Transcribe Bantlin, Julius J. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-12-06)

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Cincinnati December 6, 1880

Henry A. Ward, Esqr. Rochester NY

My dear Professor,

Enclosed [?] handing Draft on New York

for $125.00 in payment of the Grizzlies, for which please send me

a receipt.

The Grizzlies were laid over one night at Cleveland and arrived

here Friday evening. It was lucky they came then, because

the very next train was smashed to pieces.

I cut the Halters off of their necks and they have a big cage

15 x 20 feet to cut up their capers in. They do splendid and

I am glad I got them. I may now keep them at the Zoo

till next spring and exchange them for other animals at some

Zoo in Europe which I will then present to our Zoo.

Thompson is still at Baltimore and hope Steamer will come

in port today bearing animals from Hamburg and Cologne

for our Zoo.

Most respectfully,

Julius J. Bantlin