1854 Travelled all day through T? by M? South to Lyons
1855 Attended lecture (Mr. S. Ecole des Mines) and wrote
1856 Spent day in Mineral and Fossil Comptoir of Dr. B?der
1857 Wrote letters and visited Prof. [?] the geologist
1858 Read books and made calls around city
1868 Spent the day in business around the city
1869 Worked in study and errands in city
1870 Day errands in city. Eve visits at the Erickson's
1871 Wrote letters nearly all day and worked at shop
1872 AM cars to Wabash. Spent all day in calls with Dr. Ford
1873 Business in city and work at shops. Cold snow all day
1874 Forenoon attended sale of house. Much bought at $9000. PM Work at home.
1875 Wrote letters and worked on Mineral Cabinet.
1876 Day in St. Pauli in business. Eve wrote letters.
1877 Wrote letters at room and closed my work on Brooks' Museum
1878 Letters and Church at St. Peters. PM visit from L? Ward
1879 Day to Easton and back. Eve cars to New Haven.
1880 Day to Bethlehem Pa. to visit Lehigh University and back.
1881 AM Reached Swatow. Day around city. Eve steamed northward
1882 Work at study and at shops. Heavy snow.
1883 Day work at home. Eve cars West through Buffalo
1884 Work on Exhibit in Exposition.
1885 Day at University. Eve and night cars S. East.
1886 Letters at home and errands in city
1887 AM reached Rochester. Day in Museum and study.
1888 Work at Museum and business in city. Called on H.H. Ward.
1889 AM reached Paris. Visited round city all day.
1890 Forenoon packed specimens. PM Cars to Menlo Park.
1891 Day in work at shops. Eve cars West
1892 Work in museum and business in city
1893 Work on moving collections all day
1894 Work on collections and business in city
1895 Made call and wrote letters
1854 Forenoon steamer down Rhone to [Valence? ]PM cars to Marseilles
1855 Attended church and read
1856 Day visited Museum of Natural History. Eve meeting of Royal Geographical Society.
1857 Wrote and PM took steamer to Helsingborg.
1858 Went today to Santa Cruz on foot
1869 Worked in study and errands in city. Eve lecture with Phebe.
1870 Worked in Museum all day.
1871 Forenoon worked at shop. PM Errands in city
1872 Rode by ? To ? And after Mastodon bones. Eve cars East
1873 Wrote letters and visited with Mr. Barnett of Niagara
1874 Forenoon business in city. PM sale of shops and contents. Uncle bought at $5000
1875 Wrote letters and worked on Minerals and Fossils. Weather still cold.
1876 Business all day in city. Weather rainy and cold.
1877 Forenoon wrote letters. PM cars to Washington. Eve wrote letters.
1878 Work at shops. Business in city and letters. Heavy rain.
1879 Worked all day with subscrtiption with Prest. Pynchon
1880 Day in business around city.
1881 AM reached ? Day around city. Eve northward.
1882 Same as yesterday
1883 AM at Chicago. PM reached Milwaukee.
1884 Same as yesterday
1885 AM St. Louis. Day around city. Eve cars north.
1886 Same as yesterday. Cold snow storm
1887 Same as yesterday
1888 Wrote letters and made call all day.
1889 Business around city all day.
1890 AM visited Stanford University. Cars to San Francisco. Eve called on Mrs. Clarke.
1891 AM reached Chicago. Day around city and at home with Mrs. Coonley Avery.
1892 Same as yesterday.
1893 Same as yesterday
1894 Forenoon church. PM visits and letters.
1895 Cars to Baton Rouge to visit University. Eve cars north to Vicksburg
1854 Spent day at room in hotel, reading Bible and Paradise Lost.
1855 Day studied. Eve meeting of Geological Society
1856 Spent day in packing of specimens
1857 Returned from Helsingborg. Spent day with Prof. Forchhammer
1858 Walked to ? And returned to ?
1869 Forenoon letters. PM calls in city
1870 AM Worked in Museum. PM errands in city
1871 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM read and wrote letters.
