Transcribe McNiel, John. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-04-14)

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have not yet indicated anything in that line, as yet. If I dared to spare funds for a couple of days dredging, (for which I am well prepared) I could soon fill the cask with desirable material. On the whole I think you may safely count on receiving the two packages early in May. I will get our Consuls certificate to invoice, which may expedite their passage through pur- gatory in N. G.

    A few days ago, a man came to question me

in regard to prices I pay for Mammals & c I thought him very much in earnest, until he proposed to bring me some of the ra- rer animals for less than 1/4 what others had declined to bring them for. But when I told him I would pay him more than double what ^he^ asked, for </u good > Specimens and even more for extra good. He seemed to go off with a severe turn of hunting fever. </u Something may > result from it. If nothing more, than his making an other call, in a day or two, to borrow money to buy ammunition with. </u Aqua dictum > though he did not look like an innebriate.