Williams, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-09-13)
Sept 13/85
Upper Maffra
Prof: Henry A. Ward,
Rochester N.Y.
Dear Sir;
I have been expecting
a letter from you for some
time. As I have not received
one. I thought I had
better send and tell you
how I am getting on
with the skeletons. I shall
not be getting any more
for some time; so I want
to send you what I have
got for you. I have not
a third of what I expected
to have by this time. I haveWilliams, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-09-13)
spent a month after dingoes
alone, and only got 4
pure ones. I tried every
means to catch them. [Having?]
just succeeded I shall have
to leave them for a time
as I have selected a piece
of land. I am going to
put up a house and fence
it in. So after that I may
be able to get you a great
many if you should want
them; in the mean time
I will save any that I
should happen to get.
I can get you a platypus
now and again, so I will
save them for you.
The following is the list IWilliams, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-09-13)
shall have ready to send to
you as soon as you let
me know where to send them. (your [own tarif?])
4 Large Kangaroo skeletons at 6/ each
4 Dingos Do at 8/-
10 Platypus Do at 8/-
10 Iguanas "" at 3/-
1 Wombat "" at 6/-
Extras 1 Emu Skeleton
Extras 2 Porcupines Skeleton
1 [?] Iguana Skeleton
I will put some in for
broken bones.
I will pack them well
in a strong case ready
for shipment when youWilliams, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-09-13)
send me word they are
in good order to send.
Yours very respectfully
John Williams
Skin collector Upper Maffra
North Gippsland