1872 Forenoon at Akron, Ohop.PM to Cleveland. Eve meet Kirtland Society of Natural Sciences
1873 Worked at Museum with Mr. Goodhue. Eve wrote letters
1874 Errands in city and work at Museum
1875 Work on minerals and errands in city.
1876 Forenoon wrote letters. PM cars south to Leipzig
1877 Spent day at Smithsonian and calls in city. Eve cars to Baltimore.
1878 AM cars to Ithaca. Visited with Prest. White and Prof. Comstock. Eve return.
1879 Worked all day with subscription. Weather lovely--spring!
1880 Worked at Am. Museum of Nat. history putting case over Orang group
1881 Reached? Foo Choo harbor. Steamer Sin nan zing north.
1882 Read and wrote all day
1883 Day business in city. PM cars West through Portage.
1884 Work all day on Exhibit at Exposition
1885 AM Keokuk Iowa. Forenoon Warsaw, Ill, Eve Burlington and cars East
1886 Wrote letters and work at shops
1887 Work at shops and in study. Visit from Prof. Nasar? of Troy.
1888 Work at Museum and business in city. Eve cars East.
1889 Business around city all day.
1890 Business and call around city. Eve called with Dr. Harkness on Mr. and Mrs. Hughes.
1891 Spent day visiting and going around city.
1892 Work at home and business in city
1893 Wrote letters all day
1894 Work at Museum and calls in city
1895 Cars north all day to Memphis
1854 Forenoon business around city. PM took a long walk along the Mediterranean
1855 Took lesson at the J. des Plantes and work
1856 Visited Royal Zoological Collections. Eve cars south
1857 Called on Prof. Steerstrup? Also? Made exchange with M. Henriques.
1858 Walked to crater of L? and returned to Fernshal?
1869 AM called on Prof Mixer and Mrs Seelye. PM Business in city
1870 AM heard farewell sermon of Dr. Crowell at St Peters. Eve wrote to Mother?
1871 Forenoon work at shop. PM Errands. Edwin and Fred left for ? Union (Mt. Vernon?) and Washington.
1872 Cars all day east to Rochester. Little snow on ground
1873 Work at Museum and errands in city. Thaw, and snow gone
1874 Work at Museum and errands in city Thaw and snow gone!
1875 Wrote letters . Work a Museum and errands in city. Weather rather cold.
1876 Visited dealers at Leipzig. Eve cars to Dresden.
1877 Spent forneoon at Acad. Of Sciences and Johns Hopkins University. Eve cars to New York
1878 Day wrote letters, business in city and work at shops. Snow.
1879 Worked with subscription. Eve dinnes at Dr. Wainwright's
1880 Business around city alll day. Eve cars north
1881 Rough all day and small view of sandy coast. Slept mostly.
1882 Work at shops and business in city.
1883 AM at St. Paul visitng with family Ingersoll Eve cars North
1884 Same as yesterday
1885 AM Chicago. Day around city. Eve cars S. East.
1886 Same as yesterday.
1887 Wrote leters in room.
1888 Forenoon at Sing Sing. PM around New York. PM Cars north.
1889 Same as yesterday
1890 Same as yesterday. Eve cars to Cornwall, calling on Mr. and Mrs. Wight
1891 Same as yesterday
1892 Forenoon church. PM letters and visits.
1893 Business at Exposition. Eve cars S. West.
1894 Same as yesterday. PM cars to New York.
1895 Visited Academy. Cars East to Nashville Tennessee
1854 Took a sail with Wadsworth in the harbor. Eve wrote letters
1855 Studied and wrote letters all day
1856 Very cold today. PM reached Leibock? And diligence to Adelsberg
1857 Forenoon collected shells in pond out of city. PM called on Prof. [Scheerstrop?]
1858 Attended church ("English") forenoon and afternoon
1869 Attended St. Peters forenoon and afternoon. Eve callled on Robt. Fenn?
1870 Worked at Museum and did errands in city
1871 Worked at museum all day. Cold, snow and stormy.
1872 I spent the day in work around shops and in errands in city
1873 Business in city. Eve cars through Attica to Hornellsville
1874 Business in city and call on Mr. Morgan
1875 Forenoon church at St. peters. PM and eve wrote letters
1876 Day excursion to Freiberg and back
1877 Business and calls around city all day. Eve wrote letters
1878 Business in city and work at Museum.
1879 Work with subscrtiption. Eve attended Proctor's(?) lecture on botany.
1880 AM reached Rochester. Forenoon church. PM Letters, etc.
1881 Rough all day. Read and slept.
1882 Work in study and at shops.
1883 AM at Fargo (?). Day cars north. Eve reached Winnipeg.
1884 Work on Exhibit at Exposition.
1885 AM Greencastle, Ind. When work at Univserity. PM Cars East through Ohio.
1886 Wrote letters and worked on collection of shells.
1887 Work in shops and letters in study.
1888 AM Rochester. Day work at home.
1889 Business all day around city. Eve dined with prof. Ferrari and Henry.
1890 AM to Vallejo (? Island). Day with C. H. Townsend on "Albatross"(?) Eve cars to San Francisco
1891 Day still visiting at Mrs. Coonley's. PM cars to Joliet, Ill.
1892 Work at Museum and business in city.
1893 AM Kansas City and Lawrence Kansas. PM Cars West.
1894 AM New York. Forenoon Alice and I took steamer "Majestic" for Europe.
1895 Forenoon at Vanderbilt University. PM Cars to Louisville
1854 Forenoon closed preparations. PM Took steamer "Scamandra" and sailed South
1855 Studied and attended lecture
1856 Forenoon visited Adelsburg grotto. PM diligence to Trieste
1857 Spent the day in my room.
1858 Visited Rev. Mr. Dorsay and Senator Putnam of Buffalo {?}
1869 AM Wrote letters. PM Errands in city
1870 Worked at Museum all day. Eve wrote letters. Eunice visits with us today.
1871 Worked at shop. Visit from Prof. Tenney of Wms College. Eve meeting.
1872 Worked around buildings all day. Weather cold and clear
1873 Carriage to Alfred. Visited Prest. Allen and Prof Larkin. Eve cars to Warsaw
1874 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM call from Theodore Smith
1875 Worked at Museum and wrote and wrote letters all day. Weather thawing.
1876 Day business around city. Eve cars to Prague.
1877 Forenoon business in city. PM visitied Central park Museum and Dr. Holder.
1878 Wrote letters and work at Museum. Eve visited at L. Ward's
1879 Moved cabinet from store to Trinity College.
1880 Work at shops and letters all day
1881 Reached Shanghai and stopped at Astor House
1882 Same as yesterday. Transit of Venus today.
1883 Day around city at Winnipeg visiting colleges, etc. Eve cars south
1884 Same as yesteryda. Eve with Miss ? To Theatre.
1885 AM Ashtabula, Ohio. Visitied ? Mehitabel Clarke. Eve cars to Rochester.
1886 Wrote letters. Business in city and worked on shells.
1887 Same as yesterday
1888 Same as yesterday. Eve cars East
1889 Business around city all day.
1890 Business around city all day. Eve cars East through Sacramento.
1891 Day wrote an important letter. Eve cars West. [Strikethrough Forenoon as before. PM cars to Joliet Ill]
1892 Same as yesterday.
1893 Cars all day West through Kansas and Colorado to Trinidad(?) and South
1894 Weather fair. Read, wrote and slept all day.
1895 Day around city and at new Albany. Eve cars to Indianapolis
1854 Weather very rough. Was quite sick all day
1855 Took lesson at the J. des Plantes and studied.
1856 Spent Sabbath at my room
1857 Visited the painting galleries of the palace and wrote letters [strikethrough "Work at shop and errands in City"]
1858 Sick with headache, but read some
1869 Errands in city and work in study
1870 Worked in Museum all day.
1871 Worked at museum and errands in city
1872 Worked at Museum and errands in city
1873 Forenoon read "Lucretius" PM visited at Mr. ? Eve cars to Attica with Prof. Larkin.
1874 Business in city and work at shops. Weather moderate
1875 Wrote letters and worked on cabinet. Errands in city.
1876 Day with Nat. History dealers [Erie?]. Eve cars South
1877 Day in business around city. Eve cars north.
1878 Work at Museum and business in city. Eve letters.
1879 [Strikethrough "Worked all day with subscrtiption"] Wrote letters all day.
