraph
- Ovibos moschatus
- Ovis aries
- Ovis montana
- Ovis quadricornis
- Ovis steatopygos
- Owen, Richard
- owl
- owl parrot
- Owston and Snow
- oxen
- oxides
- oyster
- P-R
- paca
- Pace. A. J.
- Pachymortisma
- Pacific coast
- Pacific eider
- Pacific godwit
- Pacific Islands
- Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Ocean--China Sea
- Pacific walrus
- Packard, Alpheus Spring
- Packard, Alpheus Spring Jr.
- paddle
- paddlefish
- pademelon kangaroo
- pademelon wallaby
- Pagopus equestris
- Paguma larvata
- Paiute Indians
- Palace Royale, Paris, France
- Palapterygidae
- Palapteryx
- Palapteryx elephantopus
- Paleobotany
- Paleontological Cabinet
- Paleontology
- Paleozoic
- Paley, William
- Pall Mall Gazette
- palladium
- palm (tree)
- Palmer, William
- palmetto
- palmiped
- Pamphagus
- Panama
- panda
- Pandion halictus
- panther
- Papau New Guinea
- Papau New Guinea--Duke of York Islands
- Papau New Guinea--New Britain Island
- Papau New Guinea--New Ireland Island
- Papau New Guinea--Port Moresby
- Papaver
- papier mache
- Paradisea raggiana
- parakeet
- paramorph
- Paramoudra
- parasite
- Parasitology
- parisite (mineral)
- Park Commissioners
- Parker, H. W.
- Parker, T. W.
- parrot
- parson bird
- partridge
- Passer domesticus
- Passerculus savanna
- patas monkey
- Paternoster Row, London
- Patinians
- Pausilippi
- Pawnee Indians
- payment
- peacock
- Peale, Albert Charles
- Peale's egret
- pearls
- pearlstone
- peccary
- Pech, C. F.
- Peck, P. P.
- peckhamite
- Pecopteris
- Pectens
- pedestal
- Pedetes caffer
- pelican
- Pelobates fuscus
- pelvis
- Penang
- penguin
- Penhallow, D. P.
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania (Susquehanna) River
- Pennsylvania--Greensburg
- Pennsylvania--Philadelphia
- Pennsylvania--Titusville
- Pentacrinites
- Pentacrinus
- Pentacrinus briareus
- Pentacrinus subangularis
- Pentrmites
- Peperinos
- Perameles
- Perameles gunnii
- Perameles lagotis
- Perameles nasuta
- peregrine falcon
- periclase
- peridot
- Periechocrinus
- Perisoreus fumifrons
- Permian
- Perognathus pencillatus
- Persia
- personal ornament
- Peru
- Peru--Chincha Islands
- pestilence
- pestle
- Petaurista
- Peter Redpath Museum
- Petiver, James
- petrel
- petrified wood
- Petrogale
- Petrogale xanthopus
- Petrography
- petromyzon niger
- Petzholdt, Ernest Fritz
- petzite
- Phacochoerus aethiopicus
- Phacochoerus oeliani
- phacolite
- phalanger
- Phalangista
- Phalangista canina
- Phalangista cookii
- Phalangista fuliginosa
- Phalangista vulpina
- Phalaropus fulicarius
- phallic worship
- pharmacosiderite
- Phascolarctos
- Phascolarctos cinereus
- Phascolomys
- Phascolomys ursinus
- Phasianus soemeringii
- Phasianus torquatus
- Phasianus versicolor
- pheasant
- pheasant cuckoo
- phenacite
- Phenomenal Geology
- Philacte canagica
- Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences
- Philadelphia Art School
- Philemon cockerelli
- Philip Island parrot
- Philippines
- Philippines--Bohol
- Philippines-Mindanao Islands
- Phillip Island, Victoria
- phillipsite
- Philosphical Transactions of the Royal Society
- Phlogiscieria
- Phlogoenas johannae
- Phlogoenas margarita
- phoca
- Phoca groenlandica
- Phoca vitulina
- Phocaena communis
- Phocaena cummunis
- Phoenician
- Phoenicopterus ruber
- Pholidotus indicus
- phosgenite
- phosphates
- phosphorescent
- Phrenology
- Phrynosoma
- Phrynosoma cornutum
- Phycology
- Physeter
- Physica Sacra
- Physical and Structural Series
- Physician
- Physics
- Physiology
- phytomorph
- Pica hudsonica
- pickerel fish
- Picoides dorsalis alascensis
- pie-billed grebe
- piedmont
- Piel
- Pieris
- Pieris rapa
- pig
- pigeon
- pigmy armadillo
- pigmy muskrat
- pike
- pike perch
- Pilling, James Constantine
- pilot whale
- Pinafore, H. M. S.
