Month-by-month journal, 1854-1896


1854, January: I spent the month at Geneseo, N.Y. teaching the Primary Department in the Temple Hill Academy. A short trip to Rochester to see Prof. Agassiz.
1854, February: Spent the month in Teaching Primary Department in Geneseo Academy, N.Y.
1854, March: Spent the month in teaching, in writing various compositions, and in arranging a cabinet of minerals and fossils for the Academy.
1854, April: First week of month closed school at Geneseo. Then a week after specimens with Sam Willard. Then to Cambridge where commenced studies.
1854, May: I spent the entire month at Cambridge, Mass. in study at Prof. Agassiz Zoological laboratory, and attending his lectures.
1854, June: Spent the month in study and attending Prof. Agassiz Lectures. Also worked in arranging Dr. Holbrook’s collection of Reptiles.
1854, July: Spent the month in several mineral excursions. One the Martha’s Vineyard, one to Vermont with Mr. Forbes, and on to North Eastern New Jersey.
1854, August: Spent the month in travel mainly between Boston and Rochester and in a long visit at with Mother, Relatives, and Dr. Dewey.
1854, September: Spent month in getting ready to leave America, visiting relatives and friends in all directions, On 23rd. Took steamer “St. Louis” for France.
1854, October: I reached Europe and located in Paris when I commenced taking French lessons and attending lectures, Chas. Wadswrorth of Geneseo my companion.
1854, November: Spent the month in Paris studying French and commencing course of lectures at the Jardin des Plantes, roomed at Hotel des Mines 39 Rue d’Enfer.
1854: December: I spent the month on a trip from Paris to Cairo in Egypt by way of Marseilles Walba, Alexandria and the river Nile which we ascended in a “Dahebiah”.

1855, January: I spent the month with Chas. Wadsworth ascending the Nile from Cairo to Assuan on 1st cataract. We sailed and towed boat by day, tied to bank at night.
1855, February: Early in Month changed boat at Luxor, then up Nile past Assuan (1st cataract) to Wady Halfa in Nubia (2nd cataract) and started back down river.
1855, March: I spent the entire month in descending the Nile from Nubia to Cairo in Egypt. Studied French and geologized bank of river.
1855, April: I spent the month mainly in Cairo stopping at the English hotel and visiting the sights in and around the city with Chas. Wadsworth.
1855, May: I spent the month with Chas. Wadsworth and a retinue of Bedouins with their camels in a trip down Gulf of Suez and across Peninsula of Mt. Sinai.
1855, June: Spent the month with Chas. Wadsworth in entering Palestine (from Desert of Mt. Sinai) and visiting Jerusalem and neighborhood.
1855, July: For part of month made steamer tour of Eastern end of Mediterranean last week returned to Paris and settled there
1855, August: Spent the month quietly in Paris, studying French and getting acquainted with the City.
1855, September: Spent the month quietly in pursuit of scientific studies at Jardin des Plantes, Paris.
1855, October: Spent the month in study in Paris, and in excursions to geological locations around the City.
1855, November: Spent the month quietly in lectures and private geological lessons at the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, and in excursions to geological locations around the City.
1855: December: Spent the month in study and in following scientific lectures at Jardin des Plantes and the Ecole des Mines, Paris

1856, January: Spent the month in Paris (Hotel des Mines, 39 Rue d’Enfer) studying and attending scientific lectures at Jardin des Plantes. Ecole des Mines and College de France.
1856, February: Spent the month in study and lectures in Paris and excursions to geological localities in neighborhood of City
1856, March: Spent the month in study in Paris and in geological excursions in neighborhood of City.
1856, April: Spent the month in Paris, taking private lessons at the Jardin des Plantes, and following scientific lectures.
1856, May: Spent the month in study and attending various lectures at Paris.
1856, June: Spent the month in study at my room in Paris (Hotel des Mines, 39 Rue d’Enfer) and in attending scientific lectures.
1856, July: Spent month in study in Paris. For part of month made a (week) long geological excursion to the Champagne Country.
1856, August: Spent the month in Paris, studying and working on a Tableau (geological) of the Paris Basin, and in looking over collection of fossils.
1856, September: Spent the month in Paris looking over, sorting and packing a collection of fossils from the Paris Basin.
1856, October: Spent the month in a scientific journey to the Cities of the Rhine Valley, Württemberg and Bavaria, making collections as I went along.
1856, November: I spent the month in scientific tour through Bavaria Austria and Hungary lingering considerably in Munich, Vienna and Pesth.
1856: December: Spent the month in scientific excursion from Vienna to Trieste, Venice, Milan, Turin and Genoa to Leghorn

1857, January: Spent the month in visiting in Pisa. Isle of Elba. Rome, Naples, and Messina and travelling between these places.
1857, February: Spent the month in Paris in settling at my room and in unpacking and dividing the specimens resultant from later trips.
1857, March: Spent the month at my room in Paris, in study, writing and in working up some collections of fossils and minerals.
1857, April: Spent the month in Paris, working on my collections of fossils, and making short Geological excursions in neighborhood.
1857, May: I spent the month in Paris, working on collections of fossils, and making excursions to Geological locations.
1857, June: Spent the month in a scientific and pleasure excursion to Central France and the Rhine Valley in Switzerland.
1857, July: For part of month I completed a tour in Switzerland. Latter half of month I was in Paris, arranging my collections.
1857, August: I spent the month in Paris studying and arranging my collections and making some geological excursions.
1857, September: Spent first half of month in work on my collections at Paris. Then took semester through North Sea and Baltic, past Copenhagen to St. Petersburg.
1857, October: Spent month visiting in Moscow and St. Petersburg and in travel along coast of Finland to Stockholm in Sweden.
1857, November: Spent month in Stockholm and in crossing Sweden to Norway and back from Christiania via Gothenburg to Copenhagen.
1857: December: Spent month in scientific excursion from Copenhagen through Prussia Saxony and Belgium to Paris.

