catalogues (79 total)
Catalogues listing and describing specimens for sale by Ward's Natural Science Establishment and Ward & Howell
Winter announcements of minerals, gems, rocks, meteorites, crystal models.
Ward-Coonley Collection of Meteorites
Ward series of casts of fossils (check list), 1870
Ten human anatomical models every school should possess
Special Meteorite Collection of Prof. Henry A. Ward
Seventh shell list (1907)
Revised Prices for ... Entomological Supplies (1921)
Revised list of North American mammals (1885)
Price List of Meteorites (c)
Price List of Meteorites (b)
Price List of Meteorites (a)
Price list of meteorites (1914)
Price list of anatomical preparations of papier-mache
Physiological histology of man and mammalian animals
Palaeontological charts and ideal geological landscapes
Notices of the mammoth (1878)
Notice of the Ward cabinets...the University of Rochester (1863)
Mueller-Ward models of frog embryology (c1945)
Models illustrating the evolution of the horse
Meteorites! Wanted to purchase them
Meteorites for sale (1907)
Meteorites for sale (1904)
Meteorites for sale (1901)
Meteorites for sale (1899)
Meteorites for sale (1897)
Meteorites for sale [Annotated Ward-Coonley Catalogue]
Masks of faces of races of men (1888)
Mammals of North American region (1882)
Mammals of Central America... (1883)
Living and preserved material for embryology.
List of present desiderata in bird skins.
Illustrated descriptive catalogue of school series of skeletons (1881)
Illustrated descriptive catalogue of meteorites (1892)
Fossils recently secured.
Exhibit of Ward' New Orleans (1885)
Dissections of Typical Animals and Life Histories in Glass Jars
Descriptive catalogue of geological models
Custom Work in Taxidermy: Mammals (1877)
Custom Work in Taxidermy: Birds (1882)
Comparative anatomy models.
Collections of natural products ...
Clastic anatomy of Dr. Auzoux
Circulars and price lists. (no. 239)
Circulars and price lists. (no. 228)
Check-list of all known meteorites (1897)
Catalogue...of echinodermata, corals, gorgonias, sponges (1892?)
Catalogue of the Schermerhorn school series...fossils (1877)
Catalogue of the college collection of paleontology (1891)
Catalogue of the Collection of Meteorites of James R. Gregory of London
Catalogue of specimens of invertebrate animals (1876)
Catalogue of specimens of comparative osteology (1877)
Catalogue of rocks of the New York System / issued by Ward & Howell.
Catalogue of North American birds skins and mounted specimens.
Catalogue of North American bird's eggs
Catalogue of North American and foreign birds' eggs
Catalogue of minerals in systematic collections...
Catalogue of mammals, birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes
Catalogue of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes (1877)
Catalogue of human skeletons, osteological preparations...
Catalogue of human skeletons, human and comparative anatomical models...(1893)
Catalogue of human skeletons and osteological preparations... (1894)
Catalogue of human skeletons and anatomical preparations (1891?)
Catalogue of glass models of invertebrate animals. (1878)
Catalogue of glass models of invertebrate animals (1888)
Catalogue of casts... Dinocerata and Hesperornis (1891)
Catalogue of cabinet of comparative osteology
Catalogue of a collection of ... odontology (1897)
Catalog advertisement card
Casts of meteorites for sale
American animals: skins and skeletons