- pinche
- Pine Street, New York
- Pinicola eneucleater
- pinite
- Pinnepidia
- pinniped
- Pinus halepensis
- pipe
- pipe of peace
- Pithecia leucocephala
- Pithecia monachus
- Pithecus
- Pitt (Regent) Diamond
- Pitta
- Pitta macklottii
- Pittsburgh Female College
- Pituophis mexicanus
- Plagiuri
- plant
- plant lice
- plaster model
- Platanus
- plates
- platinum
- Platinum gold nugget
- Platycercus erythrotis
- Platydactylus aegyptiacus
- Platydactylus guttatus
- platypus
- Pleropus edwardsii
- Plesiosaurus
- Plesiosaurus delichodeirus
- Plesiosaurus dotichocleirus
- Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
- Plestiodon erythrocephalus
- Pliny
- Pliocene
- Plotus anhinga
- plover
- plumbous vireo
- plumed partridge
- Pluronectia japonica
- Pluto
- Pocillopora damicornis
- Pocillopora eydouxi
- Pocillopora inaeandrina
- Pocillopora maeandrina
- pocket gopher
- Podabacia crustacea
- Point New Years
- Point Reyes
- Poland
- Poland--Pultusk
- polar bear
- Polaris
- Pole star diamond
- pollucite
- polybasite
- Polychrus marmoratus
- Polyclute stelleri
- Polycystina
- Polyodon
- Polyodon folium
- Polyplectron Hardwickii
- Polypodium
- Polysticta stelleri
- polytelite
- Polyzoa
- pomatorhine jager
- Pomotis auritus
- pony
- Pool of Siloam, Jerusalem
- Poppert, F. W.
- Popular Science Monthly
- porcupine
- Porphyrio
- Porphyrio melanotus
- porphyritic trachyte
- porpoise
- Port Moresby
- Portulacca
- potash
- potassium
- pottery
- Potulsk meteorite
- pouched gopher
- pouched rat
- Powell, John Wesley
- prairie dog
- prairie wolf
- prawn
- Precambrian
- precious stones
- Prehistoric races
- Preston, H. L.
- Prevotel, M. Isidore
- price
- price list
- Prime, W., 1837-1907
- Prince Maximillian
- Prince Street, Rochester, New York
- Princeton
- Princeton College
- Princeton College Museum
- Prionodus gigas
- proboscis monkey
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society
- Procter
- Procyon lotor
- Productus horridus
- Professor of Liversidge
- pronghorn antelope
- Propithecus diadema
- proposed purchase
- Proserpina
- Prosthemadera nova zealandica
- Proteles lalandii
- Proteus anguinius
- Protopterus
- Protozoa
- proustite
- Provincetown
- Prussia
- pryyhotine
- Pseudochirus cooki
- Pseudodifflugia
- pseudomalachite
- Pseudopus pallasii
- Psittacus erythracus
- Psychology
- Pterinea
- pterodactyl
- Pterodactylus
- Pteromys nitidus
- Pterophyllum
- Pteropus capistriatus
- Pteropus edwardsii
- Pteropus griseus
- Pteropus melanopogon
- Pterygotus
- Ptilobus joannis
- Ptilopus superbus
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy Epiphanes
- Ptolemy Philopater
- Publishing
- pucherite
- Puffinus major
- pug
- Pultusk meteorite
- puma
- pumpkin seed
- purchase
- Purdue University
- Put-in-Bay Museum
- Putnam, Frederic Ward
- pyrargyrite
- pyrite
- pyrolusite
- pyromorphite
- pyrophyllite
- pyroxene
- pyrrhotite
- Pythagoras
- Python
- Quadrumana
- quahog
- quail
- quality of work
- quartz
- quartzite
- Quaternary
- Quaternary Lakes
- Quebec
- Quebec--Montreal
- Queen and Company
- Queensland
- Queensland--Cooktown
- Quekett, John Thomas, 1815-1861
- Querquedula cyanoptera
- Querquedula discors
- Quinby, Kate
- rabbit
- Rabbit Skin Indians
- raccoon
- raccoon dog
- raccoon-faced dog
- race horse
- Radiata
- Radiolaria
- Raia
- rail
- ramelsbergite
- Ramme
- Ramme and Sodtmann
- Ramme model
- Ramsay, Edward Pierson
- Ramsay, Mr.
