Transcribe Goode, G. Brown. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-01-10)

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February and March are good seasons for collecting in the Bermudas and I think you would find a trip there very agreeable. The water is apt to be pretty rough.

  I am unable to get the

money order cashed.

  I am sorry that I was not in

town when your letter arrived & I fear the delay may inconvenience you. When shall you begin sending on the mounted skeletons. Yours very truly W Browne Goode [another hand - George Brown Good Prof H A Ward Rochester N.Y. [another hand vertically on right side </u Goode > January/76 George Brown Good] I sent by mail from Middletown the two small specimens of </u Necturus laberalis > from Ecuse, Mich. desired by you.