1880 Work at home and business in city
1881 Day sight-seeing around city.
1882 Work at shops and in study.
1883 Cars all day from Glyndon, Minn, south to st. Paul.
1884 Work on exhibit at Exposition.
1885 Day in work at study and in shops
1886 Wrote in study and work on shell collection
1887 Wrote in study. PM calls around city
1888 AM New York. Day business and visits around city
1889 Business all day. Eve Theatre with A. Martin? Mad. Victor, Mad. Lan--? And ?
1890 Cars all day East through Nevada
1891 AM Iowa City. Day at University in Mineral? exchange
1892 Work at Museum and letters in study
1893 AM Albuquerque, N. M. Noon D? Eve Benson, Arizona
1894 Read, Wrote and spelt all day
1895 Forenoon to Richmond, Ind, visiting Earlham College. Eve cars to Detroit
1854 Weather continues bad and sea boisterous. Still sick in my berth.
1855 Attended lecture and visited Jardin des Plantes.
1856 Visited the city and environs
1857 Forenoon excursion to north of city. Eve visited Mr. [Morch?].
1858 Read and dined at Mr. D'Orsay's
1869 Work in study and errands in city
1870 Worked at Museum all day. Eve took Eunice to cars.
1871 Worked at museum. Cold and stormy. Eve with Phebe to "Preparatory Lectures."
1872 Forenoon Church at St. Peters. PM Read to Phebe and wrote letters
1873 AM Cars to Rochester. Day showed shops , etc. to Prof. Larkin
1874 Day in business in city. PM Called on Mr. Lewis Brooks
1875 Forenoon worked on Minerals with Ed Howell. PM called on Mr. Brooks.
1876 AM Reached Vienna. Day in business around City
1877 AM Reached Rochester. Day in business and at shops.
1878 Wrote letters and made calls
1879 Worked all day with subscription. Eve visited at Dr. Pynchon.
1880 Work and letters at home. Eve met Frank and L. Ward at Cotter's house
1881 Same as yesterday. Weather cold and clear. Little snow.
1882 Same as yesterday. Very cold and strong wind.
1883 Cars all day East on the Wisconsin Central RR
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Day in study and business in city
1886 Same as yesterday.
1887 Same as yesterday forenoon.
1888 Same as yesterday.
1889 Visited all day. Eve cars north
1890 AM Reached Ogden. Day around Salt Lake City. Night at Ogden.
1891 Same as yesterday. Eve of disappointment. Cars West
1892 Same as yesterday.
1893 AM Cars to Bisbee, Arizona. PM Visited T? and Copper mines
1894 Same as yesterday. PM cars to New York.
1895 Day visit shell collection of Frederick Stearns. Night Cars East through Canada(?)
1854 Sea more smooth today. Passed along shore of Sicily. Saw Attica(?)
1855 Read in "Pre-Adamite Earth" all day
1856 Took steamer across Adriatic to Venice. Day around city
1857 Visited Royal Museum of shells this morning. Then steamer to Helsingborg
1858 Read and wrote all day
1869 Work in study. Eve Arabia lecture by Dr. Hayes
1870 Did errands today. Eve took cars East
1871 Worked at shop and errands in city
1872 Wrote letters and worked at shop
1873 Wrote letters and business in city. Eve cars to Syracuse and back
1874 Work at shops and errands in city. Weather cool and pleasant.
1875 Worked at Cosmos Hall and wrote letters.
1876 Day in business all over city. Eve cars West into Bavaria
1877 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM called at Mr. Merriman's and Mr. Seeley's(?)
1878 Work at shops and business in city
1879 Closed work with the subscription today. Eve cars to new York
1880 Wrote letters, work at shops and business in city.
1881 Day in city-seeing in old city
1882 Work at shops and in study.
1883 AM Reached Milwaukee. Wrote letters all day.
1884 Work all day on Exhibit at Exposition
1885 Forenoon Christening of W.S. Ward's baby. PM Business and call in city
1886 Wrote letters at room and work at shops
1887 Work in Study and at shops
1888 Forneoon cars to Philadelphia. PM visited Mr. Bennet and Dr. Leidy
1889 AM Reached London. Business all day
1890 Cars East throughUtah and Wyoming
1891 AM at Omaha and forenoon cars to Lincoln, Neb. Where visited at University.
1892 Work at museum and letters in study
1893 Sought specimens in Cave(?) all day.
1894 Read, wrote , and slept.
1895 AM Reached Rochester. Work at shops all day
1854 At noon reached Malta. I went ashore and got some medicine(?)
1855 Attended lecture and studied.
1856 Saw city and visited Dr. Domenico Nardi.
1857 Was unwell, but studied part of the day
1858 Wrote article for Moore's Rural New Yorker
1869 Worked on University Cabinet and called on Dr. Anderson
1870 Awoke at Springfield, Mass. Noon reached Boston. PM visited Cambridge
1871 Dr. Shaw preached at "Third" church. PM to eve read and wrote
1872 Wrote letters , work at shop and errands in city. Weather cold.
1873 Business in city all day. Thaw continues--no snow.
1874 Errands in city all day. Eve lecture with Phebe at Athenaeum, Mr. Talmadge.
1875 Worked on mineral cabinet and wrote letters. Call from Dr. Moore.
1876 AM Reached Munich. Visited Mr. Max. Eve cars West.
1877 Wrote letters all forenoon. PM Errands in city. Slight snow.
1878 Wrote letters and work at Museum all day. Heavy rain.
1879 AM Cars to Salisbury N.E(?) where bought Mastodon. Eve cars north through Albany
1880 Wrote letters and calls in city. (?) at Uncle Levi's
1881 Same as yesterday.
1882 Wrote letters all day
1883 Business in city. Eve a meeting of Museum Committee
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Wrote in study and business in Museum.
1886 Same as yesterday.
1887 Same as yesterday
1888 Day in visits and business around city. Eve cars to new York and North
1889 Business all day . Eve with Mrs. Clarke to Theatre
1890 Cars East through Wyoming and Nebraska. Eve crossed Missouri river at Omaha(?)
1891 Forenoon wrote letters. PM cars N. West through State.
1892 Same as yesterday.
1893 Packed specimens all day
1894 Same as yesterday.
1895 Same as yesterday
1854 Sea smooth and weather delightful. Still sick.
1855 Took lesson at the J. des Plantes by Prof. Cordier
1856 Damp cold weather in Venice. Saw city
1857 Returned to Copenhagen
1858 Visited a cabinet of Madeira land-shells and wrote letters.
1869 Made cases and did errands in city
1870 AM Breakfast and forenoon with prof. Agassiz. PM At room in Boston
1871 Forenoon worked at shop. PM Errands in City. Eve letters.
1872 Wrote letters and visit from Prof. Huntington of N. Hampshire Geol. Survey. Eve. meeting
1873 Wrote letters and worked at Museum all day.
1874 Business and errands in city
1875 Wrote letters and business in city all day. Mr. Jerome Wheelock with us.
1876 AM Reached Stuttgart. Business all day. Eve letters.
1877 Forenoon wrote letters. PM visit from Mr. Merriman and business in city
1878 Business in city and worked on collections.
1879 AM Reached Rochester. Day in business around city
1880 Visit all day from Dr. Dawson of Montreal
1881 Wrote letters at room
1882 Work in study and at shops.
1883 Work in Museum hall at Exposition all day to Eve.
1884 Work on Exhibit at Exposition.
1885 Work in Study and at Museum.
1886 Business in city, in shops and in Study.
1887 Wrote letters all day
1888 AM Rochester. Business and calls all day.
1889 Business around city all day.
1890 At noon reached Chicago. PM cars East through Ill. And Indiana
1891 Forenoon North through West border of S. Dakota to Deadwood. PM Examining fossils
1892 Forenoon church. PM Visited and dined with cousin Lizzie Ward.
1893 Cars to Fairbanks and Benson.
1894 PM Sighted Irish coast. Eve off Queenstown harbor.
1895 Work at Museum all day.
1854 Was on deck for an hour today. Weather still fine.
1855 Wrote and studied all the day.
1856 Was sick at room with neuralgia over eye.
1857 Made calls in city and some exchanges of specimens
1858 I attended church and wrote letters all day
1869 AM Church at St. Peters. PM cars East
1870 AM to Plymouth, visit with Prof. Hodge. PM cars to Boston. Eve cars Westfield
1871 Work at shops all day. Weather warm and thawing.
1872 Forenoon worked at shop. PM Letters
1873 Worked at Museum and wrote letters all day and eve
1874 Forenoon accounts at home. PM Errands in city.
1875 Prof. Wilkinson preached at St. Peters. PM Wrote letters, etc.
1876 Forenoon cars to Basel, Switzerland. PM Visited Museum
1877 Forenoon wrote. PM Business with L. Ward. Eve wrote letters.
1878 Business in city, wrote letters and worked on collections.
1879 Business around city alll day. Eve at L. Ward's. Snow flurries.
1880 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM Letters.
1881 Wrote at room.
1882 Same as yesterday. Mr. Baker went home sick.
1883 Same as yesterday. Weather still warm and open(?).
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Same as yesterday.