- Rana catasbiana
- Rana esculenta
- Ranella pulchra
- Rangifer caribou
- Raphael
- Raptores
- Rasores
- rat
- rat kangaroo
- ratel
- Rathbun, S. F.
- rattlesnake
- raven
- Rawlinson, H.
- Rawson, Rawson W.
- Rea, George
- realgar
- Receptaculites
- Recipe
- red phalarope
- Red River
- Red Sea
- red shouldered hawk
- red-breasted teal
- red-headed woodpecker
- redhead duck
- redruthite
- redshank
- redshanks
- Rees' cyclopaedia
- reindeer
- Reithrodon humilis
- relics
- relief map
- religion
- Rensselaeria
- rensselaerite
- Reports of the US Geological Survey Explorations of the Fortieth Parallel
- Repository--current
- Repository--historic
- reptiles
- Reptilia
- request for specimen preparation
- Restoration of Mammoth
- Restorations of Extinct Animals
- Rhea
- Rhea americana
- Rhenish Provinces, Prussia
- Rhine River
- rhinoceros
- rhinoceros bicornis
- rhinoceros hornbill
- rhinoceros manikin
- Rhizodus
- Rhizopoda
- Rhizopods of North America
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island--Providence
- Rhodes, Robert
- rhodium
- rhodonite
- Rhynchocephalina
- Rhynchocyon
- rhyolite
- Ridgway, Robert
- rifle bird
- rifleman
- right whale
- Riley, Charles Valentine
- Rimmon
- ring-billed gull
- ring-tailed lemur
- ring-tailed opossum
- roach
- roan antelope
- Robertson & Hernsheim
- Robertson, R. S.
- robin
- Roccamonfina
- Rochester Establishment
- Rochester Theological Seminary
- rock
- rock ptarmigan
- rocks
- Rocks of the New York System
- Rocky Mountain bear
- Rocky Mountain Sheep
- Rocky Mountains
- Rodentia
- rodents
- Rollins, J. S.
- Roman Catacombs
- Roman Empire
- Romania--Magura
- Romania--Mezo-Madaras
- Romania--Transylvania
- Rome Sentinel
- Rondeletius
- rook
- root fossil
- ropellite
- roseate spoonbill
- Rosetta stone
- Rostellaria curvirostris
- Rothrock, Joseph Trimble
- Rotifera
- rousette bat
- Royal College of Surgeons
- Royal Museum
- Royal Zoological Gardens of London
- rubellite
- rubidium
- ruby
- ruddy duck
- Rudistes
- ruffed grouse
- ruffed lemur
- Ruficapra tragus
- rufous-backed hummingbird
- Ruminant
- Rupicapra tragus
- Rupp., L.
- Russia
- Russia (Federation)--Kamchatka
- Russia (Federation)--Kuril islands
- Russia (Federation)--Petropaulovski-Kamchatsky
- Russia (Federation)--Shiashkotan Island
- Russia (Federation)--Siberia
- Russia (Federation)--Sirushir (Simushir) Island
- Russia (Federation)--St. Petersburgh
- Russia (Federation)--Ural Mountains
- Russia (Federation)--Ush Ishu Island
- Russia--Amoorland
- Russia--Behring Island
- Russia--Commodore (Komandorski) Islands
- Russia--Iturup
- Russia--Paramushir Island
- Russia--St. Petersburgh
- Russia--Vladivostock
- ruthenium
- Rutherford, Hayes B.
- rutile
- S. E. Cassino and Co.
- S. S. Alexander
- S.S. Cuzco
- Sabine's gull
- sable
- sable antelope
- Safe Remedies
- Safford, James M. (James Merrill)
- sage grouse
- Sahara Desert
- Saiga antelope
- Saiga tartarica
- Saint Lucia
- Saint-Hilaire Geoffrey
- sal ammoniac
- salamander
- Salamandra atra
- Salamandra subcristatus
- Salangoreter
- sale
- salmon
- salmonidae
- Salpidae
- Samaralian River
- Samas, The Sun God
- Samoa
- San Diego
- San Francisco Bulletin
- San Francisco Evening Bulletin
- San Francisco Evening Call
- Sand
- Sand Point, Florida, United States of America
- sandstone
- sanrian
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Santiago de Chile
- sapphire
- Sarawak
- Sarcophilus
- Sarcophilus ursinus
- Saskatchewan
- Sassafras
- Satan
- Saturn
- Satyr
- Saudi Arabia--Mecca
- saurian
- Say's flycatcher
- Say's Phoebe
- Sayce, A. H.
- scalaria
- scale
- Scammon, C. M.
- Scammon, Capt.
