Transcribe Taft, Don Carlos. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-05-28)

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ybg </u Taft: >: May '81. S. S. U. Champaign May 28

                       "    31

Prof. H. A. Ward. Rochester, N. Y. Dear Sir;

  We are

rather in want of sum things; whether we can get them, or </u how many > will depend on three things; whether you have them, quality & price. The things we would like are the following, 1 Manated Skeleton of Armadillo Stuffed skin 2 18. Skin of Flamingo 3 30. Stork Adjutant 4 _ $22. Lammergeyer, or 5 _ Condor 6 _ %12. to 20. Bird of Paradise 7 - 10. Lyer Bird 8 -- Ostrich (African) Eq. 3.50 9 -- Skin of 12. Albatross.