Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-01-10)

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nwh Paris Jan. 10th. 1856 My Dear Orton,

       You don't know how sorry

i am that your two welcome me pages of Nov. should have gone so long un- answered. I received them in the midst of a host of occupations which have not yet passed by. My lectures have increased since I wrote. My private studies demand more reading, and my day of 15 hours I find much to short for what i have to accomplish. In such a state of affairs the highest mark of regard which I can show a person is to lay aside my books & write them a letter - and as such a token I hope you will be pleased to receive the few lines which I Am now penning you while every Frenchman in the house is still fast asleep. Your last letter was full of interest to me. It brought vividly to my mind our former pleasant inter- course together, and gave me pleasing remeniscences of my country --- a land replete with prosperity & blessed with the smiles of God. My student life at Paris gives me