Transcribe Selden, Susan Ward. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1855-10-21)

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was then funding & has since been received. It is - greatly to our dissap- pointment - a declination & accom- panied by such reasons as are not to be questioned - &^as^ preclude any further urging - I will give you his own words in an enclosure - As to his coming home it has long been the most earnest wish of his family that h should do so - & the difficulties in the way of such a consummation has been a source of great trial to us all - & especially to our Mother whose last days were embittered by her regrets & anxieties on his account - During her illness the subject was again convassed - & I wrote urging him to come He answered that his desire to do so was growing so strong as to interfere greatly with his comfort - but that he dared not risk the consequences, not so much to himself as to his friends.