Transcribe Brainard, Chas. Rollin. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-01-04)

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nwh Boston Jan 4 1876 To Henry A Ward Esq Professor Natural Hist Rochester N. Y. My dear Sir

       A snake charmer in this

city has just lost the following snakes: 2 cobra 2 ft 10 in each in length 1 King 3 " 2" " " 1 Typhon 2 " 10" " " 1 Whip 2 " 10 " " " 1 rattler 3 " " " At least these are the names by which he calls them and I think they are correct. They are in

alcohol. Do they possess

any value in yr direction & if so what for I ? like to send them to you . They are unmutilated.

       Also one rattler's skin taken off

with a knife. Snake 6 ft 2 in long. Yours very truly Chas Rollin Brainard over