1858, January: Spent the month in Paris, settling my new room at Hotel de Sion and renewing by studies in Geology and Zoology.
1858, February: Spent the month in Paris arranging collections of Shells and Fossils and in following lectures at Institutions of Science.
1858, March: I spent the first three weeks of month at my room in studies. Balance of month in a visit to London.
1858, April: I spent the month in Paris studying and following lectures.
1858, May: Spent fore part of month in Paris. Then started on collection excursion through Belgium, Holland and England to Scotland.
1858, June: Spent first half of month in travel in Scotland and England. Latter half in Paris at work on collections.
1858, July: Fore part of month traveled in England and Ireland, came back to Paris and spent last half of month in visiting the City with Mr. Orton.
1858, August: Spent fore part of month in Paris, seeing the city with Mr. Orton. The latter part made a tour through Southern England.
1858, September: Returned to Paris and spent first half of month with Mr. Orton seeing City. On 19th said farewell to Paris and with Mr. Orton over Pyrenees into Spain.
1858, October: Spent the month with Orton in seeing the main cities of Spain. Parted at Cadiz he to Egypt and I to Lisbon when I closed month.
1858, November: First week of month at Lisbon. When three weeks of a disastrously slow voyage across the Isle of Madeira. Studied Spanish by the way.
1858: December: I spent month at Fanchat , Madeira, visiting English and American residents, writing letters and making excursions over the Island.

1859, January: Spent the month on the steamer “Ethiopia” sailing down the West Coast of Africa from Canaries to mouth of River Niger.
1859, June: Spent month in trip from Moline to New Orleans, St. Louis, St. Paul and Chicago, visited sister Marion and Mother at St. Paul.
1859, October: Spent first half of the month in Ireland, Scotland and England. Then crossed to the Continent and travelled up the Rhine and through Switzerland.

1860, November: Was married to Phebe A. Howell on 8th.Spent balance of month in wedding tour, in Western States, Kentucky and Tennessee.

1863, May: Spent the month with Cousin Levi P. Ward in travelling through England visiting London and going up Rhine valley.
1863, June: I spent the month in stage trip across the “plains” via Denver to Salt Lake Cities to Virginia City, Montana, accompanied by G. K. Gilbert. Snow and cold in Rocky Mts.

1868, March: Spent the month in closing up my mining business preparatory to leaving Montana.
1868, April: Month spent in returning from Montana to Rochester. Deep snow and cold in Rocky Mts.
1868, July: Spent the month in trip to North and South Carolina to examine Gold Mines.
1868, August: Spent first half of month returning from South. Second half at New York.
1868, September: Spent month mainly in Rochester and Western New York in business connected with cabinets.
1868, November: Spent month in trip to South Carolina and return to New York.

1869, January: The month was divided between work on my Museum at Rochester, and a trip to South Carolina to Dorn Gold Mine and back. Weather mild through entire month.
1869, February: The first half of the month was spent in New York City, closing a mining negotiation: the balance at Rochester and on way South. Weather cold and stormy.
1869, March: Month spent mainly in the preliminary work of disposing foundations & etc. of a Gold Mill on the Dorn Gold Mine. Weather warm and rainy.
1869, April: This month was given to work relating to Gold Mill for Dorn Mining Co. This involved a sojourn at New York and trip to the mine. An intervening week spent at home.
1869, May: I spent the first half of month at the Dorn Mine in S. Caroline and the Latter half with Phebe in New York. Weather unusually cool both South and North.
1869, June: Month spent mainly in New York City in employ of Dorn Mining Co. Weather moderately warm, some heavy rain.
1869, July: First half of month at Dorn Mine, S.C. Last half at New York City, in New England and at Rochester. Weather warm and dry throughout the month.
1869, August: I spent the first half of the month and New York and vicinity and the latter half working in my Museum at Rochester. Weather changeable hot and cold.
1869, September: I spent the month mainly in work in my Museum at Rochester and in travelling on Cabinet interests, in New York State and Pennsylvania.
1869, October: My private cabinet buildings Cosmos Hall (1st of that name) burned on the eve of the 9th and my entire month was taken up with work connected with the loss.
1869, November: Spent the month at home in looking over papers and library and nursing a lame back. Snow and slush all the month.
1869: December: Spent the month mainly in a trip to New York City and New England Cities and in short visit to Father at Monee, Illinois. Weather mild.