1886 Wrote letters and made calls.
1887 Work at home and business in city.
1888 Same as yesterday. Eve visit from Prof. Fairchild.
1889 Same as yesterday
1890 AM Grafton, W.V. Eve Washington D.C. Called on Mr. Lucas.
1891 Forenoon finished selecting Fossils. PM Cars S. East to Hot Springs
1892 Day work at shops and letters. Eve described Japan meteorite to Acad. of Sciences
1893 Cars East all day through N. Mexico and Texas.
1894 Forenoon landed at Liverpool. PM Cars to London.
1895 Same as yesterday
1854 Weather fine, health better, mingled with passengers all day.
1855 Finished letters and did Commissions
1856 Sick in room all day.
1857 Visited Ethnographic Museum and prepared to leave town
1858 Wrote all day. Dined at Mr. Joseph Phelps--Merchant.
1869 AM Reached N. York. Day Business around city. Eve Cars East with Prof. Hitchcock
1870 AM Visited with Messrs Clarke and Pratt at Southington Conn. PM Cars to Middletown
1871 Forenoon work at shop. PM Dentist and errands in city
1872 Wrote letters and worked at shop. Eve called on Mr. Morgan and Robt. Fenn(?)
1873 Business in city all day. Weather cold, with freezing rain.
1874 Forenoon heard Mr. Fiske at St. Peters. PM wrote, etc. in room
1875 Worked at Cosmos and wrote letters all day.
1876 Spent day with dealers. Eve cars West through France.
1877 Wrote letters and business in city. Weather cool and open.
1878 Business in city, calls, letters, and work at shops.
1879 Work at shops and letters all day. Eve called at Mr. Hornaday's
1880 Work at shops. Visit from Prof. Allen and Mr. Scott.
1881 Packed and shipped boxes today.
1882 Work at shops and in Study and errands in city.
1883 Finished inventory of Museum. Eve meeting of Subscribers at Exposition.
1884 Work on Exhibit at Exposition all day.
1885 Wrote letters, read and made calls.
1886 Work at home and business in city.
1887 Work at home and business in city.
1888 Work and letters at home and business in city.
1889 Business around city. Eve Barnum's great show.
1890 Business and calls all day. Eve called on Mrs. Stanford.
1891 Wrote letters and bought specimens. Eve cars S. East.
1892 Work at Museum and letters all day.
1893 Cars East. Noon at San Antonio. Eve Rockett(?), Texas
1894 Business around city all day.
1895 Work at Museum all day. Eve with daughter (?) to church sociable.
1854 Lay abed all day reading, etc. Weather fine and sea smooth
1855 A little unwell, but attended lecture
1856 Great fete or lottery (Tombola) day with Venetians
1857 Took the cars this morning to ? On "Grand Belt" Eve Steamer to ?
1858 Wrote and read all day.
1869 AM Reached Boston. Business with Prest. Smith of Dartmout College. Eve with Profs Hyatt and ? at Salem
1870 Forenoon at orange Judd Hall of Science. PM Rode to Higgenson(?) and back.
1871 Letters, errands in city and work in shop. Weather cold.
1872 Wrote letters and errands in city. Weather warm and pleasant.
1873 Wrote letters and read all day. Prof. L. Agassiz died tonight.
1874 Work at shops and business in city all day
1875 Work all day on Minerals with Edwin Howell.
1876 AM Reached Paris. Read letters and visited.
1877 Wrote letters and worked at Museum.
1878 Work at Museum and business in city all day.
1879 Wrote lettters and made calls.
1880 Wrote letters and business in city. Dr. Holder came from new York. Eve Reception of Soc. Amer. Taxidermists.
1881 PM Steamer "Nagazu(?) Maru" East down river. Weather raw and cold.
1882 Same as yesterday.
1883 Packed and shipped boxes all day.
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Work at shops and in study
1886 Same as yesterday.
1887 Same as yesterday.
1888 Same as yesterday.
1889 Day around city. Eve cars and bot to Sandown, Isle of Wight.
1890 Read and wrote at room.
1891 Cars all day East through Nebraska to Sioux City Iowa
1892 Same as yesterday. Eve cars to Hamilton, Canada.
1893 Drove all day 35 miles South to Corpus Christi.
1894 Same as yesterday.
1895 Same as yesterday.
1854 Came in sight of Alexandria (Egypt) this AM Noon went ashore and day around city.
1855 Attended lecture of Prof. Cordier at J. des Plantes and visited J. des Plantes
1856 Visited the cathedral of San Marco, Palazzo Ducale, etc.
1857 Visited Cabinet in University and at eve took cars to Hamburg
1858 I read at (Casino?) Library and wrote all day.
1869 AM Cars to Lowell, (?) Fitchburg. PM Amherst. Eve with Prof. E. Hitchcock
1870 AM Business at college. PM Cars to N. York. Eve called on Mr. Colby and (?)
1871 Work at shop all day. PM Aunt Lucin? Came
1872 Forenoon church at St. peters. PM Read to family and wrote letters
1873 Wrote letters and business in city all day.
1874 Work at Museum and errands in city. Weather cold with snow.
1875 Worked all day on cabinet with Edwin Howell.
1876 Forenoon errands. PM Visited at Madame Gorloff's
1877 Worked on collections and did business in city all day.
1878 Wrote letters, dined at Mr. Bailly's and made calls.
1879 Work at shops and business in city.
1880 Day in business in city and letters. Night cars East.
1881 Yellow Sea is rough and I am sick.
1882 Work at study and shops.
1883 Business in city and made calls. Cold weather has come.
1884 Work all day on Exhibit at Exposition
1885 Wrote in Study and work at shops.
