Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A (1883-05-19)

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I will send this on as soon as I can get it ready.

    I am spending a few days out

some three miles from town- where there is more air and more to amuse. I have thought it best to do nothing at collecting till I get farther north, where game is more plenty, and I can make up a box worth shipping. When writing last, I did not think as Henry might collect on the plains as well as the Pacific slope. If so, he will no doubt get the "prairie dogs" and Antelope. If not so, then I will look after them and any other desiderata which are found through this region. If convenient please let me know as to this.

    I shall remain here till I hear

from you regarding the </u>pass. Then will start north where there is more of interest both geologically and zoologically, for about here it