- scansores
- Scaphiophus solitarius
- Scaphirhynchus
- Scaphirynchus cataphractus
- scapolite
- scarlet tanager
- Schanck, John Stillwell
- schermagite
- schermerhorn
- Scheuchzer, John Jacob
- Schimper's Paleontology Vegetale
- schirmerite
- Schneider, Gustav
- School Collection
- School Series
- School Series of Casts
- schriebersite
- schwartzembergite
- Schwatka, Frederick
- Science
- Science Schools of London
- Scientific American
- Scientific and Literary Gossip
- Scientific illustration
- Scincus atrigularis
- Scincus bistriatus
- Scincus officinalis
- Scipio, Cornelius
- Sciuropterus
- Sciuropterus volucella
- Sciurus hypopyrrhus
- Sciurus niger ludovicianus
- Scops asio
- scorpion
- Scorpius
- Scot-craig
- Scotland
- Scotland--Dundee
- Scotland--Edinburgh
- Scotland--Glasglow
- Scotland--Orkney
- Scotland--Uist Islands
- Scotophilus
- Scotophilus alleghanensis
- Scott, W. E. D.
- Scott, Walter
- screech owl
- Scribner
- sculpture
- sea anemone
- sea bass
- sea fowl
- sea leopard
- sea lion
- sea otter
- sea snail
- sea turtle
- sea urchin
- seahorse
- seal
- Seal Islands of Alaska
- Secondary Epoch
- secretary bird
- sedimentary rock
- seed
- seeking employment
- selenite
- Selous, Mr.
- Selwyn, Alfred R. C.
- Semnopithecus
- Semnopithecus cucullatus
- Semnopithecus entellus
- Semnopithecus femoralis
- Semnopithecus leucoprymnus
- Semnopithecus priamus
- Senegal--Fort De L'esclave
- septa
- September
- Seriatopora lineata
- Series of vertebrates
- serpent
- Serpentarius reptilivorus
- serpentine
- seybertite
- Shakespeare
- Shalmaneser
- shark
- sharp-tailed sandpiper
- sheep
- sheldrake
- shell section
- shellfish
- shells
- shells (offer to sell)
- Sheridan, General Philip
- Sherman, William Tecumseh
- shield
- shipping
- Shofoo
- short-billed gull
- Shoshone Indians
- Shoup, Samuel B.
- shovel-nosed sturgeon
- shrew
- Shufeldt, R. W.
- Shuswap Indians
- Sialia
- Siam
- Siamang
- Siamanga syndactyla
- Siberia
- Siberia--Krasnojarsk
- Siberian gold nugget
- Siberian nuthatch
- Sicily--Girgenti
- Sicily--Mount Etna
- sickles
- Siculus, Diodorus
- siderite
- Sieboldia
- Sieboldia (Cryptobranchus) maxima
- Sieboldia maxima
- Sigillaria
- Sigmodon hispidus
- Silenus veter
- Silesia
- silica
- silicates
- silky anteater
- Silliman Jr., B, 1816-1885
- Siloam inscription
- Silurian
- silver
- silver pheasant
- Simcorhynchus cistatellus
- Simia acauda
- Simia satyrus
- Simia subtus glabra
- Simia wurmbii
- Simmler
- Simotes octolineatus
- Singapore
- Sioux Indians
- siphuncle
- sipylite
- Siran
- Siredon
- Siredon mexicanus
- Siren
- Siren lacertina
- Sisuthros
- Sitta arctica
- skeleton
- skeleton (antelope)
- skeleton (bear)
- skeleton (bison)
- skeleton (cameleopard)
- skeleton (caribou)
- skeleton (cow)
- skeleton (deer)
- skeleton (disarticulated)
- skeleton (dugong)
- skeleton (echidna)
- skeleton (elephant)
- skeleton (elk)
- skeleton (fish)
- skeleton (foot)
- skeleton (gorilla)
- skeleton (hand)
- skeleton (hatteria)
- skeleton (horse)
- skeleton (human)
- skeleton (manatee)
- skeleton (Mastodon)
- skeleton (moose)
- skeleton (orangutan)
- skeleton (otter)
- skeleton (sloth)
- skeleton (turkey)
- skeleton (wart hog)
- skeleton (whale)
- skeleton (wild boar)
- Skibo
- skin
- skin (African coney)
- skin (African leopard)
- skin (alligator)
- skin (antelope)
- skin (bear)
- skin (bird)
- skin (buffalo)
- skin (California lion)
- skin (caribou)
- skin (elk)
- skin (gorilla)
- skin (leopard)
- skin (moose)
- skin (Mountain sheep)
- skin (orvis montana)
- skin (porcupine)
- skin (seal)
- skin (snake)
- skin (Trogon)
- skin (turkey)
- skin (white owl)
- skin (wolf)
- skins
- skins (mammals)
- Skins and Mounted Specimens
- Skins and Mounted Specimens (with Alcoholic Specimens)
- skins for sale
- skull
- skull (bear)
- skull (bison)
- skull (cat)
- skull (crocodile)
- skull (deer)
- skull (elephant)
- skull (elk)
- skull (human)
- skull (monkey)
- skull (neanderthal)
- skull (tiger)
- skull (two-toed sloth)
- skunk
- skylark
- slate
- slender lemur
- slides
- sloth
- slow lemur
- small anteater
- small fruit pigeon
- small pox
- Smith, C. C.