1886 Same as a year ago today!
1887 Same as a year ago today!
1888 Same as a year ago today!
1889 Visited all day with Cousin Willie Ward and wife. Eve cars to (?)
1890 Business around city all day.
1891 Day in cars and business around city. Eve cars north.
1892 AM Reached Toronto. Day business around city. Eve cars East.
1893 Cars North all day to Austin.
1894 Business around city all day
1895 Forenoon Mr. Gannett preached. PM made calls.
1854 Rode to canal and chose(?) Dahobiah for trip up Nile. Rested at room(?).
1855 Read in Bible, etc., all day
1856 Forenoon cars to Padua. Visited Nat. Hist. Collection
1857 I spent the day in going about Hamburg.
1858 I wrote and studied all day.
1869 AM Visited Amherst Cabinets. PM Cars Hartford. Eve Col. Gorloff's.
1870 Day errands in City. Eve dinner with Mad. Gorloff at Hoffman House. Call on Mr. Butterworth(?)
1871 Errands in city and work at shops all day.
1872 Work around shops, and errands in city. Call fom Mr. Barrett of Niagara(?).
1873 Work at shops and business in city. Ed. Howell came today from New Mexico.
1874 Spent day around city with Mr. Steele, visiting creditors to (attain?) "discharge".
1875 Forenoon worked on Cabinet. PM visited Mr. Brooks.
1876 Business around city with Mr. Hornaday.
1877 Forenoon heard Dr. McILvaine at 1st Chirch. PM made calls and wrote letters.
1878 Day in preparations for departure. Eve cars East
1879 Wrote letters and work at shops. Snow and cold.
1880 AM Schenectady visited college. PM Albany. Eve cars to New York.
1881 Read and wrote. PM spent ashore at Nagasaki, Japan.
1882 Same as yesterday. Weather clear and cold.
1883 Wrote letters in room and met Dr. Bartlett and Gen. Winckler(?) in Cotter's office.
1884 Same as yesterday. Exposition opened at noon today.
1885 Same as yesterday.
1886 Wrote letters in room all day. Weather cold.
1887 Same as yesterday.
1888 Same as yesterday.
1889 AM Cars to Weymouth. Business with Mr. Damon (?) and cars to London.
1890 Same as yesterday. Eve dined at Mr. Lucas'.
1891 AM Sioux Falls, S. Dakota. Day business and letters. Eve cars N. East.
1892 AM Ottawa. Forenoon at Museum. PM cars to Montreal. Eve cars East.
1893 Visited at the University. Eve cars north.
1894 Forenoon cars to house of Sir Francis Evans "Tubbendens", Orpington, Kent. Visited (Alice with me) all day.
1895 Work at Museum and business in city.
1854 Spent all day at room, reading Paradise Lost. Eve rode out.
1855 Quite unwell today and did little
1856 Call on Prof. Catullla(?) and Sig. de Zigno(?). Eve cars to Verona
1857 Finished sight seeing and took cars to Berlin.
1858 Read at library all day.
1869 Day at Col. Gorloff's. Eve at Masquerade Ball.
1870 Errands in city. Visit Poultry Fair. Wrote letters.
1871 Prof. Sage preached at St. Peters. PM Read and wrote letters.
1872 Worked at shop and errands in city.
1873 AM Cars to Toronto. Visited Prof. Nicholson and city. Eve cars to Buffalo.
1874 Errands in city and wrote in room. Thaw today.
1875 Worked on Minerals all day.
1876 Forenoon at Mr. Bertrand's. PM and evening wrote letters.
1877 Worked all day on collection of Shells and wrote letters.
1878 Business around city all day.
1879 Work at shops, dines at Grove and business in city.
1880 Day at Central Park and business in City. Eve cars to Princeton(?)
1881 Steamed east through Inland Sea. Eve at Shimonoseki.
1882 Work at shops and in study
1883 AM Closed contract with Museum Committee. Cars to Chicago and East.
1884 Work on Exhibit at Exposition all day.
1885 Work at shops and business in city.
1886 Same as this day last year.
1887 Same as this day last year!
1888 Same as this day last year.
1889 Business around city. Eve cars to Liverpool.
1890 Business around city. Eve cars to Philadelphia.
1891 AM Minneapolis. Day around city. Eve to St. Paul.
1892 AM Readhced St. Johnsbury, Vt. Work all day in the Fairbanks Museum.
1893 Cars NE all day to Hot Springs, Ark.
1894 AM Returned to London. Business around city all day.
1895 Work at Museum and business in city.
1854 Did shopping. Visited on boat, and "Pompey's Pillar". Weather warm.
1855 Took lesson at J. des Plantes and lecture by Prof. Cordier.
1856 Called on Prof. Mossalongo(?) PM cars and diligence to Milan.
1857 AM Reached Berlin. Visited Zoological Collection in the University.
1858 Wrote letters all day.
1869 Day at Col. Gorloff's
1870 Forenoon heard Dr. hall preach. PM made calls and wrote letters.
1871 Worked at shop all day. Weather cold.
1872 Work at chop. Errands in city. Wrote letters. Snow falls fast.
1873 AM Cars to Rochester. Day business in city. Thaw for ten days past.
1874 Wrote in room. Photographed Whale skeleton. Weather stormy.
1875 Forenoon wrote letters. PM Errands in city. Weather cold.
1876 Business around city all day.
1877 Worked on collections and wrote letters all day.
1878 Day in business. Eve visited Mr. Morgan on 5th Avenue
1879 Worked and wrote letters. Eve called on Mr. Hornaday's.
1880 Day business in city. PM cars to Princeton and Museum.
1881 Steamer East to Kobe. PM cars to Osaka.
1882 Same as yesterday. Eve visited with Mr. Stearns.
1883 AM Reached Rochester. Day work at home.
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Same as yesterday.
