Transcribe Morong, Thomas. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1879-01-24)

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Morong, Thomas. Letter to Ward, Henry Augustus. (1879-01-24), page 1

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nwh {page 1} Ashland. Mass. 24 Jan 4 1879 Hand change ans'd " letter recd: forwarded as soon as possible" M. B. B. Prof H. A. Ward May 2

       Dear Sir
              About a month

since, I think, my friend, Pres. E. P. Ten= ney, of Colorado College, wrote to you, at my request, to make some inquiries about connecting a regular botanical agency with your "Natural Science Establishment" at Rochester. I believe he only suc= ceeded in giving you the impression that a fiend of his wished to dis= pose of some plants. But my object then, as it is now, was to ascertain whether you would not like to con= nect a competent botanist with your work & establish a regular botanical depot for the sale & exchange of plants in all parts of our country and Europe. I had often thought, if a good opportunity offered, that I should like to establish such a depot myself, & when I received your circulars &