- Smith, George
- Smith, J. Lawrence
- Smithsonian Check List
- Smithsonian Institution
- smithsonite
- smoky jay
- Smyth, Agnes, 1841-1913
- Smyth, William, 1838-1913
- snail
- snake
- snake bird
- snapping turtle
- snaruin
- snipe
- snowy heron
- snowy owl
- soap (arsenical)
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Society for the Protection of Aborigines
- Society of American Taxidermists
- Society of Taxidermists
- sodium
- soft-shelled clam
- Solomon
- Somateria fischeri
- Somateria mollissima
- Somateria spectabilis
- Somateria stelleri
- Somateria vinigrum
- Sooty mangabey
- Sorby, Mr.
- South Africa
- South Africa--Cape of Good Hope
- South America
- South America--Lake Titicaca
- South America--Orinoco River
- South America--Patagonia
- South Australia--Angaston
- South Australia--Burra Burra
- South Australia--Corong (Mornington) Peninsula
- South Australia--Victoria
- South Australia--Wallaroo
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- South Dakota--badlands
- South Dakota--Black Hills
- South Pacific Ocean
- Southwick & Critchley
- Southwick & Jencks
- Southwick, James M., 1846-1904
- Souverbie
- Spain
- Spanish language-transcribe
- spar
- sparrow
- sparrow hawk
- spear
- Specht
- Special Collection of Minerals
- Special Lithological Collection
- Special Series of Skeletons, for Union Schools
- specimen
- specimen (alcoholic)
- Specimen (fossil)
- specimen (mounted)
- specimen (skeleton)
- specimen (skin)
- specimen (skull)
- specimen (taxidermy)
- specimen list
- specimen preparation
- specimens (receiving)
- specimens (shipping)
- spectacled eider
- spectroscope
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spencer, J. W.
- sperm whale
- Spermophile
- sphaerulite
- Sphaerulites
- sphalerite
- Sphargis
- Sphargis coriacea
- Spheniscus
- Sphenodon
- Sphoeria robertsia
- spicule
- spider crab
- spider monkey
- spine
- spinel
- spiny anteater
- Spirifer
- spodumene
- Spondylus pictorum
- sponge
- sponges
- Spongidae
- spotted opossum
- spring haas
- Squalus
- Squalus sp.
- Squatarola helvetica
- squid
- squirrel
- St. Claire Deville, Henri
- St. George
- St. Hilaire, E. G.
- St. Ignatius College
- St. Petersburgh Museum
- Stack, J. W.
- Staebner, F. W.
- stag
- stalactite
- stalagmite
- Stan
- Stanford, Leland
- Stanhope, Charles
- Stanley, Henry Morton
- starfish
- starvation
- State Cabinet of Natural History
- State Geological Cabinet
- State Legislature at Madison
- State Museum of California
- State of Louisiana
- State University
- Stearns, Winfrid A.
- steatite
- steinheilite
- Stellaria botastea
- Steller's duck
- Stemmatopus cristatus
- Steno compressus
- Stenorhynchus leptonyx
- stephanite
- Stercorarius pomatorhinus
- stereogram
- Sterna aleutica
- Sternberg, K. G., 1761-1838
- Sterorarius parasiticus
- Stevenson, John James
- stibnite
- Stigmaria
- stilbite
- stolzite
- Stone Age
- stone axe
- stone implement
- Stony Indians
- stony meteorite
- Storck, J.
- Stratigraphical collection
- Stratton, C. C.
- Stray Feathers
- Strepceros kudu
- Strigops habroptilus
- striped hyaena
- striped skunk
- Strix flammae
- Stro
- Stromatopora
- stromeyerite
- strontianite
- strontium
- Strophia
- Stropholosia
- Strophomena
- Structural and Systematic Conchology
- Structural geology
- Struthio
- Struthio camelus
- Struthio camelus (meriodinalis)
- Students' Collection of Rocks
- Students" Collections
- Studer, Jacob H.