1870, July: I spent nearly the entire month at home in work at my Museum. The weather was much of the time very warm: warmer than for years before.
1870, January: The fore part of month was spent in Rochester getting my account business into shape. Spent 22nd to 31st inclusive on Atlantic, going to France.
1870, February: Spent the first half of the month at Paris in business connected with my cabinet. Then travelled through Germany closing month in Denmark.
1870, March: I spent the month in completing a Nat. Hist. tour through Denmark, Hamburg, Holland and London to Dublin and Cork, whence I took steamer homeward.
1870, April: First week of month on Ocean in route to New York from Europe. Balance of month at New York on business and in Museum work at Rochester.
1870, May: I spent the entire month in Rochester arranging my new shop and unpacking my boxes of specimens as they arrived. Weather warm and dry.
1870, June: Spent fore part of month in Rochester at work on Museum. Latter part at New York at work (mainly) on subscription for Dartmouth College.
1870, August: Returning from Middletown, Conn.I spent the month mainly in my study and Museum at work upon a catalogue of my casts of fossils. Weather variable.
1870, September: Spent the fore part of month at home in Museum. Later part spent at Boston and in New Hampshire on subscriptions for Dartmouth College.
1870, October: I spent the entire month at home, working on my museum and completing catalogues of my casts. Weather warm and pleasant.
1870, November: Spent the month in Rochester overseeing workmen at shop, and working in Zoology Museum. Delightful weather through month to very end.
1870: December: Weather very mild, and no snot until last week of month. In middle of month spent two weeks at Boston and New York.

1871, January: The fore part of month was spent with my museum work in Rochester. From 17th to 24th. On steamer “Tennessee” with U.S. Commissioners to Santo Domingo. Then excursion on Island.
1871, February: Sent the entire month in two exploring trips in Isle of Santo Domingo. On one ascended the River Moma and on second followed along north shore of Island.
1871, March: Spent month mainly on board “Tennessee” at Haiti, Jamaica, Key West, Charleston and in coming homeward to New York from our Santo Domingo Expedition.
1871, April: I spent the month in Rochester resuming my work in Shop and Museum. Weather pleasant with a little rain.
1871, May: the first half of the monthI spent at home in work on my museum. The last fortnight I made a trip to Connecticut and to Philadelphia.
1871, June: Spent the first three weeks of the month in work at my museum on a catalogue of Osteological cabinet. Latter week in trip to Pennsylvania.
1871, July: First week of month completed tour in Ohio. Balance of month at home working mainly on my Zoological cabinet. Weather quite cool.
1871, August: Spent the month mainly at home at work in the shop. Trip to Wyoming and Helena.
1871, September: Spent nearly the entire month in business trip to Boston, New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland. Last few days of month at home.
1871, October: The entire month spent in Rochester at work in my Zoological Establishment. Weather generally pleasant.
1871, November: Spent the month in Rochester in work at my shop. Weather pleasant in the main but snow cold and wind came with last week.
1871: December: Weather quite cold and windy until last week, when thaw came. Spent month at work in my shop save short trip to

1872, January: Fore part of month in Museum work at Rochester. Then went west to Nebraska hunting Buffalo for ten days near Ft. McPherson.
1872, February: First week of month returned from Buffalo hunt in Nebraska. Balance spent at home in work at my Museum.
1872, March: Spent the month mainly at Rochester at work on Museum material. Made short excursion to Pittsburgh.
1872, April: First three weeks of month in Rochester at work at Museum, Last week work on cabinet at Titusville, Pa.
1872, May: I spent the entire month at Rochester working in my Museum. Short excursions to Ithaca, Niagara, and Syracuse. Weather cold.
1872, June: Spent the month in work at my shop and in some short trips on business to Ithaca and to Syracuse. Fore part of month rainy. Last week hot.
1872, July: First week of month at home. Next week at Ohio. Last half of month on trip to Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, with Cousins Lee Ward and Geo. [Clarke and Henry]
1872, August: Spent the fore part of month on return trip from Nova Scotia. Latter half at work at shop. Weather quite warm until end of month, then cool.
1872, September: Spent the entire month in Rochester overseeing work at my shop. Weather pleasant in the main.
1872, October: Fore part of month at Rochester in moving buildings preparatory to building a house. Last ten days in Connecticut and New York City.
1872, November: The first three weeks of month spent at home in work getting my shop righted about and house started. Then went west.
1872: December: I spent the month mainly at home overseeing construction of new house and repairing shop. Weather cold and windy for last week.

1873, January: Spent entire month at Rochester superintending my work on Museum specimens and the repairs on shop. Cold & much snow.
1873, February: Two weeks in middle of month spent in a trip to Washington and New York. The balance at work at my shop and on a catalogue.
1873, March: Spent month at Rochester in Museum work and completing catalogue of Osteology. Made a short excursion to Washington.
1873, April: I spent the 1st week of month in moving to “cosmos Hall” as a temporary residence. When a week in Ohio, then fortnight at work at home.
1873, May: Spent nearly all the month at work on cabinets at Rochester. Attended completion of some cabinet cases at Syracuse and short trip to New York.
1873, June: Spent first three weeks of month at Rochester, working at shop and on newbuilding. Then made a trip to New York, Washington and Columbus Ohio.
1873, July: Fore part of month was in Ohio and New York City. Then two weeks in work at shop at Rochester. Then a ten day trip to Chicago, Cincinnati & Columbus.
1873, August: Spent the month mainly at home working at shop and in museum. Weather cold and rainy much of the time.
1873, September: Spent 1st week of month in New York and in Eastern Pa. Balance of month at Rochester at work on my cabinet in shop.
1873, October: I sent the month mainly in two business trips. One to Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, the other to Pennsylvania and Washington.
1873, November: I spent the month entirely at Rochester at work in getting by shop to rights and inducing Mr. Goodhue to business.
1873: December: Weather very mild all the month with a few light flurries of snow. I spent the month at home in work at shop.

