Transcribe McNiel, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-14)

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I have five of the largest and three small with prehensile tails. Two of the 1st had the young clinging to them; And also, one of the latter. - I can not learn that they ever have more than </u one > at a birth. I am slowly getting together the radiater you mention. But some of the most desi- rable, are found at the pearl islands. As is the case with many things which I have not sent you; though I think you would be much interested in. And this fact, has made me quite miserable, that I could not have them to exhibit to you, in consequence of the state of my finances. In order to make a trip (</u pay; > ) enough money is required to cover expenses, and buy what is most desirable of the materi- al, the pearl divers bring in to me. And to employ natives for special collections. I have used to very good advantage, from $75 to $275 on a trip of 8 to 14 days. My ex- penses for boat & assistants, from $4 to $5 pr. day. I have several promises of such ma- terial as I have usually collected there,