- Studer's Birds of North America
- Studer's Popular Ornithology
- Stylaster
- Stylaster sanguineus
- Styria
- Suakin
- subscription
- Suidae
- Sula australis
- sulfur
- sulfur cinereum
- sulfur flaxescens
- sulfur rubrum
- sulfur virescens
- sulfuret
- sulphates
- sulphides
- sulphur
- Sumatra
- Sundev.
- sunfish
- Surinam
- Suriname
- Surippak
- Surnia ulula hudsonica
- Sus barbatus
- Sus cristatus
- Sus leucomystax
- Sus scrofa
- swallow
- Swallow tailed hawk
- swamp hawk
- swan
- Swathmore College
- Sweden
- Sweden--Stockholm
- Sweden--Tunaberg
- Sweden--Uddevalla
- Swift, (Dr.)
- Swinh.
- Swiss Lake Dwellers
- Switzerland
- Switzerland--Bex
- Switzerland--Constance
- Switzerland--Lausanne
- Switzerland--Zurich
- Swiveller, Dick
- sword
- Sydney Museum
- Sydney University
- Sydney, Australia
- sylvanite
- Synthliborhamphus antiquus
- Syracuse University
- Syria
- Syrian antiquities
- syssiderese
- Systematic Collections
- Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family
- Tables for the Use of Students and Beginners in Vegetable Histology
- tadpole
- Taggart, W. R.
- talc
- Talpa wogura
- Tamandra tetradactyla
- tantalite
- Tantalus
- Tanysiptera
- Tanysiptera nigriceps
- tapir
- Tapirus americanus
- Tapirus indicus
- Tapirus pinchaque
- Tapirus terrestris
- tarantula
- Tarbophis vivax
- tarepo
- Targioni-Tozzetti, Antonio
- tarsier
- Tarsipes
- Tarsius spectrum
- Tasmania
- Tasmania--Macquarie Island
- Tasmania--Ringarooma
- Tasmanian devil
- Tasmanian tiger
- Taurus
- taxidermist
- Taxidermist's Exhibition in New York
- taxidermy
- taxidermy (bad)
- taxonomy
- Taylor, Richard
- teaching
- Tecoma Mine
- Teius monitor
- telegraph
- Teleosaurus
- Telescopus obtusus
- tellurium
- Tem.
- Tempel's comet
- Temple Hill
- Tennant, James
- Tennessee
- Tennessee--Carthage
- Tennessee--Cocke County
- Tennessee--Drake Creek
- Tennessee--Green County
- Tennessee--Murfreesboro
- Tennessee--Robertson County
- Tennessee--Smith County
- tenorite
- Tenrec
- terbium
- Terebratula
- tern
- Territorial surveys
- Tertiary
- tessebe antelope
- test tubes
- Testudo carolina
- tetrahedrite
- Texas
- Texas--Austin
- Texas--Milam County
- Texas--Wichita County
- Thalassochelys caouna
- thallium
- thecodont saurian
- theology
- Theophrastus
- thick-billed guillemot
- thick-billed thrush
- Thomas, Michael Rogers Oldfield
- thompsonite
- Thomson, James, 1823-1900
- Thonan, Mr.
- thorax
- Thrace
- three-banded armadillo
- three-toed sloth
- Thylacinus
- Thylacinus cynocephalus
- Tice & Lynch
- Tiffany and Company
- tiger
- tiger shark
- Tigrisoma
- tin
- Titania
- titanite
- titanium
- toad
- tobacco
- Toledo Blade
- Tollin, Mr.
- Toluca meteorite
- Tolypeutes trinctus
- Tomistoma schlegeli
- tool
- topaz
- torbernite
- tornado
- tortoise
- Total Depravity of Inanimate Things
- Totanus melanoleucus
- toucan
- tourmaline
- Toussaint
- Tragops bennetti
- Tragulus
- Tragulus fulviventer
- Trans Vaal
- transcribe-catalogs
- transcribe-correspondence
- transcribe-journal
- transcribe-miscellany
- Transylvania (Romania)
- Transylvania--Fekete
- traps
- Traveller (horse)
- tree duck
- tree goose
- tree hyrax
- tremannite
- Treux
- Triassic
- Tribune Building
- Trichoglossus massena
- Trichoglossus sub-placens
- Tridacna gigas
- Tridacophylia
- Trigonia pectinata
- trilobite
- Trinema
- Tringa accuminata
- Trinidad
- Trinity College
- tripelas
- triphane
- Trochatella
- Trochilidae
- Troglodyte
- Troglodyte cave, France
- Troglodytes calvus
- Troglodytes gorilla
- Troglodytes niger
- Trogon
- troilite
- tropical deer
- Tropidolepis microlepidotus
- Tropidurus torquatus
- trout
- Truth
- Tryon, (Mr.?)