1874, January: Spent ten days of month at home in settling last year. Then called to Bahama Islands with Dr. Chas. A. Davis of Terre Haute. Spent balance of month at Nassau.
1874, February: I sent the month in travelling throughout the State of Florida from Key West to Jacksonville, and then Southwest of coast side of State.
1874, March: Spent month on a return trip from Southern Florida, through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. Found Father at Rochester.
1874, April: I spent the entire month at home with the exception of a five day trip to New York. Wrote letters and work on accounts. Weather cold with snow.
1874, May: Spent the month at home in work at shop and on bankrupt matters. The 3rd week of month made boat trip to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Princeton.
1874, June: I spent the month at home, mainly in writing up letters. Was also sick for nearly two weeks, on 29th baby girl born (Alice Ward)
1874, July: Spent 1st week in returning from Indiana through Toledo and Cleveland to Rochester. Balance of month worked at shop and in study. Much hot weather in month.
1874, August: Spent the month mainly at home working in business. But also visited Michigan mainly Detroit for a week and another week at Hartford, Conn, and to New York City.
1874, September: the month has been spent in work at home in overhauling papers, culling letters and fall chores. Weather pleasant till last week.
1874, October: I spent the month at home working in the main with Mr. Hill on my cabinet of fossils in Cosmos Hall. Weather delightful.
1874, November: Spent the month mainly at home in work on my museum with Mr. F. C. Hill. Last week made trip to Detroit and Michigan.
1874: December: I spent the month mainly work at my shop and in closing up matters in relation to my bankruptcy. Made arrangements for new business.

1875, January: The first half of month at Rochester in arranging business matters. On 21st sailed for Europe landing at Plymouth Eng. on 31st.
1875, February: Spent the fore part of the month in West of England and in London. Then crossed to Belgium the Rhine Valley and Hamburg in latter city last week of month.
1875, March: Spent the month in a collecting tour through Central Germany, crossed the Rhine to Paris, ten days there and a week in London.
1875, April: In first half of month left England and crossed to New York in Steamer “Russia”. Balance of month I worked at home in correspondence & etc.
1875, May: I spent the entire month at home in correspondence and other business of my Nat. Science Establishment.
1875, June: I spent the fore part of the month in Boston, New York, and Washington. The balance in work at my Nat. Hist. Establishment with correspondence.
1875, July: Spent fore part of month at home working in cabinets with Edwin Howell and other assistants. On 20th started west to Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Paul.
1875, August: Spent fore part of month at Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. and in return to Rochester, where I finished month in packing off material to Chicago Exposition.
1875, September: I spent the entire month at Chicago and in visits to neighborhood towns in the interest of collections which I had on exhibition at the Chicago Exposition.
1875, October: I spent the month in closing up matters in connection with my display at the Chicago Exposition, also in work on collections at Rochester.
1875, November: First half of month closed a trip through Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia. Last half at home at work. Quite sick for a week.
1875: December: I spent the entire month at home in compiling and packing a large cabinet for Washington & Lee College. Last week warm as summer.

1876, January: Spent the month at home in making up the accounts of the year and in work on specimens. Weather very warm, no snow.
1876, February: Spent the first week of month in New York and Boston. The remainder I was at home in my Nat. History work. Last week of month cold.
1876, March: Spent the month mainly at home in general Museum work. The third week made a trip to Virginia and back. Weather rather stormy with snow.
1876, April: I spent the month partly at home in my business and partly in two trips to Philadelphia and to Boston, New York, Washington & Virginia.
1876, May: I spent the first half of the month in Philadelphia arranging my “exhibit” at the Centennial. The balance of month at home in Museum work.
1876, June: The month was very laxly spent in travel in the interest of my business. Ten days were at Lexington, Va., in putting up cabinet for Wash. & Lee Univ.
1876, July: Spent the fore part of month at home in work on Museum. The latter half was spent at Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia with family.
1876, August: Spent fore part of month at home in museum business. The last week was spent at buffalo at the meeting of the Am. Association.
1876, September: Spent the month in two trips to the University of Virginia in looking after my exhibit at the Centennial and in preparations to go abroad.
1876, October: Spent the first half of month at New York and in crossing the Atlantic with Mr. W. T. Hornaday. Balance of month, traveling in Ireland & Scotland.
1876, November: First week of month in Central England and Liverpool. Next two weeks in London. Then crossed to Continent and coast to Hamburg.
1876: December: I spent the entire month in travelling for purpose of purchasing Nat. Science specimens through Central Europe and Italy.

1877, April: Returned from north of Italy to Paris. There to Stuttgart to pack a restoration of Mammoth there to London and Liverpool.
1877, January: Spent the month in travelling across Mediterranean and in Egypt with Mr. Hornaday. Made large collections of Natural History.
1877, February: Spent the month in a trip by steamer down the Red Sea to Jiddah, (Acobia) Suakin (Nubia) and Massowah (Abyssinia)/
1877, March: the first half of the month I came up Red Sea to Suez. The latter half I came back to Europe by Brindisi and through Italy.
1877, May: On the 30th left Liverpool and landed (13th) at Quebec, visited New York and University of Va. Balance of month at home in Museum work.
1877, June: I spent the entire month at Rochester in work upon the large Museum for the University of Virginia. Family all here.
1877, July: I spent the month in work on a collection for University of Virginia, also in two trips to New York, Philadelphia and Boston.
1877, August: I spent the first half of month in two trips to the East. The balance of month at home in museum work.
1877, September: Spent the month mainly in work on my cabinets at home and in two visits to New York and one to the University of Virginia.
1877, October: I spent the month in work on my large (Brook’s) cabinet in Virginia and in preparing material for it at home.
1877, November: the first three weeks of month in work at Rochester. Then a week at Albany, New York, and Boston.
1877: December: I spent the month at Rochester in writing letters, in general work at Museum and inventorying specimens.