1886 Business in city. Work at shops. Wrote letters.
1887 Wrote letters and visited all day.
1888 Same as yesterday.
1889 Forenoon business around city. Eve steamer "Adriatic" West
1890 Day in business around city. Eve cars to New York.
1891 Day visited with sister Marian and family.
1892 Wrote letters and rested all day.
1893 Bought specimens all day. Eve cars north.
1894 Business around city. Eve (with Alice) dined at Prof. ?. S. Woodwards.
1895 Same as yesterday.
1854 Visited "Cleopatra's Needle," tried gum(?) in (?), and wrote
1855 Studied and attended lecture at J. des Plantes
1856 Spent day at room in writing letters.
1857 Called on Mineral dealers. Visited Prof. Peters of University and saw (?)
1858 Attended church and wrote letters.
1869 Day at Col. Gorloff's
1870 Wrote letters and did errands
1871 Day at dentist's and errands in city. Mrs. Ray down from Wyoming.
1872 Worked at shops. Eve heard B. F. Taylor lecture on "Motive Power".
1873 Wrote letters, and worked at shops. Prof Agassiz buried today at Cambridge
1874 Business in city and work at shop. Eve wrote letters.
1875 Wrote letters all day.
1876 Day business in city. Eve dined at Madam Gorloff's
1877 Wrote letters and business in city. Worked on shells.
1878 Day at Central Park and business in city.
1879 Wrote letters and worked at shops.
1880 Wrote letters at rooms all day.
1881 Day spent around city. Eve cars to Kyoto.
1882 Work on shipments and collections.
1883 Wrote in study and work at shops.
1884 Work all day on Exhibit at Exposition.
1885 Business in city and letters at home.
1886 Wrote letters and work on shells.
1887 Business in city and work in shops and study.
1888 Business at home and in city. Visit from Senator(S?). Eve at Mr. Warner's.
1889 Day along Irish Coast. Eve sailed West from Queenstown.
1890 Business around city with Prof. Ferrari and wife. Eve to Theatre.
1891 Business in Minneapolis and visit to St. Paul.
1892 Work all day in Museum. Evening at Col. Franklin Fairbanks.
1893 AM St. Louis. Visits at business. Eve cars (Altoona?) and North.
1894 Business around city all day.
1895 Work at Museum and business in city. Eve visited Mr. Hayward.
1854 Left Alexandria in our (Dahebiah?) the ""Latrus?" and followed the canal (Mahmedowish?)
1855 Lecture by Prof. Cordier at J. des Plantes
1856 Visited the famous Milan Cathedral
1857 Attended English chapel today
1858 Read at Merchants reading room and wrote letters all day.
1862 Morn Cleveland. Day cars to Pittsburg and Greensburg Penn. Eve called on (Mrs.?) King.
1869 AM Cars to new York. PM Business in city. Eve called at Mr. Butterworth's.
1870 AM Business at West Hoboken. PM Visit with Prof. (G?) at Princeton
1871 Work at shop all day. Eve cars West through Buffalo in cold storm.
1872 Forenoon work at shop. PM Errands in city. Edwin Howell came home from Utah.
1873 Cold snow today. Work at shops and errands in city.
1874 Wrote letters and rested all day.
1875 Worked on Minerals all day.
1876 Business around city all day.
1877 Work all day at collections. E. Howell returned today from the South.
1878 Business all day around city.
1879 Business in city, wrote letters and worked at shops.
1880 Forenoon at college. PM at Philadelphia. Eve cars South.
1881 Day around city. PM back to Osaka and Kobe.
1882 Same as yesterday.
1883 Same as yesterday. Weather cold. Little snow.
1884 Same as yesterday. Weather rainy but warm.
1885 Forenoon letters. PM Made call Prof. Gilmore's.
1886 Wrote in study and work at shops. Eve cars to Toronto.
1887 Same as yesterday.
1888 Business and visit all day.
1889 Stormy sea and head winds. Read some.
1890 Same as yesterday. Eve cars to New Haven.
1891 Rested and visited all day. Eve attended at Christ's Church a ? Missionary? ?.
1892 Forenoon at Museum. PM cars to Boston.
1893 AM Chicago. Business all day.
1894 Same as yesterday.
1895 Day in visit to Ferd. Ward at Geneseo and Mrs. Wadsworth at (Pi?)
1854 At noon today reached end of canal, at (Alph?) and sailed out into Nile.
1855 Lesson at J. des Plantes and lecture (Prof. Bazle) at Ecole des Mines
1856 Read "Dante's Inferno" at my room.
1857 Visited Prof. Beyrich (?)Today
1862 Attended church and wrote letters all day.
1869 Day around city. Eve cars north
1870 AM School of Mines. PM West Hoboken. Eve quite sick.
1871 Forenoon business and calls at Cleveland. PM Cars to Alliance(?) Call on Prof. (H?)
1872 Work in shops and errands in city. Eve called at Mr. Haywood's.
1873 Forenoon church at St. Peters. Dines with Phebe at Mr. Morgan's. Eve letters.
1874 AM Cars to Syracuse. Visited with Prof. Winchell. Eve cars home.
1875 Wrote letters and worked on collections all day.
1876 Forenoon visited Museum at St. Germain. Eve at Anthropological Society.
1877 Wrote letters and worked on Geological Museum.
1878 AM Henry joined me. Day preparations. Eve I took Steamer "Celtic" East.
1879 Letters and calls. Weather severely cold.
1880 AM Reached Washington. Met Phebe and Alice and eve to Richmond
1881 Read and wrote. Steaming East.
1882 Work at shops and in study.
1883 Same as this day last year.
1884 Read and wrote all day.
1885 Business in city and letters in study.
1886 I spent the day around the city. Eve cars to Coburg.
1887 Day work at shops and in study1st heavy snow of season.
1888 Work at Museum and letters in study. Eve Goodbye and cars west. (Struck through Packed trunks, etc. all day. Eve Goodbye to all and cars East West)
1889 Head wind and stormy sea. Read some.
1890 Read and wrote all day. Eve cars to Springfield and West.
1891 Forenoon to Minneapolis. PM Packed boxes of specimens. Eve cars East.
1892 Day in city and at Cambridge. Eve cars to Millers Falls.
1893 Business around city all day.
1894 Business around city all day.
1895 Work at Museum and business in city.
1854 Sailed and towed up Nile. Wrote letters and walked along bank.
1855 Lecture by Prof. Cordier at J. des Plantes
1856 Visited Profs. Cornelia(?) and Pantoni at the Museo Civico.
1857 Forenoon cars to Dresden. PM Visited Mineral dealers.
1858 Walked past San Vicente to (Ribao brava?)
1862 Packed specimens all day from cabinet of late Dr. King. Eve cars East.
1869 AM Reached Rochester. Eve cars West.(?)
1870 AM School of Mines. PM with Mr. Day to home at Mt. Vernon.
1871 Forenoon with Prest. Hartsher at Mt. Union. PM Cars to Pittsburg.
1872 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM Read and wrote. Eve call at Mr. Goodale's.
1873 Work at shops and wrote letters all day.
1874 Forenoon errands in city. PM Visit from Prof. Hall of Albany.
1875 Picked out fossils all day with E. Howell. Thaw, snow gone.
1876 Business around city all day.
1877 Forenoon letters. PM Business in city. Weather warm and foggy.
1878 Heavy sea, Sick all day.
1879 Letters at room and business in city. Thaw.
1880 Forenoon around city. PM Cars South through Dansville.
1881 AM Reached Yokohama. Day made calls.
1882 Same as yesterday.
1883 Same as yesterday.
1884 Worked on Exhibit at Exposition all day.
1885 Same as yesterday.
1886 Spent day at the University. Eve Cars to Belleville.
1887 Same as yesterday.
1888 AM Reached Cleveland. PM Cincinnati and South. (Strikethrough: Same as yesterday. Visited University Cabinets with Prof. Fairchild.)