- Tschudi
- tuatara
- Tubipora
- Tubipora musica
- Tudora
- tufa
- Tufts College
- tui bird
- Tulane Educational Fund
- Tulane University
- Tulane, Paul
- tulip
- tungsten
- Tunicata
- Tunisia--Carthage
- Tunisia--Tunis
- Tupaia
- turdus swainsonii
- Turkey
- Turkey--Amanus Mountains
- Turnagra
- turquoise
- turtle
- tusk
- Two Years in the Jungle
- two-toed sloth
- Tyndall, John
- typewriter
- Ubara-Tutu
- Uinta Mountains
- ulcer
- ulexite
- Ulysses
- umbrella rack
- Umlauff
- Unger, Franz
- Union College
- Union School
- Union School and Amateur's College
- Union School Collection
- United States
- United States Census Department
- United States Coast Survey
- United States Entomological Commission
- United States Fish Commission
- United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region
- United States Geological Explorations of the 40th parallel
- United States Geological Survey
- United States Geological Survey west of the 100th meridian
- United States Government
- United States Interior Department
- United States Military Academy
- United States Supreme Court
- United States Territories
- United States--Columbia River
- United States--Connecticut Valley
- United States--Great Basin
- United States--Lake Bonneville
- United States--Lake Lahontan
- United States--New England
- United States--Smoky Hill River
- United States--Wasatch Mountains
- United States--Yellowstone National Park
- Unity
- univalve shell
- University of Bologna
- University of California
- University of Illinois
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- University of Minnesota
- University of Missouri
- University of Nashville
- University of Rochester
- University of Syracuse
- University of the Pacific
- University of Tokyo
- University of Toronto
- University of Virginia
- University of Western Pennsylvania
- Uphantaenia
- Upupa epops
- uraconite
- uraninite
- uranium
- uranotile
- Uranus
- Uria columba
- Uria troile
- Urocyon littoralis
- Urodela
- Uromastix niger
- Ursus americanus
- Ursus horribilis
- Ursus japonicus
- Ursus maritimus
- Ursus syriacus
- Uruguay
- Utah
- Utah--Great Salt Lake
- Utah--Henry Mountains
- Utah--Salt Lake City
- Utah--Sevier Desert
- utensil
- valentinite
- vampire bat
- Van Dieman's Land (Tasmania)
- van Vleck, Balfour H.
- Van Voorst, J.
- vanadinite
- vanadium
- vanauxemite
- Vanderbilt University
- Vanderkiste, R. W.
- Vanuatu--Mallicola (Mallicolo)
- Vanuxem, Lardner
- Varecia varia
- vase
- Vassar College
- Vassar Female College
- vegetable caterpillar
- veins
- Velie, Jacob W., 1829-1908
- Venable, C. S., 1827-1900
- Venezuela
- Venezuela--Lake Valencia
- Ventriculites
- Venus
- Venus mercenaria
- Verbascum
- Vermes
- Verreaux
- Verreaux Brothers
- Verrill, Adison Emery
- vertebrae
- Vertebrata
- Vespertilio carolinensis
- Vespertilio mirabilis
- Vespertiliones mirabiles
- vesuvianite
- Veterinary college of Philadelphia
- Viburnum lantana
- Vick, James
- Vick, William
- Victoria meteorite
- Victoria--Cape Otway
- Victoria--Collingwood
- Victoria--Cranbourne
- Victoria--Gippsland
- Victoria--Gippsland Lakes
- Victoria--Heathcote
- Victoria--Melbourne
- Victoria--Phillip Island
- Victoria--Ringwood
- Victoria--Western Port
- Victoria, Australia
- Viellot, Louis P.
- Vienna Museum
- Vincent, Rev. Dr.
- viper
- Virginia
- Virginia deer
- Virginia meteorite
- Virginia--Augusta County
- Virginia--Hunter County
- Virginia--Richmond
- Virginia--Salem
- Viscacha
- vodka
- Vogt
- volborthite
- volcanic scoriae
- volcano
- Voluta junonica
- von Faber
- Von Fischer, F.