1878, January: Made accounts of past year and general office work. Also work on Museum collections. Weather quite warm with little snow.
1878, February: The first half of the month at home in correspondence and work on collections. Balance of month in trip to Boston and New York.
1878, March: I spent the month at home in working on collections and in attending to my heavy correspondence. Weather unusually warm.
1878, April: Commenced month with work at home. Then to end of month I visited Colleges in South Western and Western States.
1878, May: Spent the first half of month at home in work on collections. Then made a week’s excursion to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore.
1878, June: Spent the entire month at home in working on collections and attending to the correspondence of my Nat. Science business.
1878, July: Spent the month mostly in work on collections at home. Made one short trip to Boston to get Charlie who came from Calcutta, and last week in Canada.
1878, August: 1st week of month at home. Last three weeks at St. Louis Mo. with a collection of my casts of fossils and attending meetings of Am. Association.
1878, September: The first week of month at Chicago and in Iowa. Then three weeks at St. Luis in trying to sell a cabinet of casts and fossils.
1878, October: With exception of a week at Boston, New York and Philadelphia,I spent month at home in work at Museum and correspondence.
1878, November: I spent the month in travelling in Western and South Western States, making collections and visiting Colleges, Returned to Rochester.
1878: December: The fore part of the monthI spent in Rochester in business. On the 21st. I sailed from New York to Liverpool (Eng.) when arrived on 31st.

1879, January: I spent the month in visiting cities in England, Germany, Switzerland and France attending to my Natural History business.
1879, February: The first week of month in London & Paris. Then started from Saint Nazaire to West Indies (Leeward Isle) and British Guiana.
1879, March: The first three week of month with Henry in canoe trip up river Essequibo the last week we spent at Barbados.
1879, April: First month steamer from Barbados to St. Thomas and Havana. Then to New York (April 17) and rest of month in work at home.
1879, May: Spent first half of month in work at home on collections etc. Then made a ten day excursion to Hartford, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore.
1879, June: Spent the month mainly in work on collections. Also made a trip to Canada and another to Boston, New York and Pittsburgh.
1879, July: Spent the month at home in work on collections. Two short trips to Buffalo and Penn Yan.
1879, August: Spent half of month in arranging cabinet at Wilberforce University (Xenia Ohio) and at Pittsburgh. Last week at Saratoga Springs.
1879, September: The 1st 3rd and 4th weeks of month at Allegheny City Pa., looking after my exhibit at the Exposition there. 2nd week at Rochester.
1879, October: Spent first half of month in Pittsburgh closing with Exposition. Then ten days at Rochester business. Then went with a cabinet to Hartford Conn.
1879, November: I spent the month in Hartford, Conn., in disposing of a cabinet of Nat. History to Trinity College by a subscription.
1879: December: I spent the month mainly at home in work on collection and correspondence I also made a trip to New York and Hartford.

1880, January: I spent the month in work at home on accounts and inventory etc. Last week trip to University of Virginia and back. Weather quite warm.
1880, February: First week of month at home. Then crossed to Liverpool. Last ten days of month in London and Paris.
1880, March: Spent the month in tour through central Europe and Italy and to Elba. Sardinia and North Africa.
1880, April: Spent month in travelling slowly from North Africa through Sicily and Italy to Vienna and Berlin.
1880, May: First half of month in Berlin attending to my Exhibit at the Fishery Exposition. Last fortnight at Paris and London.
1880, June: Left London at beginning of month for New York where arrived on 13th Balance of month in work at Rochester.
1880, July: Month in work at home with a ten days trip to New York, Pittsburgh, and Louisville, KY.
1880, August: First three weeks of month in work and business at home. Then went to Louisville, KY, and arranged an Exhibit in Exposition building.
1880, September: First two week of month at Louisville, KY, arranging an exhibit there at Exposition. Balance of month at home.
1880, October: Spent the month travelling and visiting colleges in New England and in the Western States.
1880, November: I spent the month mainly at Easton, Pa., and New York in putting cabinet at Lafayette College and group of Orangs at Am. Mus.
1880: December: First half o month in work at home. Balance in trip through Southern States.

1881, January: Spent first half of month in trip through Eastern States. Last half at home preparing for a long journey.
1881, February: First half of month crossed continent and visited at San Francisco. Last half steamer toward Australia.
1881, March: First week at sea from Lyenter Southward. Balance of month travelling and collection in New Zealand.
1881, April: Spent the month in travel through the South Island of new Zealand and Tasmania (Van Diemen’s Land) and at Melbourne, Australia.
1881, May: The entire month was spent the Melbourne Exhibition in trying to sell my collection on exhibition there.
1881, June: I spent the month in selling and making collections in Melbourne and in a trip to Adelaide, South Australia.
1881, July: Month in tour from Melbourne across N. S. Wales to Sydney and in business and collecting in latter city.
1881, August: Spent the month in travel and collecting Nat. Hist. specimens along East shore of Queensland, Australia.
1881, September: Spent the month in travel from North Coast of Australia through Timor Sea and Java to Singapore.
1881, October: Month at Singapore. Borneo and Malacca collecting Nat. Hist. specimens. Last week went to Bangkok, Siam.
1881, November: Spent fore part of month at Sian and Singapore, latter half in Cochin China, Canton, and Hong Kong.
1881: December: Spent the month along coast of China to Shanghai then along Southern coast of Japan in Yokohama and Yeddo.

