Transcribe Lee, George Washington Custis. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-03-15)
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Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. 15 March, 1876 Prof. Henry A. Ward, Rochester, N. Y. Dear Sir:
I have received your letter
of the 10th inst. In my last I mentioned that Mr Howell had arrived; and yesterday morning, Your second as- sistant, Mr Applegate, made his ap- pearance. They are both now hard at work. I shall look for the locks towards the close of the month.
With regard to your "Natural
Science Bulletin", we shall; be glad, I think, to have a place in it, And I will present your plan to our Faculty at the next meeting, which will take place next Monday evening.
I expect to have to leave to-morrow
on a matter of business, to be absent