- Von Siebold
- Vulpes fulvus
- Vulpes lagopus
- Vulpes velox
- Vulpes vulgaris
- Wabash College
- Waldheimia cruenta
- Waldheimia lenticularis
- Wales
- Walker, Mrs.
- Walker, William H.
- Walker's pocket camera
- wallaby
- Wallace, Alfred Russel
- Wallace, John
- Wallerius
- walrus
- wanderoo
- want list
- warbler
- Ward & Howell
- Ward and Howell Cast of Antiques
- Ward, Alice Mabel
- Ward, Charles H.
- Ward, Henry Augustus
- Ward, Henry L.
- Ward's Casts of Celebrated Fossils
- Ward's Natural Science Bulletin
- Ward's Natural Science Establishment
- Warner, H. H.
- Warren, Lieutenant
- wars of Mesha
- wart hog
- Washington and Jefferson College
- Washington and Lee University
- Washington University
- Washington, D.C.
- Washington, George
- Water Color Drawings
- water dog
- water hen
- water moccasin
- water rat
- water snake
- Waterhouse, Hawkins B.
- wattle birds
- wavellite
- Wealden forest
- weapon
- weasel
- weather
- weaver bird
- Webb
- Webster, Frederic S.
- Webster, Mr.
- Weekly Review
- Weinland, Dr.
- weka
- Welcome gold nugget
- Welcome nugget
- Wells Fargo
- Wenus, (Mr.)
- Werner, Mr.
- Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Indiana
- Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
- Wesleyan University, Middletown Conn.
- West Bank--Nablus
- West Indies (Caribbean Basin)
- West Indies--Leeward Islands
- West Virginia
- western chickadee
- Western Educational Journal
- Westphalia, Germany
- wet plate
- whale
- whale (blue)
- whale (humpback)
- whale (sperm)
- whale bone
- whale fishery
- Whately, Richard
- Wheeler, Lieut.
- Wheeler, William Morton
- whelk
- whimbrel
- whistling swan
- white bear
- white beaver
- white collared mangabey
- white egret
- white fishing eagle
- white-backed skunk
- white-tailed deer
- white-tailed gnu
- White, Andrew Dickson
- White, Charles Abiathar
- Whitfield American Museum, Central Park
- Whitfield, Robert Parr
- Whitney, J. D.
- whooping crane
- Widmannstattian figure
- Wiegmann
- Wilberforce University
- wild ass
- wild blue bell
- wild boar
- wild sheep
- wild turkey
- Wild, George A.
- wildcat
- Wilder, Burt G.
- Willamette meteorite
- willemite
- Williams College
- Williams, W.
- williamsite
- Wilson, A. D.
- Winchell, Alexander
- Windward Isles
- wing
- winged bull
- winged lion
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin--Cream City (Milwaukee)
- Wisconsin--Madison
- Wisconsin--Milwaukee
- Wisconsin--Trenton
- Withall, E. 1856-1916
- witherite
- WNSE Employee
- wolf
- wolf (Arctic)
- Wolfe, (Ms.)
- wolverine
- wombat
- Wood and Cassell Natural History
- wood cuts
- wood duck
- wood hare
- wood ibis
- wood model
- wood opal
- wood, Brazil
- Wood, Mr.
- Wood, Nelson R.
- Wood's Natural History
- woodchuck
- woodcock
- woodhen
- woodpecker
- Woodward, Mr.
- Woodward's Gardens
- worthite
- wren
- Wright, Albert A. (Albert Allen), 1846-1905
- wulfenite
- Wyoming
- Wyoming--Medicine Bow River
- Xema sabinii
- xenolite
- Xenorhynchus senegalensis
- xylite
- Yahveh
- Yale College
- Yan'su son of Khaban
- Yarrow, H. C., 1840-1929
- ybg
- Yellow Springs
- yellow wagtail
- yellow-bellied marmot
- yellow-billed loon
- Yellowstone
- yesso hare
- yew
- Yorkshire
- Youssoupoff, Princess
- yttrium
- yttrocerite
- Yuhua son of Khumri
- Zadkiel
- Zalophus
- Zalophus californicus
- Zanzibar
- zebra
- zeolite
- zinc
- zircon
- zirconium
- Zittel, K. A., 1839-1904
- Zoantharia
- Zoological Garden at Central Park
- Zoological Garden of Amsterdam
- Zoological Garden, Berlin
- Zoological gardens
- Zoological Hall
- Zoological Province of the Vertebrata
- Zoological Series
- Zoological Society of London
- Zoologische Garden
- Zoology
- zoomorph
- zoophyte
- Zopata
- zorgite
- Zouave