1882, January: I spent the first twenty days of month in Yokohama and Tokyo Japan. Then East across Pacific.
1882, February: First week closed trip from Japan. Balance of month arranged a large Geological cabinet at San Francisco.
1882, March: Spent the entire month in San Francisco, arranging and displaying a great Museum of Nat. Science.
1882, April: First half of month in closing business in San Francisco. Second half in Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico.
1882, May: The 1st week of the month returned from Texas to Rochester. Balance of month looked after business at my establishment.
1882, June: First half of month in business at New York, Boston. Last half at home in writing letters and work at shop.
1882, July: Month in work at home and at American Museum of Natural History in Central Park, New York.
1882, August: Spent two thirds of month in museum work at Rochester and New York, last third at Montreal.
1882, September: Spent the month at work at Rochester in a short trip to Boston and in work on a collection at New York.
1882, October: Spent the month in Rochester at my business and in New York arranging collection at arsenal building.
1882, November: Spent the month mainly in Rochester at my work at shops. Also two days at Cornell University.
1882: December: Spent the month mainly in Rochester at work at shop. Last week went to New York.

1883, January: I spent the first half of month in New York and in Boston at work there. Latter half at work at Rochester.
1883, February: Month at work in shop and the last week at New York.
1883, March: First half of month in New York arranging collection at Arsenal. Last half in work at museum at Rochester.
1883, April: Spent month at home in work on my collections.
1883, May: 1st week in New York at Taxidermists Exhibition. Balance at home.
1883, June: First three weeks of month in trip to Western States. Last week in work around home.
1883, July: Spent first part of month at home in Museum work. Last ten days in New York and short trip to University of Va.
1883, August: Spent first week of month in New York. Balance of month at Milwaukee with Charlie in arranging an exhibit at Exposition.
1883, September: Spent the month at Milwaukee in Displaying my Nat. Hist. Collection at the Exposition there.
1883, October: First half of month in trip to Rochester and New York. Last half at Milwaukee and through State of Wisconsin.
1883, November: First half of month at New York and Boston. Second half at Rochester in Museum work.
1883: December: First half of month in Milwaukee and trip to Winnipeg; then ten days at home, then trip southward.

1884, January: I spent the month in trip to Austin Texas and work on cases at University there. Returned North.
1884, February: Spent the month at work at Rochester and in preparations for trip abroad. Last week New York.
1884, March: First week on month in New York, second week on Atlantic. Next week in London. Fourth Week in Paris.
1884, May: I spent first week on month at Aden (Arabia). Balance of month travelling by steamer down East Coast of Africa to Zanzibar and Mozambique.
1884, July: First week on month in Natal. There to Port Elizabeth there (and in vicinity two weeks. Last week trip to 800 miles North West to Kimberly).
1884, August: I spent the month collecting specimens and travelling in Cape Colony. On last week sailed for Europe.
1884, September: First half of month in steamer from Cape of Good Hope to England. Last half in London, Paris and around continent.
1884, October: First ten days of month in work at home. Then to New Orleans and rest of month at work there arranging exhibit at Exposition.
1884, November: Spent first half of month in work at home. Then to New Orleans and rest of month at work there arranging exhibit at Exposition.
1884: December: I spent the entire month at New Orleans with Henry and Ed. Howell in arranging one great Natural History Exhibit in the Exposition.

1885, January: I spent the entire month at New Orleans in arranging and looking after my Exhibit in the Exposition there.
1885, February: The first half of the month at New Orleans. Then a trip through Florida and Atlantic sea bound to New York.
1885, March: Spent the first week of month in New York and Albany on business. Balance of month at Rochester working on specimens and at Museum.
1885, May: First week of month in Rochester, New York and Eastern Cities. Balance at Exposition at New Orleans.
1885, July: Spent the month at New Orleans arranging Museum at Tulane University with second week in trip to Indiana.
1885, August: First week of month at New Orleans. Then slowly home through Georgia and Washington. Then settled to work at home.
1885, September: Spent the month in attending to business at home with two short trips to New York and to Canada after Jumbo.
1885, October: First three weeks of month at home in regular work of business. Last week at Greencastle, Ind., putting up museum there.
1885, November: I spent the month in a long trip through Southern and Western States, visiting Colleges and their Museums.
1885: December: Returned from West during 1st week of Month. Balance of month in work at home on Museum and specimens.