1889 Same as yesterday.
1890 AM Rochester. Work at shops and in city.
1891 Cars all day through Northern Wis and Mich., across Sault St. Marie and East to North Bay Canada.
1892 AM Cars to Amherst. Day at Museum with Prof. Emerson. Eve cars to New Haven.
1893 Work at Museum and letters.
1894 Cars and steamer via Folkstone(?) and Boulogne, with Alice to Paris.
1895 Forenoon Mr. Gannett. PM Wrote letters. Eve cars West through Buffalo.
1854 Head wind all day. Boat tied up to bank. Hunted along shore.
1855 Read in room all day.
1856 Day excursion to Lake Como. Eve digligence to Navona(?)
1857 Spent day packing collections. Call on Prof. Reichenbach.
1858 Returned in boat to Funchal.
1862 AM Reached Harrisburg. Day in City. Eve visited Gen. King's cabinet at Reading.
1869 AM Chatham, Canada. PM Visited University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Eve Cars West
1870 AM Returned to New York. Day errands in city. Eve cars north.
1871 Day in business at Pittsburgh. Eve cars north to Erie, Pa.
1872 Work at shops and errands in city. Weather very cold.
1873 Work at shops. Visit from Anna Ingersoll of St. Paul and Alice Chapin.
1874 Errands in city and work in Museum.
1875 Work at shops and business in city.
1876 Business around city all day.
1877 Forenoon church at St. peters. Dinner at Mr. Morgan's Eve letters.
1878 Read and slept. Sea rough.
1879 Business in city and letters. Eve cars East.
1880 AM Reached Columbia SC. Day drove around city. Eve cars S. West.
1881 Visited around city all day.
1882 Work at shops and business in city.
1883 Wrote letters all day.
1884 Work on Exhibit at Exposition.
1885 Work at study and at shops.
1886 Spent forenoon at College. PM Cars to Toronto. Eve errands and cars to Hamilton.
1887 Business in city and work at shops and in study.
1888 Cars all day to Chattanooga and Birmingham.
1889 Stormy sea and head winds. Read and wrote.
1890 Work at home and business in city.
1891 Cars all day south to Toronto
1892 All day with Prof. E.S. Dana at Yale College Museum. Eve cars to New York.
1893 Work at Museum all day.
1894 Visited all day with la famille Martin at (London?)
1895 AM Reached Adrian, Michigan. All day inspecting Dr. Kost's Mastodon. Eve cars East.
1854 Windbound all day. Boat tied to bank. I wrote letters and studied French.
1855 Lecture by Elie de Beaumont at Ecole des Mines. With A. Martin to midnight Mass.
1856 AM Cars to Turin. PM visited prof. Sismonda(?) at Museum.
1857 Took cars past Leipzig and Gotha to Warburg.
1858 Spent the day in writing.
1869 AM visited Acad. Nat. Sciences at Chicago. Eve cars south to Monce (Muncie?)
1870 AM At Syracuse. Noon reached Rochester in snowstorm. Errands all PM.
1871 AM Wrote letters. PM Cars through Buffalo to Rochester.
1872 Wrote letters and errands in city.
1873 Work at shops and errands in city. Weather mild, pleasant.
1874 Business in city all day. Forenoon spent with Mr. Brooks.
1875 Business in city. Visited picture gallery with Sarah Durfee.
1876 Calls in city and wrote letters. Eve cars South.
1877 Forenoon worked on Minerals. PM ditto. Eve letters.
1878 Read and slept. Sea rough.
1879 Forenoon reached Hartford. PM Collected subscription. Eve at Middletown.
1880 AM Reached Augusta, Ga. PM to Madison and drove to Grandpa (Howell's?)
1881 Read and wrote letters.
1882 Wrote letters, etc. all day.
1883 Work at shops and business in city.
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Same as yesterday.
1886 Forenoon cars to Rochester. PM Work.
1887 Same as yesterday.
1888 Day around Birmingham. Eve South West by cars.
1889 Same as yesterday.
1890 Same as yesterday.
1891 Day business around city. Eve cars through Hamilton and Buffalo to Rochester.
1892 Forenoon around city. PM Letters. Eve cars North.
1893 Wrote letters. Eve and night at Mrs. Coonley's.
1894 Business around city all day. Eve cars south.
1895 AM Reached Rochester. Day business at Museum. Dined with Alice and (Clara?)
1854 Moved up river to Salamon. Spent day in hunting and in writing up notes
1855 Studied and took lesson at J. des Plantes
1856 Made geological excurision to Baldichini
1857 Cars all day through Dusseldorf to Cologne
1858 Wrote all day at my room
1869 Spent Christmas with Father at ?
1870 Sick abed all day. Snow flying and fair sleighing.
1871 Spent Christmas with family. All well.
1872 Spent Christmas with family. Very cold. Aunt ? With us
1873 Spent Christmas with family. Warm weather
1874 Edwin Howell returned this morning. Spent day in bosom of family!
1875 Spent Christmas with family. Wrote letters.
1876 Cars all day South through Savoy and Mt. Cuneo Tunnel to Turin
1877 Spent Christmas with family. Wrote letters and worked on collections
1878 Read and slept. Sea rough
1879 Forenoon visited Wesleyan University Museum. PM cars to N. York
1880 Forenoon visited Albert Howell's. PM cars to Atlanta and S. East
1881 Read in room all day.
1882 Work at shops and in study
1883 Spent Christmas at room, writing letters, etc.
1884 Work all day on Exhibit at Exposition
1885 Christmas at home, only Charlie absent, Marian Ingersoll made call
1886 Christmas at home, Charlie and Henry absent.
1887 Christmas at home, Charlie and henry absent. Alas!
1888 AM New Orleans, calls around city
1889 Weather somewhat calmer. Christmas dinner and after [?]
1890 Looked over shells and visited with family
1891 Spent day at home, half sick with influenza
1892 AM Rochester. Forenoon church. PM Letters
1893 Work at Museum and letters in room
1894 AM Marseilles. PM Cannes.
1895 Christmas at home with Alice. Wrote letters and read.
1854 Head wind all day. Hunted, read and wrote notes of trip.
1855 Made an excusrions with Berthand to Grignon for fossils.
1856 Cars through Alexandria to Genoa.
1857 Spent day in writing letters.
1858 Attended church and wrote letters.
1869 Spent day with Father. Call on Prof. Wernwigh(?)
1870 Spent day at home. Mostly abed. Weather quite cold.
1871 Forenoon cars to Syracuse and Auburn. Afternoon work on Prof. Brown's cabinet.
1872 Errands in city and letters all day.
1873 Wrote letters and errands in city. Weather still mild.
1874 Business in city all day. De Witt Clarke's baby buried today.
1875 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM visit with Martins. Eve letters.
1876 Day visited Royal Museum and wrote letters.
1877 Forenoon worked on collections. PM Errands in city.
1878 Read and slept. Sea rough.
1879 Day in business around city. Eve cars to Hartford.
1880 AM at Montgomery, Ala. Cars all day through Mobile and New Orleans.
1881 Cars to Yeddo and around city.
1882 Same as yesterday.
1883 Business in city and wrote letters.
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Wrote in study and business in city.
1886 Wrote letters and worked in shells.
1887 Wrote letters all day.
1888 Business around city. Eve cars West.
1889 Pleasant weather. Sea moderating.
1890 Work at home. Eve Ward' Nat. Science Co. elected officers, myself elected President.
1891 Forenoon funeral of Frank Ward's infant. Read and wrote letters.
1892 Wrote letters all day.
1893 Work at Museum and business in city.
1894 Day around city. PM Cars. North.
1895 Same as yesterday.
1854 Read and studied all day. Eve Attended a village dance.
1855 Attended lectures, wrote, and did errands.
1856 Visited city and called on Marquis de Pareto
1857 Wrote today and visited cathedral
1858 Dined at Mr. Blandy's today.
1869 Forenoon cars south to Gilman. Eve cars East to Logansport, Indiana
1870 Errands in city all day. Good sleighing.
1871 All day at Auburn at work on Cabinet.
1872 Work at shops and errands in city. Weathers cold and blustering.
1873 Work at shops and letters Weather cooler.
1874 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM Made calls.