1886, January: I spent the entire month at home looking after collections and correspondence with exception of a week (3rd) at Boston and New York.
1886, February: Spent the entire month at home in correspondence and in overseeing work on Jumbo.
1886, March: Spent first three weeks of month at home in work and correspondence. Then cars Southward to New Orleans.
1886, May: Spent the month partly in the City of Mexico, displaying there some Mineral and other collection and partly in excursions.
1886, July: First week of month letters at New Orleans, 2nd &3rd week trip through Atlanta, St. Louis and Washington to Rochester. 4th week home.
1886, August: I spent the 1st week of month at Rochester and Greencastle, Ind., The other 3 weeks at Louisville, Ky., in arranging and Exhibit at the Exposition there.
1886, September: Spent the month mainly at Louisville attending the Exposition, with a large exhibit. Last week visited St. Louis.
1886, October: I spent the month attending the Southern Exposition at Louisville, with several short excursions to Kentucky Colleges.
1886, November: I spent the month at Louisville, Ky., and in two excursion into Southern States as far as New Orleans.
1886: December: Spent the entire month at home in letter writing and overseeing work at shop.

1887, January: I spent this month exactly as the same month last year!
1887, February: First two thirds of month at home in work on collection. Then cars South East through Missouri and Arkansas.
1887, March: The entire month was spent in travelling, sweeping around from Texas through Mexico to San Francisco, California.
1887, May: Spent the month in travelling in Arizona, Washington Territory, Vancouver Island. Idaho and Montana.
1887, July: First half of month at East in business at Albany, Boston, Providence and New York, Rest of month work at home.
1887, August: I spent the month at home in business correspondence, arranging collections and receiving visitors.
1887, September: First three weeks of month at home in work and letters. Last week in business in New York and Boston.
1887, October: I spent the month mainly at Rochester in work on collections. Also in two trips to Albany for work on State Museum.
1887, November: The first three weeks of month in work at Rochester. Then a week at Albany, New York and Boston.
1887: December: Spent the entire month at home in letter writing and overseeing work at shop.

1888, January: Quite the same, as the same month last year except that the last week of month was spent in New York and Boston.
1888, February: First week of month in preparations for trip. Last three weeks in trip through Southern States to Florida, the West to El Paso, Texas.
1888, March: Spent the first half of month in San Diego, Cal., and Coronado Beach. The latter half in a trip down the Peninsula of Lower California.
1888, May: Spent the entire month at Coronado Beach Museum, and in a short excursion to San Francisco.
1888, July: I spent the month in work at Coronado Beach Museum, and in a short excursion to San Francisco.
1888, August: Spent nearly all the month at Coronado Beach completing my large Museum there. In last week I started East across continent.
1888, September: Spent first three weeks of month in travel East from Colorado through Texas and Southern States, Last week in work at home.
1888, October: I spent the month partly at home in work at the Museum, and partly (middle part) in a trip to Boston and New York.
1888, November: Spent the entire month at home in overseeing a new building for invertebrates and general Museum work.
1888: December: First four months at home and in a trip through Mexico. Then five months in arranging Museum at Coronado Beach, Calif. Balance of year at Rochester.

1889, January: First half of month in New Orleans. The balance in a trip to and across Costa Rica and then to Isthmus of Panama.
1889, February: Spent the entire month in travel down the West Coast of South America Ecuador and Peru, crossing latter to Lake Titicaca.
1889, March: The first week of month at and around Puno on Lake Titicaca. The balance of month at La Paz, Bolivia, laid up by an accident.
1889, May: I spent the month in travel down the West Coast of South America, stopping at various parts, to Valparaiso.
1889, July: Spent the month mainly in the Argentine Republic at Buenos Aires and crossing to Mendoza. Also short excursion to Uruguay.
1889, August: Spent the month in business in city of Buenos Aires and in traveling through the Argentine Republic and to Paraguay and back.
1889, September: Spent the entire month along East Coast of South America from Montevideo to Rio De Janeiro, Bolivia and Pernambuco, Brazil.
1889, October: Made ocean voyage from Brazil to Spain. Then to Paris where I spent balance of month at exposition with son Henry.
1889, November: I spent the entire month in travel visiting Museum and etc., in Northern and Central Europe and in Italy.
1889: December: First half of month in Paris and London. Then to Liverpool whence a long passage across Atlantic to New York.

1890, January: Spent the entire month at home catching up acquaintances with my business, and attending to calls of same.
1890, February: Spent the first half of month at home in work at study and shop. Last half in a trip to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and etc.
1890, March: I spent first 18 days of month at home in work at Museum. Then I took cars South West via Colorado & New Mexico to Coronado Calif.
1890, May: I spent the entire month at home in work at my Museum and with letters in study. A cold rainy month.
1890, July: I spent the first half of the month at home in work at Museum. The balance in a trip to Boston and Washington.
1890, August: I spent the entire month in work at my shop and Museum and in correspondence in the interest of the establishment.
1890, September: Spent most of month in work at home and business connected with Museum. Also made flying trip to Boston and Cambridge.
1890, October: I spent the month at home with ordinary business and work with two assistants on cabinet of Conchology.
1890, November: I spent the first part of the month in work at home on my collections. On 22nd started and crossed continent to San Francisco.
1890: December: First half of month in San Francisco and returning East through Washington and New York. Balance of month work at home.

1891, January: Spent most of month at Rochester in work at shops & etc. Last week at New York, Philadelphia & Washington, and cars S.W. Through Southern States.
1891, February: I spent the month in travel (with Norman Newford) through Florida and Cuba. Returning to Tampa, Florida.
1891, March: I spent the month in travel in West Indies (Jamaica and Barbados) and in voyage to Europe.
1891, May: I spent the fore part of the month in London. Then crossed Atlantic by way of St. Johns N.F. to Halifax and thence to a home, made desolate by Phebe’s death.
1891, July: I spent the entire month with exception of a three day trip East in work and business at the Museum. Alice about at Nantucket.
1891, August: The first part of month in work at home. Then for rest of month at Washington, D.C., attending meetings of Scientific Associations.
1891, September: Spent the entire month at home in work at the shop and correspondence from study. Sister Elizabeth visited last half of month.
1891, October: With exception of a short run west as far as Chicago,I spent the entire month at home at work in Museum and in my study.
1891, November: The entire month spent in work at home arranging objects in Museum and carrying on a heavy correspondence.
1891: December: I spent the first three weeks of the month in a visit to Chicago and in a trip to the Black Hills (S. Dakota) and St. Paul, Minn. Last Week at home.

1892, January: I spent most of month in my work at Museum. Also in a trip of one week to Chicago and Terre Haute.
1892, February: I spent most of the month at home in work and business. On the 22nd during absence at Philadelphia “Cosmos Hall” burned.
1892, March: I spent the month in work at my establishment and in a hurried trip to New York, Philadelphia, and Washington.
1892, May: First week of month at home, sailed on Osban. Last two in London and around England, seeking specimens for establishment.
1892, July: Spent the first half of the month in Austria and Russia. The latter half in Germany, France, and England.
1892, August: The first week of month in Scotland and Ireland. Second week on Ocean. Third and fourth week at home in Rochester.
1892, September: Spent the entire month at home in work at the Museum and in my study. Charlie and Frank left us to board elsewhere.
1892, October: The first 3 weeks of month spent in work in Museum. When made a circular trip to Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Northern Vt.
1892, November: The first week of Month in business at Chicago and visit at St. Paul Rest of month in work at the establishment.
1892: December: Spent the first half of the month at home in Museum work. Then two days in Canada, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Boston, Amherst , and New York.

1893, January: I spent the third week of the month at Chicago. The rest of month here at home arranging my World’s Columbian Exposition.
1893, February: Second week of month in a business trip to the East. Balance of month at work at museum preparing for Chicago Exposition.
1893, March: I spent the month mainly at home except the first week in Chicago, and a flying trop to New York and Philadelphia.
1893, May: Spent a cold rainy month at Chicago, putting in shape my collections at the World’s Columbian Exposition.
1893, July: I spent the entire month at the Exposition attending to my exhibit in the Mining and the Anthropological buildings and receiving visitors.
1893, August: I spent the month mainly at the Columbian Exposition looking after my large display there.
1893, September: Spent the month in Chicago looking after my display in the great Exposition. Also a trip to Rochester.
1893, November: I spent the entire month (save a short trip to Rochester) in work on my collection at the Chicago Exposition, and in selling the same.
1893: December: Spent part of the month in a trip to Arizona and Texas. The balance I worked at the Columbian Museum in Chicago.

1894, January: I spent the month at Chicago rearranging my collection in the Columbian Museum and in a ten days’ trip to Eastern Cities.
1894, February: Spent first twenty days of month at home attending to work and business of Museum. Last ten days to Washington and New Orleans.
1894, March: I spent the entire month travelling through Mexico with Mrs. Coonley of Chicago and her Mother Mrs. Avery and two boys.
1894, May: Spent the month in travel with my party in California, Utah, and Colorado. Myself going alone to Wyoming and South Dakota.
1894, July: I spent the month at work on my collections in pricing and arranging specimens. Also in a trip to Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.
1894, August: Spent the month at home pricing minerals and general work at the shop in my various collections.
1894, September: Spent first week of month in a trip to Indiana and Ohio. Balance of month at the establishment at work on collections.
1894, October: I spent most of month at home in Museum work. Then 3rd weekI spent in Philadelphia, and New York on Business.
1894, November: I spent most of month at work on my establishment at Rochester. Also a trip to Chicago and Wisconsin and another to New York and Boston.
1894: December: I spent the month in trip to England and France, with daughter Alice.

1895, January: I spent the month in travel through central Europe, Italy, and Sicily and in crossing to Egypt the latter with L.H. McCormick.
1895, February: Spent the month in a trip to Egypt, down the Red Sea to Aden (Arabia) and over in Somaliland Eastern Africa.
1895, March: I spent the month with. L. M. McCormick in a Nat. History Collecting tour down the Red Sea and on Somaliland Coast.
1895, May: First half of month with Alice in Germany and in Paris. Then a week in London, then steamer across Atlantic to New York.
1895, July: I spent the month mainly at home in work on the collection. The last week I made trip through New England.
1895, August: Spent the month at home in work at Museum and its last ten days at Springfield, Mass., with a Nat. Science display.
1895, September: I spent the month in Springfield and neighborhood, selling considerable of my collection of specimens.
1895, October: I spent the month at home, doing some work at the shop, but was sick, lying on lounge most of the time.
1895, November: I spent the fore part of month at home attending to Museum business. Latter third of month in trip to Atlantic (to Exposition) and further South.
1895: December: I spent the first week of month travelling in South. Balance of month (save two short trips to Michigan) in work at home.

1896, January: I spent the month in work at house interrupted by two trips, one to Boston and the other to Adrian, Mich., and to Chicago.
1896: December: The first half of the month in travelling by steamer from New Zealand to San Francisco. The Last half in the city and in Southern California.

Transcribed by

Battaglia, Kyra


Ward, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1834-1906, "Month-by-month journal, 1854-1896.", AW23 Ward (Henry Augustus) Papers (Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester), Ward Project, accessed October 27th, 2024,