1875 Wrote letters and errands in city. Weather a complete thaw.
1876 AM Cars to Milan. Museum and Cathedral. Eve cars South.
1877 Wrote letters and worked at Museum.
1878 Read all day. Sea rough.
1879 Rode about all day with Prest. Pynchon, seeking subscrptions. Eve cars West.
1880 Day calls around city. Eve Steamboat up Mississippi.
1881 Visited Museum and Professors.
1882 Work around home all day. Eve cars East.
1883 Work around home. Eve cars West.
1884 Work on exhibit at Exposition all day.
1885 Wrote letters in room all day.
1886 Wrote letters, business in city, and work in shops.
1887 Wrote letters, business in city, work at shops.
1888 AM Houston. Eve Austin, Texas.
1889 Sea smoother but head wind. Read and wrote letters.
1890 Business at shops and letters in study.
1891 Wrote letters and rested all day.
1892 Wrote letters and work at Museum. Visit from Prof. Emerson of Amherst.
1893 Work at Museum and business in city.
1894 AM Reached Paris. Business in city all day.
1895 Work at shops and business in city.
1854 Sailed up river all day. Eve tied up ar (Teranch?)
1855 Attended lectures and dined with Charlie.
1856 Spent day at my room.
1857 Spent day in writing at my hotel.
1858 Wrote letters all day.
1869 Forenoon Logansport. PM Cars to Bunker Hill.
1870 Errands in city all day. Weather very cold.
1871 Forenoon worked on cabinet. PM Cars to Rochester.
1872 Weather still cold with heavy fall of snow. PM Inventories at University.
1873 Snow today. Wrote letters all day.
1874 Forenoon business with Edwin Howell. PM Errands in city.
1875 Errands in city, etc.
1876 AM Florence. Day at University and about city.
1877 Wrote letters and worked on Inventory. Weather still warm.
1878 Read all day. Sea rough.
1879 AM Reached Rochester. Forenoon at church. PM Wrote letters.
1880 AM Reached Baton Rouge. PM and eve visited at college.
1881 Visited around city.
1882 Forenoon reached New York. Day business in city.
1883 Forenoon at Akron, O. PM Cars South. Eve at Springfield visiting Mr. Applegate.
1884 Read and wrote letters all day.
1885 Business in shops and city with (Bermon's?) partners
1886 Same as yesterday. Marian Ingersoll came for vacation.
1887 Same as yesterday.
1888 Business all day at Austin, at University, etc.
1889 Same as yesterday.
1890 Read and wrote all day.
1891 Business in city and letters at home.
1892 Same as yesterday.
1893 Same as yesterday.
1894 Business around city. Eve to hear Sarah Bernhardt in Gismonda.
1895 Same as yesterday.
1854 Studied aboard boat and hunted along shore all day.
1855 Saw troops returning from Crimea enter Paris. Prof. Boyle? lecture at J. des Plantes.
1856 Visited palace with Marquis de Pareto.
1857 AM Cars to Bonn. Day with Dr. Krantz and other Mineral dealer.
1858 Wrote and studied all day.
1869 AM Cars to Winchester. PM Cars Cleveland. Eve cars East.
1870 Wrote letters and errands in city.
1871 Forenoon errands in city. PM Work at shop.
1872 Forenoon church at St. Peters. PM Visit from Prof. (Gunning?)
1873 Cold weather today. Errands in city.
1874 AM Went to Syracuse where I called on Prest. White and others. Eve returned.
1875 Worked on collections all day.
1876 Forenoon cars to Pisa. Visited Leaning Tower, University. Eve cars to Leghorn and back.
1877 Forenoon wrote letters. PM Errands in city.
1878 Read and wrote letters.
1879 Wrote letters and business in city.
1880 Forenoon wrote letters. PM Steamer down river.
1881 Visited city and cars back to Yokohama.
1882 Business in city and at room.
1883 Day in Cincinnati visiting Zool. Gardens, etc.
1884 Work all day at Exhibit in Exposition.
1885 Work at home. PM to Theatre with Alice and other children.
1886 Wrote in Study and business in city.
1887 Work at shops and letters in study.
1888 Cars all day to Houston and East.
1889 Pleasant weather. PM off Long Island coast.
1890 Write letters all day. Eve visited at cousin Willie Ward's.
1891 Wrote letters all day. Half sick with La grippe which prevails in city.
1892 Work at Museum and letters all day.
1893 Work at museum and business in city.
1894 Business all day. Eve cars East with Alice.
1895 Mr. Gannett preached today. PM Letters and calls. Rev. Myron Adams died.
1854 Studied most of day. Sailed slowly along. Pyramids visible.
1855 Attended English chapel and read.
1856 Some letters today. Eve steamer "Galileo" for Leghorn.
1857 Visited Prof. (Fraschel?) At university. PM Cars through Cologne to Buffalo.
1858 Read, wrote and studied.
1869 AM Reached Rochester. Business around city all day.
1870 Worked at Museum and errands in city.
1871 Worked at shop all day. Visit from Dr. Moore.
1872 Inventoried specimens at University. Weather milder.
1873 Wrote in study. Dined at Grove. Mr. Gibbs from enar Boston came today.
1874 Business in city all day. Weather cold and snow falling.
1875 Worked all forenoon on collections. PM Errands in city.
1876 Forenoon cars to Rome. Visited Coliseum, St. Peters, and University. Eve cars South.
1877 Wrote letters all day. Eve visited at Mr. Goodale's.
1878 Read and wrote. AM at Queenstown. Day through Irish. Channel
1879 Wrote letters, worked at shops and business in city.
1880 AM at New Orleans. Day around city. Eve cars to Mobile and North.
1881 Made calls and wrote letters all day.
1882 Rested and wrote letters at room.
1883 All day cars South across Kentucky and Tennessee. Eve Chattanooga and West.
1884 Same as yesterday.
1885 Work at shops and letters in study.
1886 Same as yesterday. Henry returned from Yucatan.
1887 Work at home and business in city.
1888 AM New Orleans. Day letters.
1889 AM Ashore at new York. Day around city.
1890 Same as yesterday. Much snow and cold.
1891 Same as yesterday. No heavy snow yet this year.
1892 Same as yesterday.
1893 Same as yesterday.
1894 AM Cologne. Alice on to Dresden, I to Bonn.
1895 Work at Museum and business in city. Eve cars West through Buffalo.
1854 Forenoon reached the "(Barrage?). Read all day.
1855 Made excursion to mendon with Mr. Warren.
1856 AM reached Leghorn. Spent day around city and along seashore.
1857 Day at Brussels visiting cabinet of Nat. History. 7PM cars for Paris.
1858 Made calls and packed specimens all day.
1869 Forenoon call from Prof. Orton. PM Business in City. Eve visited at Mr. Buell's with Phebe.
1870 Work at shop and errands in city all day.
1871 Prof. Sage preached at St. Peters. Eve wrote letters. Rainy thaw.
1872 Errands in city and work in shop closing year's business.
1873 Spent day in letters and inventories and in errands in city.
1874 Forenoon errands in city. PM Visit from Mr. A.L. Green of Olivet, Michigan.
1875 Shipped Cabinet (50 boxes) to Washington and Lee University, Va. Weather warm as (?)
1876 AM Reached Naples. Visited Museum, Aquarium, etc.
1877 Forenoon wrote letters. PM Errands and worked at shop.
1878 AM Landed at Liverpool. Day about city. Eve call ed on Mrs. Harris.
1879 Wrote letters and worked on accounts. (?) Weather cool.
1880 Cars north all day through Alabama and Tennessee to Nashville.
1881 Forenoon in room. PM Tokyo and back.
1882 Wrote letters in room all day. (Last 4 days are all--by change of my calendar, 1 day ahead)
1883 Day at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Visiting college. Eve cars West.
1884 Worked all day on Exhibit at Exposition.
1885 Work at home and business in city. Thaw and rain all day.
1886 Work at home and business in city. Cold and snow.
1887 Same as yesterday. All the way through as last year today.
1888 business around city.
1889 Business around city. Eve cars North.
1890 Business at shops and in city. Eve cars East.
1891 Wrote letters at home and calls in city.
1892 Work at home all day.
1893 Work at Museum and business in city.
1894 Business around town all day
1895 AM Reached Adrian, Mich. Day business with Dr. Kost. Eve cars East.